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Found 38 results

  1. Hello! I have only ever player WoW up to Cataclysm and wanted to try the new versions. That's how I found this server and hit 70. I tried to find PvP/PvE vendors but everything is so different and on top of all it seems like there are firestorm exclusive vendors and currencies which makes it extremely confusing to me. Could someone explain what are the main ways to progress your gear through PvP/PvE, what vendors should I trade with and what currencies should I try to get? I saw there is a "Great Vault" system but I do not know what kind of rewards I would get from there or which dungeons/raids apply to progressing it. Any info would be extremely useful and appreciated! Thanks!
  2. I get this message that says, "For being able to buy this item, your character has to be at least at level:" it don't give me a level. I have 415 silver and tried to buy a trasmog for 60 silver. Furthermore, I'm lost.
  3. Hi! The portal to go to Zuldazar doesn't show up on my Orc Shaman but is there on my other character. My Shaman was a Dwarf a couple of months ago it may be why there's a problem. Please help
  4. Firestorm shadowlands wont launch/show.. After I choose the language nothing happens.. But I can see it in the task manager running.
  5. Hey Everyone Please can someone on dev team or moderator who can give me names and details about each Guardian appearances obtained after buying Legion Artifact Appearances from the Shop for my druid ??
  6. So after completing all the quests in Mardum, I'm left with this one, "The Keystone", and we have to kill the Brood Queen Tyranna, but she has 111K and I'm just one, so how am I suppost to progress?
  7. I click the WoW.exe.The cas cystem was unable to initialize.. I cant find the patch 9.2 on the official website. The downloaded 9.2.7firestorm.exe clicked and didnot respond.
  8. Hi there i play on Oribos for like a month or so.. Im having issues with the addOns most of them arent working. Ive downloaded the full client(torrent) unziped the files started the game and etc. The problem is that most of my addOns arent working properly i cant find a DBM addOn or an Barthender that works for me. Ive downloaded addOns from curse for the same version as my game is... and tried also diffrent sites with there versions and i cant find some that are working. Please give me a source or info from where are you downloading yours and are they working as they have to. Thank you!
  9. hey, I started a few days ago on the server because I felt like playing mop. now the problem: I wrote a ticket. I tried to get help on Discord. I applied for a second chance. I was banned 3 days ago for the following reason: - Garrosh - Wintrade 1st Offense. But why? I bought a Warlock lvl 90(pve) to have fun right away. After 5-6 Random Bg I got banned. No Arena. But WHY?! I do not get it. And no sign of support. Is there anyone else active here who can help me? I have 2 weeks vacation that wanted to spend here with playing. In this period I am now banned here for nothing.
  10. I'm new and I've been trying to play in the Oribos realm of Shadowlands. I am entering my account email and password correctly, and the specifications of my computer are: - macOS Big Sur - Version 11.7.1 - Intel but the following appears: You can see that the data in is the Firestorm default. Game folder after starting the Shadowlands client
  12. Friends, I constantly meet players who are new to World of Warcraft and there are very few instructions for the game, I found a man who shows and explains in detail what World of Warcraft is and how it should be played, this will a lot to help new players as well as existing players, you can pick up a lot of tips and tricks here. The only drawback is that the content is limited to the countries of the Balkans, that is, the former Yugoslavia. Some of the topics are: What is a world of warcraft? Talk about classes? Right down to how each class works. I believe this will be of help to you. Channel Link: I hope this is not against the rules.
  13. Friends, I constantly meet players who are new to World of Warcraft and there are very few instructions for the game, I found a man who shows and explains in detail what World of Warcraft is and how it should be played, this will a lot to help new players as well as existing players, you can pick up a lot of tips and tricks here. The only drawback is that the content is limited to the countries of the Balkans, that is, the former Yugoslavia. Some of the topics are: What is world of warcraft? Talk about classes? Right down to how each class works. I believe this will be of help to you. Channel Link: I hope this is not against the rules.
  14. Hi all, how are you? I'm going to start in Shadowlands server, but i don't really know wich is the path to follow besides leveling. I played classic, tbc and wotlk, but i was never been here, so i would like to look for some guides/tips. Ty all, have a good day.
  15. Hi there. Instaled this for my kid to play . I was active til mid wotolk . so i will play a bit as well. I need help with chat. cant aces it, cant comunicate and i dont know is it beouse game is stil downloading or i have to set somting up. tnx in advance.
  16. Hello, Somebody know why i can't apply transmog? Sometimes i can to some items, but sometimes not. Is this a known issue? I have all my transmogs selected, but when I Apply the transmog sound plays but nothing happens. (I have the required levels and gold and all that) relogging also doesn't work Thank you in advance!
  17. If i try and log in with my credentials it says there wrong please help
  18. Quest bugged : bubbling totem testing/court of zak'rajan disrupted . Location : voldun I've been trying everything to do this quest and it isnt working i found other players and they're saying the same thing,i really need that trinket what should i do? Thanks
  19. Hi ı am 120 lvl ( Felaketler ) . I did Uniting Kul Tiras and Nation Divided mission. I want to start Nazjatar questline for essence etc. But this mission does not pop up. I relog several times but nothing changed. Help me please.
  20. Hi guys , i finished the quests as i saw in youtube videos to gain the abillity to buy the "netherwing" drake , i couldn't buy them and the orcs weren't neutral with me. can someone help me with it?
  21. Greetings, there is currently an issue on your WoD server where it says "There is no connection to the cross-server" whenever anybody tries to queue 2v2,3v3,bg,rbg or anything. We cannot even send tickets to GMs. I see nobody has reported this issue but funnily enough players have enough time to report players, sad times we live in. Thanks in advance.
  22. I am lvl36 and just finished the first region qwest in kultarians with the corresponding dungon. but when I go to the souting map in the harbor master office I can't find the next region qwest to continue the story. Does anyone know a solution for this? i think that is a bug in the game .
  23. Hello, I just finished leveling my first character to lvl 60, and started a second one. After finishing the tutorial exile's reach, in stormwind, I have no quests to do and no idea what to do. I used the boat to get to boralus, but there are no quests available to start questing. I'm very lost and can't find info online on how to start questing. Edit: I went to alduin, started the "Horde Uprising quest" that says " Report to Master Mathias Shaw for further instruction. " but that guy is nowhere to be found. I've seen in videos that he enters the room running, but it's not for me. I tried loggin off and in of course, but no luck. Edit2: Oh my god, what happened is that the initial mission once you get to the city, you take your first mount, then go to the tavern. Well, at that taber after making it your inn, a guard comes running, and it gives you the main quest mission. My guard didn't come, it was bugged, now I did came back and the guard appeared. It took me 5 hours of roaming around the world to discover this:
  24. After the beta, are we going to KEEP our beta chars or do we have to start all over again?
  25. A while back when I was using a torrent, I got a warning that Spectrum would shut down my internet if I continued to use it. Would using firestorm be the same thing? I really want to play, love this server, but I don't want to lose my internet just for downloading or playing. I don't have a VPN, I haven't been able to find a free one and I can't afford to pay for one. (Yes, I'm that strapped for cash atm) Does anyone know about this?