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Found 32 results

  1. If you are looking for addons whether it's for Shadowlands, Battle for Azeroth, Legion, Warlords of Draenor, and older clients use these two sites: At these three sites, you can sort addon projects by what type you are looking for (i.e. bag addons or ui addons). Once you have found the addon you want, you can sort it by patch version. If you have anymore questions about how to use these sites, feel free to post your questions below. Happy gaming, GM Boomkinbear
  2. Which version of Warlords of Draenor is needed to connect to Firestorm's WoD realm? Firestorm's WoD Client becomes corrupted when I extract all the files, specifically at data03 and I am not sure if it's my PC or the client files. I am searching online for a working Warlords of Draenor client, would anyone happen to know where I can find one? Preferably in English
  3. The Model change is not allowed anymore on Firestorm and will lock your account. - 09/10/2023 1. Requirements - Fully downloaded 5.4.8 wow client (use the firestorm launcher downloader) - WoD models (download) - Patched .exe (download) 2. Installation - Delete Cache folder in your WoW folder. - After your launcher downloaded 100% of the WoW click the settings cogwheel and choose Analyze and repair, this ensures your WoW is 100% complete. - After you've downloaded the WoD models extract the Data folder, we don't need the .exes. - Rename the 3 .MPQs to your WoW's language. - You can tell what your WoW language is by navigating to your wow folder/Data/ and under Cache you should see enUS or enGB or something else. - Now that we know our's WoW language we are going to rename the WoD models Data files. wow-update-enGB-18274.mpq to wow-update-enUS-17900.mpq wow-update-enGB-18274.mpq to wow-update-enUS-17901.mpq wow-update-enGB-18276.mpq to wow-update-enUS-17902.mpq - The numbers NEED to be same as mine, but your language will differ based on your WoW's language, this means I renamed enGB to enUS, because my WoW has American English. And numbers need to be that, because of the .exe loading them. - Put these renamed .MPQs into Data/wows language/ - Download the .exe from 1. and put it where original wow.exe is (This is what you will be launching the game with for the new models, use old wow.exe for pre-wod models) 3. Screenshots - Imgur galery 4. Credits jh16 - patched .exe dreadblade - wod models for 5.4.8 Rangorn & Xeriae - porting models If anything is not clear enough please respond to this topic, I will try to help you even though I have zero experience how any of this works :D!
  4. Server Wiki --> How to Install + Bug Fixes Hello there comrades of WoD. I have compiled a fairly comprehensive wiki to benefit the community of WoD. On it you'll find gearing guides, addon packs, raid guides, class guides, and a ton more. For those of you reading this in english, find me in-game or write me a message in-game. Players are in guilds separated by languages, with the english speakers centralized in my Guardians guild. So find me and join the community <3
  5. I'm stuck at the quest that requires you to kill Gezz'ran as well as a riverbeast in Shadowmoon Valley. I kill them but it won't give me credit. Someone said there is a trick to get two of the mounts from the garrison stables but I don't know how. Any tips?
  6. Hello. We're a group of 4 friends. we reached level 90 and started the quests in Draenor. At some point the 3 of us got the Prepare for Battle quest from Thrall but one of us didn't and there are no more quests for him in order to proceed. What should we do now?
  7. Hello everyone and hello fans of Draenor! I appeal first of all to the administration! You are the last server to support the WoD addon. Why did you abandon server technical support? I really wanted to play this addon after Pandaria, but as it turned out, the quest content does not work at all, there are a lot of bugs in the game. It is impossible to complete the storyline of the game, not to mention the fact that the search for companions in the dungeons is empty. Please pay attention to the quest content of Draenor, fix the quests and garrisons! People really want to play this addon because you are the only ones who support this addon! Hope you hear us! Thanks!
  8. Hello everyone! I haven't played here in a long time and now that I'm back, I only have 200k in Legion and tons of gold in Warlords of Draenor. I want to buy all the gold you have in Legion with gold I have in WoD. I'll pay double the gold you give me. (negotiable) For example, if you give me 50k gold in Legion, I will give you 100k on the WoD server. If you don't trust me, I can give you the gold first. To contact me, just reply in this thread or PM me! My main character is named Purr in WoD and Legion.
  9. Hey English speakers this message has two pieces of information for you. #1: Join the Guardians guild, it's the only good guild on the server and you might as well be in it. #2: Check out the wiki I wrote for all the people who want to git gud. The server is still very much alive and thriving if you're in the right place. PVP still happens, BGs still happen, Raids happen almost daily, and people are literally the fastest in WoW history (I fly at almost 800%). If you want to become strong there is one place to do it, in my guild. If you want to become REALLY STRONG and *fast* then you should read these guides.
  10. Hello, I was wondering why Firestorm stopped with updating Warlords of Draenor realm, I know there is much less population than on other realms, but if Firestorm wants to bring players the best place to play, I would say that they could get atleast an SQL Developer to fix major stuff around so players should see atleast some new updates for this. In my opinion best thing would be to get solid and active development team focused on updating realm, but I know that's a harsh for low population server. Let me know what you think about it. Thanks,
  11. Hello there Gul'danians and WoD enthusiasts. I write to you today to tell you of the wiki I have written on your behalf. A wiki and series of guides designed to make you a badass mofo faster than everyone else. To give you the tips and tricks you need to impress your friends and the ladies/gentlemen in your life. Here you will find a collection of information unique to Firestorm and written with you in mind. Follow my paved road and become strong.
  12. Greetings, there is currently an issue on your WoD server where it says "There is no connection to the cross-server" whenever anybody tries to queue 2v2,3v3,bg,rbg or anything. We cannot even send tickets to GMs. I see nobody has reported this issue but funnily enough players have enough time to report players, sad times we live in. Thanks in advance.
  13. Wont to play on Firestorm server with linux? No problem. I using Debian GNU/Linux 8.5 "Jessie" but this guide will be work on other popular linux distributions. 1. Download Full game Easy way is download from torrent, go on link and download torrent file and with Torrent client download "World of Warcraft 6.2.3 Full - Firestorm" 2. Install PlayOnLinux I using Debian GNU/Linux Jessie 8.5 distribution and installation is very simple and fast. Open console as root and install program with: If wont last version of PlayOnLinux go on and check information how to install. 3. Configure PlayOnLinux for Wine Click on Tools->Manage Wine versions Click on "Wine versions (x86)" and I select 1.9.12-staging Click next and wait to download wine and some packages... Wine now is ready for use, now close wine versions manager and going on next step. 4. Configure PlayOnLinux for WOW In main window have toolbar and click Configure, click New, click Next Select "32 bits windows installation" and click on Next Select Wine from step 2. and click Next Choose the name of virtual drive I use "Firestorm" and click Next 5. Make account on Firestorm Open link and complete form: username,email,password then click on Register and check mail for verification account. 6. Install Full Game client and Firestorm Launcher Open file manager and in "PlayOnLinux's virtual drives->Firestorm->drive_c" make folder "Games" and copy game downloaded from torrent in Games folder Open link login (if not loged), on section JOIN US select expansion: Warlords of Draenor Click on Choose (WOD), and You will got link for download launcher, download and save FirestormLauncherSetup.exe Now going to install Firestorm Launcher, click Configure on toolbar of PlayOnLinux and select Firestorm Click on Miscellaneous and click on "Run a .exe file in this virtual drive", and select FirestormLauncherSetup.exe 7. FireStorm Launcher After star Firestorm Launcher You will got this: Enter e-mail, password and click on LOG IN, then click on icone "Warlords od Draenor" (last row) and click on "Already Installed ?". Select "My Computer->C:->Games->World of Warcraft 6.2.3 Full - Firestorm" and click OK Selected folder contain the full game, click Yes Wait to download base files, don't click Play go on step 8., close launcher. 8. Before starting game make finally preparation Go in PlayOnLinux, click on toolbar Configure Select Firestorm, and click on Miscellaneous then select "Open virtual drive's directory" Now before start game make shortcut, go on PlayOnLinux and click on toolbar Configure, select Firestorm and under General select "Make a new shortcut from this virtual drive" Your PlayOnLinux now looks: 9. First start Start Firestorm Launcher, click on Warlords of Draenor then click on Play, on first start You will got dialog for language, just press OK Wait 3-5 min to show/finish finally preparation... Game will start but first time will not start OpenGL driver, now close game Open file drive_c/Games/WOW/WTF/ find in file: SET gxApi "D3D11" and replace with: SET gxApi "OpenGL" add if not exist video resolution (in my case 1920x1080) SET gxResolution "1920x1080" other option setup from game for example: - Anti-Aliasing - Vertical Sync - Texture Resolution - View Distance etc... 10. Enjoy in game That is all , see You in game. * note : after start game, can't click other options in firestorm launcher just simple close and restart if need. ** note: when start game in first 30 - 60 sec I have litle "lag" efect but after that all work perfect
  14. The current season on our WoD realm Gul'dan will end on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020 at 11:00 AM (server time). The new season will begin on the same day and last approximately 8 months. Conquest points will be reset when setting up the new season. The rewards will be distributed to 2v2. Here are the level of rewards: Top 3 players: Wild Gladiator, Gladiator titles, Wild Gladiator: Warlords Season 2, the mount Wild Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling and 100 Firestorm Points on their account. We will also be banning and removing players who have been win-trading during this season. Please remember that you must have at least 50 matches during this season in order to be eligible for rewards. Based on PVP Activity, we won't be ending the upcoming season until some players actually reach 1k5 rating, which in itself is a low amount. Make WoD PVP Great again! Edit: Rewards have been given, congratulations to Ðreambítçh, Everts and Korráz !
  15. wod

    The current season on our WoD realm will end on Wednesday, July 31st, 2019 at 10:00 AM (server time). The new season will begin on the same day and last approximately 6 months. Conquest points will be reset when setting up the new season. The award distribution will happen at the same time and only available for 2v2 since the 3v3 ladder was inactive. The rewards will be distributed to 2v2. Here are the level of rewards: Top 1 to 7 (minimum 2200 rating): Primal Gladiator, and the mount Top 8 to 15 (minimum 2100 rating): Gladiator, and the mount Top 16 to 30 (minimum 2000 rating): Duelist, Top 31 to 50 (minimum 1900 rating): Rival and Top 51 to 75 (minimum 1800 rating): Challenger and We will also be banning and removing players who have been win-trading during this season. Please remember that you must have at least 50 matches during this season in order to be eligible for rewards. Good luck and congratulations to all participants.
  16. Hello there Gul'danians and WoD enthusiasts. I write to you today to tell you of the wiki I have written on your behalf. A wiki and series of guides designed to make you a badass mofo faster than everyone else. To give you the tips and tricks you need to impress your friends and the ladies/gentlemen in your life. Here you will find a collection of information unique to Firestorm and written with you in mind. Follow my paved road and become strong.
  17. So, here is a guide on how to fix the 114 Error that the players are getting on the WoD realm, recently. This error means there is a problem relating to the auth server. It either means that the auth server itself is having issues or that you are missing some files (or something happened to those files) that are needed for the auth server. This guide focuses on the second issue which is the case, currently. If you are having this issue that means something happened to your bnet auth files or that you just downloaded the torrent only without using the launcher. Here is how you fix this. It is really simple. Download and use the latest version of the launcher and launch it, then login using your details. When you go into the main screen, close the launcher. That is it. You do not need the launcher, anymore. You can launch using wow exe files. Why does this work? It is because the launcher downloads the required bnet auth files. If something happens to your bnet auth files, the launcher grabs them for you. Still cannot connect? Do the following: Go to this folder: C:\Users\All Users Find the folder named Blizzard Entertainment within the above folder. Delete the Blizzard Entertainment folder. Launch the Firestorm Launcher and log in with your details. Wait until you see the main screen, then quit the launcher (if you want) You can now log in without issues. You can backup this Blizzard Entertainment folder in case something happens to it in the future, so you can restore it without using the launcher. I do not know what happened to my bnet auth files, personally. Though, I assume they have changed in some way. Maybe, updated??? Who knows. Anyway, using this solution I was able to log back into the game. If any moderator want to merge this guide into the main connection guide, feel free to do it. P.S. If anyone is still having issues even after using my guide. Please let me know here. Though, please do not skip any of the steps.
  18. Most popular WoD addons with direct download links for our current patch on Firestorm Deadly Boss Mods Deadly Boss Mods is a boss alert mod. It consists of many individual "boss modules", mini addons that are designed to trigger alert messages and timer bars for one specific raid boss each. (Download link) Master Plan Master Plan modifies the Garrison Missions UI, making it easyer to figure out what do you want to do. It can both suggest and complete parties to maximize mission rewards. (Download link) Recount Recount is a simple graphical damage meter. The addon views activity in the combat log, and uses that information to provide tables and graphs showing the damage and healing distribution of a group or raid. (Download link) NPC Scan & NPC Scan Overlay NPC Scan is an addon which helps you to find rare mobs trough use of dynamic target macros, mouse over alerts and for Vignette mobs proximity. Once mob is found by one of these methods screen alert is displayed, in addition to audio alert. NPC Scan Overlay is an addition to NPC Scan that adds map overlays for rare mob patrols. NPC Scan (Download link) NPC Scan Overlay (Download link) Weak Auras 2 Weak Auras is a powerful and flexible framework that allows you to display highly costumizable graphics on your screen to indicate buffs, debuffs and a whole host of similar types of information. (Download link) AtlasLoot Enhanced AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game. (Download link) Handy Notes & Handy Notes Draenor Treasures Handy Notes for your map. Draenor Treasures plugin shows draenor treasures and rarespawns on the map and minimap. Treasures which have been looted and rares which have been killed are automaticly hidden. Handy Notes (Download link) Draenor Treasures plugin (Download link) Titan Panel Titan Panel adds one or two information bars on the top and bottom of the screen and allows a framework for extensive plugin support. (Download link) Auctionator Auctionator is designed for casual everyday auction house users. Auctionator makes the auction house easier to use, by presenting auction house listings clearly and succintly. (Download link) Bartender 4 Bartender 4 is a full action bar replacement mod. It provides you with all the features needed to fully costumize most aspects of your action and related bars. (Download link) TomTom TomTom is your personal navigation assistent in World of Warcraft. This addon is very simple, but provides a nice set of functionality. (Download link) Carbonite Maps and others Carbonite Maps is a google style map replacement. Carbonite Maps (Download link) Carbonite Social (Download link) Carbonite Quests (Download link) Carbonite Warehouse (Download link) Carbonite Info (Download link) Carbonite Weekly (Download link) Carbonite Notes (Download link) TradeSkillMaster TradeSkillMaster (abbreviated "TSM") is a modular addon suite designed to help both casual gold makers as well as experienced auction house goblins streamline their gold-making processes including everything from crafting things to buying mats to snatch (dealfinding) lists to creating and canceling auctions. (Download link) (will add modules later)
  19. Dear Firestorm Staff... Ashran is a horrible place right now on Firestorm, because of the raid party System. On retail Ashran has a queue System like Wintergrasp, and Tol barad. On Firestorm this does not work, but you could make it much better with a little bit of effort. My idea was to make Ashran's queue System similar to whats on retail, but without waiting. When someone enters ashran, a window pops up in the middle of the screen asking the player if it wants to join the battle. When you press the yes button you stay in the area, but if you press no, you get kicked to the safe Warspear / Stormshield place. What if you guys could make the Yes button to invite the player to a raid Group, so the players could stick together and fight as on retail. Sorry for my English, and i hope you could understand anything of it. I hope you guys will make a fix for Asrhan.
  20. Hi everyone, Since Monday, 8th of August, Blackhand is available on live realms, without any loots, PvE ranking and achievement. We can't tell you when the boss will be really relased with its loots, ranking and achievement yet, it'll depend on the reported bugs, if there is any. This encounter is also available on the PTR realm. We want you to give us feedbacks if you ever experienced any issue or something wrong during this fight. Please, use the following format: - Raid difficulty. - Steps for reproducing the issue. - If possible, any image or video related to this issue. All of these returns will help us to fix the boss faster and easier, so we can offer you a content of the best possible quality. Thanks for your support, and enjoy your fight against the Iron Horde!
  21. Greetings fellow Stormers! I have been wanting to do this for a while but haven't found the right server to do it on, however I feel that Firestorm is that server. I would like to do a 3v3 Tournament consisting of every WoD server on Firestorm. Now, I'm not sure if that's possible but I guess if we got every single 3v3 team that regularly queues 3s to just stop and then only have the two teams that need to fight eachother to go, then it would work. However, I'm not perfect at this sort of thing so I'd definitely need help from Staff. I would stream this as well as get the word out to everyone I can and that can hopefully bring others to Firestorm. I, myself, have taken part in many tournaments on other realms and it has been great for them, so I think doing one here would be as well. Just kind of a request out to the GM's and Devs to hopefully get this thing going. We did a 1v1 Tournament yesterday on the Tournament realm so I know this wouldn't be necessarily impossible, however it's much more difficult than that. Anyway, thanks for reading and +1 this to hopefully get the attention of everyone! PS. If a GM would like to message me to talk about this, I would be very grateful, thanks!
  22. Hi everyone, We will release the Iron Maidens encounter this 11th of July on live realms, without any loots, PvE ranking and achievement. We can't tell you when the boss will be really relased with its loots, ranking and achievement yet, it'll depend on the reported bugs, if there is any. This encounter is also available on the PTR realm. We want you to give us feedbacks if you ever experienced any issue or something wrong during this fight. Please, use the following format: - Raid difficulty. - Steps for reproducing the issue. - If possible, any image or video related to this issue. All of these returns will help us to fix the boss faster and easier, so we can offer you a content of the best possible quality. Thanks for your support, and enjoy your fight against the Iron Horde!
  23. Dear Firestorm staff... Right now on the live servers the rare spawn mobs (,,, etc..) has a very low damage, so everyone can kill it alone, without any help. On retail players can only kill this mob with a 5 man Group. This makes firestorm a bit unsocial. If the damage would be raised as on retail, the players would gather a Group together to kill these mobs. Also the ah prices of the items dopped from these mobs would be raised, which is much better than 5k gold... Please fix this little bug to make the server better.
  24. It would be an amazing idea to implement an arena spectator. Because 90% of the time I am sat in PvP zones, doing nothing when I have nothing to do. It would be viable as it would give players that have nothing to do, something to do, on top of that, it'll help GMs witness hackers and we wouldn't have to provide video evidence, due to the fact that 90% of players don't actually report hackers GMs could use this to catch them out. Arena spectators would also give lower-rated players insight on what to do, if that makes sense. It would help them to progress, not by watching me, you can only get worse, but for players that actually know what they're doing and are high rated, yeah. I understand it'll be alot of work to implement this, but it's a good idea, I think personally and would be very beneficial for multiple reasons. Thank you in advance. -Incarnwin.