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Found 17 results

  1. Hi! This post is to help answer the burning question each of you have that wants to do older content. Which instances are doable and which are not. Note: This list is currently up to date till 10.2.7 and is ONLY for the [Valdrakken] Realm. A bit of explaining how the list will be laid out: Available - the instance is fully doable. Not available - the instance is not doable at all. Available - the instance is doable but there are a few minor issues, with this a workaround will be listed if there is one and what the exact issue is. Feel free to add any extra information missed in the comments below and it will be updated on the list. Classic Dungeons: Blackfathom Deeps - Available Blackrock Depths - Available The Deadmines Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Dire Maul East - Available Dire Maul North - Available Dire Maul West - Available Ragefire Chasm - Available Maraudon - Available Lower Blackrock Spire - Available Gnomeregan - Available Razorfen Kraul - Available Razorfen Downs - Available Scarlet Monastery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Scarlet Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Scholomance Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Stratholme - Available Shadowfang Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Stockade - Available The Temple of Atal'hakkar - Available Uldaman - Available Wailing Caverns - Available Zul'farrak - Available Classic Raids: Molten Core - Available Blackwing Lair - Available Ruins of Ahn'qairaj - Available Temple of Ahn qiraj - Available The Burning Crusade Dungeons: Auchenai crypts Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Shadow Labyrinth Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Sethekk Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Mana Tombs - Available The Slave Pens Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Steamvault Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Underbog Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Blood Furnace Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Hellfire Rampart Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Shattered Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Mechanar Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Tempest Keep - Available The Botanica Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Magisters' Terrace Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Old Hillsbrad Foothills Normal/Heroic Mode -Available The Black Morass Normal/Heroic Mode - Not available The Buring Crusade Raids: Karazhan - Available Gruul's Lair - Available Serpentshrine Cavern - Available The Eye - Available Magtheridons Lair- Available The Battle for Mount Hyjal - Available Black Temple - Available Sunwell Plateau - Available Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons: The Violet Hold Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Trial of the Champion Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Halls of reflection Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Forge of Souls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Pit of Saron Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Nexus Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Oculus Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Azjol-Nerub Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Ahn'kahef: The Old Kingdom Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Dark'Tharon Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Gundrak Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Utgrade Pinnacle Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Utgrade Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Halls of Stone Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Halls of Lighting Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Culling of Stratholme Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Wrath of the Lich King Raids: Vault of Archavon 10/25 Normal Mode - Available Naxxramas 10/25 Normal Mode - Available Obsidian sanctum  10/25 Normal Mode - Available The Eye of Eternity - Available Ulduar - Available Trial of the crusader 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Not available Onyxia's Lair 10/25 Normal Mode - Available Ice crown Citedal 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The ruby sanctum 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Cataclysm Dungeons: Deadmines Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Shadowfang Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available End Time - Available Hour of Twilight - Available Zul'Gurub Normal Mode - Not available Zul'Gurub Heroic Mode - Available The Stonecore - Available Grim Batol Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Halls of Origination Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Lost City of the Tol'vir Normal/Heroic - Available The Vortex Pinnacle Normal/Heroic - Available Blackrock Caverns Normal/Heroic - Available Well of Eternity - Not available Throne of the Tide - Available Zul'Aman - Available Cataclysm Raids: Baradin Hold - Available Blackwing Descent 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The bastion of twilight 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Throne of the Four winds 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Firelands Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Dragon Soul 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available LFR NPC: Auridormi - Available Mist of Pandaria Dungeons: Temple of the Jade Serpent - Available Mogu'shan Palace - Available Shado-Pan Monastery - Available Scarlet Monastery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Scarlet Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Siege of Niuzao Temple Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Scholomance Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Stormstout Brewery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Mist of Pandaria Raids: Mogushan Vaults 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Terrace of Endless Spring 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Heart of Fear 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Throne of Thunder 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Siege of Orgimmar Normal/Heroic - Available LFR NPC: Lorewalker Han - Available Warlords of Draenor Dungeons: Auchindoun - Available Grimrail Depot - Available The Everbloom - Available Bloodmaul Slag Mines - Available Skyreach - Available Iron Docks - Available Upper Blackrock Spire - Not available Shadowmoon Burial Grounds - Available Raids of Warlords of Draenor: Highmaul all difficulties - Available Blackrock Foundry all difficulties - Available Hellfire Citadel all difficulties - Available World Bosses of Warlords of Draenor: Drov the Ruiner - Available Tarlna the Ageless - Available - Available Supreme Lord Kazzak - Not available LFR NPC: Seer Kazal - Not available Legion Dungeons: Halls of Valor - Available Violet Hold - Available Blackrook Hold - Available Cathedral of Eternal Night - Available Vault of the Wardens - Available Court of Stars - Available Darkheart Thicket - Available Maw of Souls - Available The Arcway - Available Eye of Azshara - Available Return to Karazhan - Available Seat Of Triumvirate - Available Legion Raids: Emerald Nightmare - Available Trial of Valor - Available Nighthold - Available Tomb of Sargeras - Available Antorus the Burning Throne - Available LFR NPC: Archmage Timear - Available Battle for Azeroth Dungeons: Freehold - Available Ataldazar - Available Waycrest Manor - Available King's Rest - Available Shrine of the Storm - Available The Underrot - Available Siege of Boralus - Available Tol-Dagor - Available Temple of Sethralis - Available The MOTHERLODE! - Available Battle for Azeroth Raids: Uldir - Available Battle of Dazar'alor - Available Crucible of the Storms - Available The Eternal Palace - Available Ny'alotha The Waking City - Available LFR NPC: Kiku - Available Eppu - Available Shadowlands Dungeons: - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available Shadowlands Raids: Requires a Raidgroup to enter those instances. - Available - Available - Available LFR NPC: Ta'elfar - Available World Bosses for Shadowlands: Weekly Rotation Mortanis - Valinor - Available Nurgash Muckformed - Oranomonos the Everbranching - Mor'geth - Available Always up Antros - Available Dragonflights: - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr - Available - Available Raids for Dragonflights: - Available - Available Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope - Available World Bosses for Dragonflights: - Available - Available - Available - Available The Zaqali Elders - Available Aurostor, The Hibernating - Available - LFR/NM/HC, Mythic will be released later Last updated on 12/11/2024
  2. Hello, I noticed that the evoker transmogrify shop is empty. Given that there is evoker visage form shouldn't all the regular items and weapons be available as well?
  3. Hello! I've tried to get the item Vial of Chloroform that is a reward from quest Bravo Company Field Kit: Chloroform, but the questline is bugged (you can't go beyond Turning the Gnomecorder). I wonder if there is a way I can buy this item in the shop (I've been looking for it but couldn't find it), as it would look great on a Forsaken alchemist, like Master Apothecary Faranell. Thank you beforehand.
  4. How are people transmoging two hand weapons into one hand and the other way around? I've seen some frost dks and fury warriors having their 1 hand weapons transmoged into 2 hand and it's not the artifact appearances. I ask because the game doesn't let you do this normally, so I don't know if this is a thing you buy from shop or if they are using external programs.
  5. Hello guys, how its going? I'm trying to get the Theldurin's Fist mog from the quest "The Day that Deathwing Came: What Really Happened" but aparently is bugged, on the retail quest we enter in a "scenario" kinda like and kill the Deathwing, but on the Shadowlands - Oribos isn't possible, someone know how to do this quest, or pick the Theldurin's fist mog? I'll apreciate every help or tip.
  6. Hello everybody, I allow myself to create a new post to ask my questions about the shop because I absolutely did not find clear answers on the forum... First of all, for the context, I stopped WoW around the release of Argus on Legion. I took over WoW a few days ago and noticed that my characters were being copied to BFA and Shadowlands. Next, I want to buy the "Warglaive of Azzinoth" from the shop for my DH transmog. However, I saw on some posts, an issue where people were buying the glaives a second time because when BFA was released, there was an issue with two achievements where you had to loot both swords on Illidan and equip it . Besides, the swords must be from the "Timewalking" version. So the questions I ask myself are: - In the shop for BFA, the glaives can only be found in the "transmogrification" part --> "Legion" instead of "BC". By taking the glaives here, can I transmogrify in game without having done the 2 successes? From which extension, I would not have this problem of realization? - Normally he should have 2 "Warglaive of Azzinoth" (main hand and off hand). But in the store, from BFA, there is only one left for "Warglaive of Azzinoth" with the description "One hand". So we don't need to buy 2 now? Instead of paying 200 FP for "right hand" and "left hand" on Legion, you only pay 100 FP for "one hand" and you can transmog on both glaives??? - If I buy the glaives on Legion/BFA, when I log into BFA (if I take them on Legion) or Shadowlands (waiting for version 9.2.7 on MAC), the swords will be present in the tab "collection" in the Game? I'm asking this because a copy of my character has already been created while I was away as I described above and I don't know how items purchased from the store are related (old/new account-wide even after the copy as it happened, etc.) - If I buy them on Shadowlands, will the glaives automatically transfer to future expansions (Dragonflight) or will I have to buy them again for each future expansion? And can I also find them on older expansions (BFA/Legion) ? So, I hope I was clear and I hope someone will have the answers to my questions. Thank you in advance and I wish you a very good game! Best Regards,
  7. transmog

    pretty much the title, i already figured out that the traditional transmog system doesnt work in this and you need to talk to the legendary transmog guy but how do you hide helm i cant seem to figure it out
  8. Hello, Somebody know why i can't apply transmog? Sometimes i can to some items, but sometimes not. Is this a known issue? I have all my transmogs selected, but when I Apply the transmog sound plays but nothing happens. (I have the required levels and gold and all that) relogging also doesn't work Thank you in advance!
  9. I am farming silvermoon reputation just to farm the Sin'dorei Heritage Armor, I would like to ask if the Heritage Armors are available? Setraliss Realm
  10. I leveled mag'har orc (warrior) from level 20 to 120, without boost or anything and i didnt get the mag'har orc heritage armor. Is that because of 10x rates or is that even posible on this server?
  11. I have a question: Will we keep our transmogs/mounts/heirlooms/toys that we collected in Sethraliss once the Shadowlands realm gets released in this server?
  12. Hay Guys and Guys that play female Characters, i'm looking for some people that are into farming items such as mounts, pets, toys, transmogs, etc. With the Island Expedition feature we can get a list of different items. I'm kinda bored to spam my macro into the world chats and find some people that want to farm more than just 3 Islands for the weekly quest. How to get the items? We have to farm dubloons and opens the chests from the Island Exp. vendor. But we also can get with a low chance randoms items when we've won the Island. Mainly i will farm on Alliance but Horde is also possible, i just need to gear my Horde character. More Informations:
  13. Title: Remove Shop restriction for Transmog weapon Type: Shop Description: Hi, since Sethraliss-BFA have Special Transmog NPC where can turn any 1-hand weapon to any other type of 1-hand weapon, same for 2h weapon as well. Can you remove the class restriction in shop? Some of the item is not farmable due to not raid/dungeon not properly scripted and already exist in SHOP (available for DK, Warrior, Paladin etc). Please remove the restriction at Transmogrify Weapon tab and open it for all class such as Priest able to buy 1-hand sword/axe and 2-hand sword/axe/polearm. Thank you!
  14. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening. Please could you add items to the shop that aren't part of a set? For example in the transmog section I really wanted to get but I can't because they're not in the shop and you only have item sets I know that's quite a lot of items but even if you just add all the transmog gear from dungeons/raids that would be great. I'm sure a lot more people would be transmogging if this was implemented.
  16. Hello. I would Love to see the Mistdancer Set in game. Currently there are no way to get this set (If im not mistaken). Since we do not have the option to get level 3 salvage yard (yet) I would love If you could add this set to shop For Loyalty points/Firestorm points Thank you very much for your time, And I hope Someone will see this