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Found 10 results

  1. Couldn't find this info listed anywhere, figured I'd ask. I'm an altoholic and like to roll up a bunch of new characters at once and then play whichever one strikes me at the time. I went to roll up characters on Sethraliss and got stopped at 18; I'm at over 30 on Oribos so I was confused. How many characters am I able to have per server/account?
  2. Hi. I have 3 characters in my game account. I want transfer only one of them to other faction. I have to delete 2 characters that remain in old faction? What will happen if I not delete them and will buy faction transfer for this one I want to transfer? I will have an account with characters in different factions?
  3. Hello there, I think I made a mistake. I got the 50th mount for my account in my alt character, as it was a racial mount. I expected to get the albino drake sent to my main character as well, but I didn't, and instead just got it on my alt, even though my main character got the achievement too. Now I cannot use the mount, since it requires level 70 and Artisan Riding, of which my alt has neither, since he's level 56. I'm wondering is there anything that can be done? Thank you very much. p.s: I play on Sethraliss, no idea why it says warlords on my account.
  4. I’m a returning player! I lost my old email for my level 100 toons. Who could I write to to find out what my old email was for my toon Superpants?
  5. Hello everyone It would be my problem that once yet Gul'dan on I was playing and I would like to come back but I forgot my email address mett there are more,I remember my password,polythrone 100 mages were the characters © MorphoLogic 1991-2
  6. I had one character on the Oribos server for a long time. Theoretically, I still have one character. Unfortunately, I have been seeing 2 identical characters for several days. All the time their information is the same, i.e. level, location after logging out, appearance, equipment. I am concerned that deleting one of these characters will delete both of them. What could be causing a character duplication?
  7. What is this message about "Your battle slots are locked because this account is logged in multiple times." Has someone hacked my account and is using it at the same time I'm playing?
  8. After the beta, are we going to KEEP our beta chars or do we have to start all over again?
  9. Here we go, show me your screenshot of one of your last game moments. (you can make screenshots with hit the print button, the button right of f12. in directory "screenshot" of your game you will find the pictures) have fun, flaming is not allowed
  10. Can a loyal 31 month pandashan player receive bonus character slots? I'm asking for atleast 1. For example, if you had atleast 1 character on Elegon you'd get 11 more on Tharan'Zhu when Elegon was removed. People had 22 character slots. So why can't I have 12, or more? I have deleted tons of high level characters, you have no idea! (My character list is obviously full)....