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Hi! This post is to help answer the burning question each of you have that wants to do older content. Which instances are doable and which are not. Note: This list is currently up to date till 10.2.7 and is ONLY for the [Valdrakken] Realm. A bit of explaining how the list will be laid out: Available - the instance is fully doable. Not available - the instance is not doable at all. Available - the instance is doable but there are a few minor issues, with this a workaround will be listed if there is one and what the exact issue is. Feel free to add any extra information missed in the comments below and it will be updated on the list. Classic Dungeons: Blackfathom Deeps - Available Blackrock Depths - Available The Deadmines Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Dire Maul East - Available Dire Maul North - Available Dire Maul West - Available Ragefire Chasm - Available Maraudon - Available Lower Blackrock Spire - Available Gnomeregan - Available Razorfen Kraul - Available Razorfen Downs - Available Scarlet Monastery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Scarlet Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Scholomance Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Stratholme - Available Shadowfang Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Stockade - Available The Temple of Atal'hakkar - Available Uldaman - Available Wailing Caverns - Available Zul'farrak - Available Classic Raids: Molten Core - Available Blackwing Lair - Available Ruins of Ahn'qairaj - Available Temple of Ahn qiraj - Available The Burning Crusade Dungeons: Auchenai crypts Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Shadow Labyrinth Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Sethekk Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Mana Tombs - Available The Slave Pens Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Steamvault Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Underbog Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Blood Furnace Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Hellfire Rampart Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Shattered Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Mechanar Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Tempest Keep - Available The Botanica Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Magisters' Terrace Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Old Hillsbrad Foothills Normal/Heroic Mode -Available The Black Morass Normal/Heroic Mode - Not available The Buring Crusade Raids: Karazhan - Available Gruul's Lair - Available Serpentshrine Cavern - Available The Eye - Available Magtheridons Lair- Available The Battle for Mount Hyjal - Available Black Temple - Available Sunwell Plateau - Available Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons: The Violet Hold Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Trial of the Champion Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Halls of reflection Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Forge of Souls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Pit of Saron Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Nexus Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Oculus Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Azjol-Nerub Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Ahn'kahef: The Old Kingdom Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Dark'Tharon Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Gundrak Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Utgrade Pinnacle Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Utgrade Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Halls of Stone Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Halls of Lighting Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Culling of Stratholme Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Wrath of the Lich King Raids: Vault of Archavon 10/25 Normal Mode - Available Naxxramas 10/25 Normal Mode - Available Obsidian sanctum 10/25 Normal Mode - Available The Eye of Eternity - Available Ulduar - Available Trial of the crusader 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Not available Onyxia's Lair 10/25 Normal Mode - Available Ice crown Citedal 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The ruby sanctum 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Cataclysm Dungeons: Deadmines Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Shadowfang Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available End Time - Available Hour of Twilight - Available Zul'Gurub Normal Mode - Not available Zul'Gurub Heroic Mode - Available The Stonecore - Available Grim Batol Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Halls of Origination Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Lost City of the Tol'vir Normal/Heroic - Available The Vortex Pinnacle Normal/Heroic - Available Blackrock Caverns Normal/Heroic - Available Well of Eternity - Not available Throne of the Tide - Available Zul'Aman - Available Cataclysm Raids: Baradin Hold - Available Blackwing Descent 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The bastion of twilight 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Throne of the Four winds 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Firelands Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Dragon Soul 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available LFR NPC: Auridormi - Available Mist of Pandaria Dungeons: Temple of the Jade Serpent - Available Mogu'shan Palace - Available Shado-Pan Monastery - Available Scarlet Monastery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Scarlet Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Siege of Niuzao Temple Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Scholomance Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Stormstout Brewery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Mist of Pandaria Raids: Mogushan Vaults 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Terrace of Endless Spring 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Heart of Fear 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Throne of Thunder 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Siege of Orgimmar Normal/Heroic - Available LFR NPC: Lorewalker Han - Available Warlords of Draenor Dungeons: Auchindoun - Available Grimrail Depot - Available The Everbloom - Available Bloodmaul Slag Mines - Available Skyreach - Available Iron Docks - Available Upper Blackrock Spire - Not available Shadowmoon Burial Grounds - Available Raids of Warlords of Draenor: Highmaul all difficulties - Available Blackrock Foundry all difficulties - Available Hellfire Citadel all difficulties - Available World Bosses of Warlords of Draenor: Drov the Ruiner - Available Tarlna the Ageless - Available https://www.wowhead.com/npc=87493/rukhmar - Available Supreme Lord Kazzak - Not available LFR NPC: Seer Kazal - Not available Legion Dungeons: Halls of Valor - Available Violet Hold - Available Blackrook Hold - Available Cathedral of Eternal Night - Available Vault of the Wardens - Available Court of Stars - Available Darkheart Thicket - Available Maw of Souls - Available The Arcway - Available Eye of Azshara - Available Return to Karazhan - Available Seat Of Triumvirate - Available Legion Raids: Emerald Nightmare - Available Trial of Valor - Available Nighthold - Available Tomb of Sargeras - Available Antorus the Burning Throne - Available LFR NPC: Archmage Timear - Available Battle for Azeroth Dungeons: Freehold - Available Ataldazar - Available Waycrest Manor - Available King's Rest - Available Shrine of the Storm - Available The Underrot - Available Siege of Boralus - Available Tol-Dagor - Available Temple of Sethralis - Available The MOTHERLODE! - Available Battle for Azeroth Raids: Uldir - Available Battle of Dazar'alor - Available Crucible of the Storms - Available The Eternal Palace - Available Ny'alotha The Waking City - Available LFR NPC: Kiku - Available Eppu - Available Shadowlands Dungeons: https://www.wowhead.com/zone=13577/tazavesh-the-veiled-market - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=12916/the-necrotic-wake - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=12831/halls-of-atonement - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=13228/plaguefall - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=13334/mists-of-tirna-scithe - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=12841/theater-of-pain - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=13309/de-other-side - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=12842/sanguine-depths - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=12837/spires-of-ascension - Available Shadowlands Raids: Requires a Raidgroup to enter those instances. https://www.wowhead.com/zone=13224/castle-nathria - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=13561/sanctum-of-domination - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=13742/sepulcher-of-the-first-ones - Available LFR NPC: Ta'elfar - Available World Bosses for Shadowlands: Weekly Rotation Mortanis - Valinor - Available Nurgash Muckformed - Oranomonos the Everbranching - Mor'geth - Available Always up Antros - Available Dragonflights: https://www.wowhead.com/zone=14032/algethar-academy - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=13991/brackenhide-hollow - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=14082/halls-of-infusion - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=14011/neltharus - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=14063/ruby-life-pools - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=13954/the-azure-vault - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=13982/the-nokhud-offensive - Available Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=14514/dawn-of-the-infinite - Available Raids for Dragonflights: https://www.wowhead.com/zone=14030/vault-of-the-incarnates - Available https://www.wowhead.com/zone=14663/aberrus-the-shadowed-crucible - Available Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope - Available World Bosses for Dragonflights: https://www.wowhead.com/npc=193534/strunraan - Available https://www.wowhead.com/npc=193535/basrikron - Available https://www.wowhead.com/npc=193532/bazual - Available https://www.wowhead.com/npc=193533/liskanoth - Available The Zaqali Elders - Available Aurostor, The Hibernating - Available - LFR/NM/HC, Mythic will be released later Last updated on 12/11/2024
- 52 replies
- availabilty
- dungeons
(and 7 more)
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Yo guys i have a question here, Does Voidtalon portal spawn here? I've seen a person with that mount yesterday on RBG
I cant purchase the Reins of the Drake of the West Wind in Tol Barad Peninsula because its locked despite all conditions for its obtainingare met. And the Game Master checked this issue and said that all is ok for the Alliance, but doesnt work for the Horde. People, if you have the same problem and want to get the drag, please, vote for my report in bugtracker please Link to report : Report # 104565 Or if you know how to fix it, please write!
Hello all i whant to ask does class mount quests works in bfa server?
Hello there, I think I made a mistake. I got the 50th mount for my account in my alt character, as it was a racial mount. I expected to get the albino drake sent to my main character as well, but I didn't, and instead just got it on my alt, even though my main character got the achievement too. Now I cannot use the mount, since it requires level 70 and Artisan Riding, of which my alt has neither, since he's level 56. I'm wondering is there anything that can be done? Thank you very much. p.s: I play on Sethraliss, no idea why it says warlords on my account.
- 5 replies
- achievement
- transfer
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Does Time-Lost Proto Drake swans in Sethraliss? I have been trying to get in but no luck and someone told me that you cant find it on the BFA server only on the older expansions.
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- sethraliss
- bfa
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I've been camping the Elusive Quickhoof spawn sites in Vol'dun for a while now, without seeing it once. Is it not scripted or just bad luck? Thanks!
Hi, I'm just wondering why I can't get the items to fulfill the dailies in order to get the Sinrunner Blanchy mount. It should be that I pick up 6 types of items to give Blanchy daily and at the end I get her reins as a mount. I don't even know if she spawns on this server. I can see she is purchased in the FS shop. But I was wondering if she will ever be fixed in game. Thank you!
- 2 replies
- mount
- ravendreth
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Title: Vindictive Gladiator's Storm Dragon Type: Shop Description: The store has all the analogues of these mounts, but this particular mount has not been available since season 1. Vindictive Gladiator's Storm Dragon https://www.wowhead.com/item=141843/vindictive-gladiators-storm-dragon Add pls this mount :) Regards, Player Firestorm.
Title: [BFA] Priestess' Moonsaber Type: Shop Description: It would be awesome to see the following mount added to the game's store! https://www.wowhead.com/item=166463/priestess-moonsaber
This guide helps you in creating your own multiplayer mount, the Sandstone Drake even if you don't have any gold. It is primarily targeted at new players and those who don't have 140k-200k gold in their coin purse to buy the mount on the auction house. This mount carries one passenger seat on its back, although it is not a true multiseat mount: you, the owner is itself transformed into a Dragon! Find out how you can acquire this gorgeous mount to have fun with your friends. Start with a very helpful video with maps: Vial of the Sands Materials Farming Guide Also, Icy Veins has written a super-detailed guide on farming the materials: Gold Making: The Vial of the Sands And there is the wowhead recipe listing: Vial of the Sands Though this guide is not concerned about farming the recipe itself, there is a good video for it: Fastest Way to Farm the Vial of the Sands Recipe! To summarize, you need: 36x Pyrium Bar - this will be the most difficult/expensive to get: bought from auction costs 36k on 2017-07-24, it is made from: 12x Elementium Bar (100-200 gold on auction) + 12x Volatile Earth (Transmuted ONE PER DAY with Alchemy 520 -> 12 days - if you have Alchemy, this is the cheap solution, all the mats cost only 2k on auction. Ideally you will have a Transmutation Master for Truegold) OR 72x Pyrite Ore (Mining 525 to Smelt, from Uldum and Twilight Highlands) 120x Volatile Fire ("fished" in Mount Hyjal or Twilight Highlands and 14% drop from Brimstone Destroyer , Flame Terror in Hyjal, or Enslaved Inferno in Twilight Highlands ) 120x Volatile Water (13% drop from Muddied Water Elemental or 14% from Enslaved Waterspout in Twilight Highlands -- Remember to run with a Potion of Luck when you are farming those Water elementals) 120x Volatile Air (28-36% drop in dungeon The Vortex Pinnacle in south-east Uldum) 128x Volatile Life (Herbalism 1 from Whiptail, some from Azshara's Veil and Cinderbloom) 128x Whiptail (Herbalism 1 in Uldum and Tol Barad) 64x Azshara's Veil (Herbalism 1 in Vashj'ir and Tol Barad Peninsula) 64x Cinderbloom (Herbalism 1 in Deepholm , Twilight Highlands and Mount Hyjal or 46% drop by Fiery Minion in Hyjal ) (Ideally you will have an Elixir Master for both sets of the flasks) 8x Albino Cavefish (26% loot, fished in Deepholm ) Vendor items from Yasmin in Uldum: 1x Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial for 5000g 8x Sands of Time for 8x3000g = 24k 16x Crystal Vial for pennies from any Alchemy / Trade Supplies npc For those, who want to use the mount to occasionally give free rides to low level characters or beginners: I will buy the vendor items for you in exchange of some extra materials, and hook you up with an Alchemist to cook you the Vial of the Sands. To help you with exchanging materials, contact me on the forum or ingame: Dallaryen on Sylvanas (Legion) Yours kindly, Dallaryen