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Found 20 results

  1. Hi! This post is to help answer the burning question each of you have that wants to do older content. Which instances are doable and which are not. Note: This list is currently up to date till 10.2.7 and is ONLY for the [Valdrakken] Realm. A bit of explaining how the list will be laid out: Available - the instance is fully doable. Not available - the instance is not doable at all. Available - the instance is doable but there are a few minor issues, with this a workaround will be listed if there is one and what the exact issue is. Feel free to add any extra information missed in the comments below and it will be updated on the list. Classic Dungeons: Blackfathom Deeps - Available Blackrock Depths - Available The Deadmines Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Dire Maul East - Available Dire Maul North - Available Dire Maul West - Available Ragefire Chasm - Available Maraudon - Available Lower Blackrock Spire - Available Gnomeregan - Available Razorfen Kraul - Available Razorfen Downs - Available Scarlet Monastery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Scarlet Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Scholomance Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Stratholme - Available Shadowfang Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Stockade - Available The Temple of Atal'hakkar - Available Uldaman - Available Wailing Caverns - Available Zul'farrak - Available Classic Raids: Molten Core - Available Blackwing Lair - Available Ruins of Ahn'qairaj - Available Temple of Ahn qiraj - Available The Burning Crusade Dungeons: Auchenai crypts Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Shadow Labyrinth Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Sethekk Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Mana Tombs - Available The Slave Pens Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Steamvault Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Underbog Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Blood Furnace Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Hellfire Rampart Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Shattered Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Mechanar Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Tempest Keep - Available The Botanica Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Magisters' Terrace Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Old Hillsbrad Foothills Normal/Heroic Mode -Available The Black Morass Normal/Heroic Mode - Not available The Buring Crusade Raids: Karazhan - Available Gruul's Lair - Available Serpentshrine Cavern - Available The Eye - Available Magtheridons Lair- Available The Battle for Mount Hyjal - Available Black Temple - Available Sunwell Plateau - Available Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons: The Violet Hold Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Trial of the Champion Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Halls of reflection Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Forge of Souls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Pit of Saron Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Nexus Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Oculus Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Azjol-Nerub Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Ahn'kahef: The Old Kingdom Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Dark'Tharon Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Gundrak Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Utgrade Pinnacle Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Utgrade Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Halls of Stone Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Halls of Lighting Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The Culling of Stratholme Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Wrath of the Lich King Raids: Vault of Archavon 10/25 Normal Mode - Available Naxxramas 10/25 Normal Mode - Available Obsidian sanctum  10/25 Normal Mode - Available The Eye of Eternity - Available Ulduar - Available Trial of the crusader 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Not available Onyxia's Lair 10/25 Normal Mode - Available Ice crown Citedal 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The ruby sanctum 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Cataclysm Dungeons: Deadmines Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Shadowfang Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available End Time - Available Hour of Twilight - Available Zul'Gurub Normal Mode - Not available Zul'Gurub Heroic Mode - Available The Stonecore - Available Grim Batol Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Halls of Origination Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Lost City of the Tol'vir Normal/Heroic - Available The Vortex Pinnacle Normal/Heroic - Available Blackrock Caverns Normal/Heroic - Available Well of Eternity - Not available Throne of the Tide - Available Zul'Aman - Available Cataclysm Raids: Baradin Hold - Available Blackwing Descent 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available The bastion of twilight 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Throne of the Four winds 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Firelands Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Dragon Soul 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available LFR NPC: Auridormi - Available Mist of Pandaria Dungeons: Temple of the Jade Serpent - Available Mogu'shan Palace - Available Shado-Pan Monastery - Available Scarlet Monastery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Scarlet Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Siege of Niuzao Temple Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Scholomance Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Stormstout Brewery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Mist of Pandaria Raids: Mogushan Vaults 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Terrace of Endless Spring 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Heart of Fear 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Throne of Thunder 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Siege of Orgimmar Normal/Heroic - Available LFR NPC: Lorewalker Han - Available Warlords of Draenor Dungeons: Auchindoun - Available Grimrail Depot - Available The Everbloom - Available Bloodmaul Slag Mines - Available Skyreach - Available Iron Docks - Available Upper Blackrock Spire - Not available Shadowmoon Burial Grounds - Available Raids of Warlords of Draenor: Highmaul all difficulties - Available Blackrock Foundry all difficulties - Available Hellfire Citadel all difficulties - Available World Bosses of Warlords of Draenor: Drov the Ruiner - Available Tarlna the Ageless - Available - Available Supreme Lord Kazzak - Not available LFR NPC: Seer Kazal - Not available Legion Dungeons: Halls of Valor - Available Violet Hold - Available Blackrook Hold - Available Cathedral of Eternal Night - Available Vault of the Wardens - Available Court of Stars - Available Darkheart Thicket - Available Maw of Souls - Available The Arcway - Available Eye of Azshara - Available Return to Karazhan - Available Seat Of Triumvirate - Available Legion Raids: Emerald Nightmare - Available Trial of Valor - Available Nighthold - Available Tomb of Sargeras - Available Antorus the Burning Throne - Available LFR NPC: Archmage Timear - Available Battle for Azeroth Dungeons: Freehold - Available Ataldazar - Available Waycrest Manor - Available King's Rest - Available Shrine of the Storm - Available The Underrot - Available Siege of Boralus - Available Tol-Dagor - Available Temple of Sethralis - Available The MOTHERLODE! - Available Battle for Azeroth Raids: Uldir - Available Battle of Dazar'alor - Available Crucible of the Storms - Available The Eternal Palace - Available Ny'alotha The Waking City - Available LFR NPC: Kiku - Available Eppu - Available Shadowlands Dungeons: - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available Shadowlands Raids: Requires a Raidgroup to enter those instances. - Available - Available - Available LFR NPC: Ta'elfar - Available World Bosses for Shadowlands: Weekly Rotation Mortanis - Valinor - Available Nurgash Muckformed - Oranomonos the Everbranching - Mor'geth - Available Always up Antros - Available Dragonflights: - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr - Available - Available Raids for Dragonflights: - Available - Available Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope - Available World Bosses for Dragonflights: - Available - Available - Available - Available The Zaqali Elders - Available Aurostor, The Hibernating - Available - LFR/NM/HC, Mythic will be released later Last updated on 12/11/2024
  2. Hi I have a question about mounts drop or vendor or etc ... for example the last boss of icc in the 3.3.5 patches give us the lc mount Now in the dragonflight patch can i kill the icc final boss and that may be drop the mount? Or beacuse that mount sell in the firestorm game web shop then delete the drop rating in the game?
  3. Hello everyone! After several requests, we will be releasing this guide of mounts which are available and which are not available. Note: This list is currently up to date till 9.2.7 and is ONLY for the Oribos Realm. But there will be alternatives if a mount is Not Available, from older expansion realms or from the Web Shop. Note2: If a mount is collected, for example on the Gul'dan (Warlords of Draenor) Realm, this mount will be also in your Oribos Realm collection. This is for all mounts, except for Gladiator mounts. A bit of explaining how the list will be laid out: Available - This mount is available, the same way, as it's available on retail WoW Not Available - This mount is not available Not Available - This mount is available but only on older expansion servers or from the Web Shop Removed from the game - This means, the mount has been removed from the game by Blizzard Feel free to add any extra information missed in the comments below and it will be updated on the list. Classic Mounts: The Burning Crusade: Wrath of the Lich King: Cataclysm: Mists of Pandaria Walords of Draenor: Legion: Battle for Azeroth: Shadowlands: Firestorm Shop/Promotions: Last Update: 10.09.2023
  4. So, you want a specific elite? You have been looking for it and cannot find it? This guide is for you. I will show you the exact spawn spots so you can go there and just wait for them to spawn. I will focus on the elites that drop mounts and add more elites in the future. Alani It drops http://www.wowhead.c...y-cloud-serpent. The spawn time is 4h. Open the Vale of Eternal Blossoms map and head to the spot marked by the blue square: Alani is tricky. You would have to stand on the sword there to be able to pull it down and dps it. When you pull it down, just stand there and dps. Do not move at all. If you fall, it resets. Huolon It drops http://www.wowhead.c...x-cloud-serpent. The spawn time is 10m. Open the Timeless Isle map and head to the spot marked by the blue square: Note that there are plenty of mobs and an elite with high HP that you need to kill before pulling Huolon, or you die fast. Aeonaxx It drops http://www.wowhead.c...ent-stone-drake. The spawn time is 5h. Open the Deepholm map and head to the spot marked by the blue square (exact coords 44.9, 49): Note that Aeonaxx stands on the highest rock at that location in the sky. It does not move and just stands there on the rock. Fly up into the sky until you find the highest and largest rock that does not have any rock above it. Dormus the Camel-Hoarder It drops http://www.wowhead.c...ey-riding-camel(the only Camel currently acquirable) and also gives you the Camel-Hoarder title. The spawn time is 2h. Open the Feralas map and head to the spot marked by the blue square: This elite is quite tricky. It is bugged. So, the boss will show as dead always even when it is alive. How do you know if its alive? Simply, see if its standing or laying on its back. If it is standing then its alive. The loot on this boss is bugged. So, here is how you will deal with it. Before pulling the boss head to its left and keep moving on the shore until you find the only crab mob there. After that move Dormus near the mob. You will not be able to go all the way (mostly). Though, you can meet it half way. Kill Dormus then move to the crab mob and taunt it. I repeat taunt it with any of your spells that do not do damage. Keep running until the crab becomes near Dormus for AoE loot. Kill it then loot it. You will be able to loot the mount from Dormus now. Make sure you read this segment more than one time before you start. Poseidus It drops http://www.wowhead.c...ins-of-poseidus, the most wanted mount ingame. Few people know the spot for this elite and since it is BoE. People camp it always. It took me a while to find the spot since it is in a custom location (cannot be found on wowhead or other official databases). The spawn time is 24h. Open the Abyssal Depths map and head to the spot marked by the blue square (the exacts coords are 41.9, 75.8). When you go there you will find those elites named Devious Great-Eel near you with 223k HP. That is how you know you are in the right spot if you are not using a coords addon. Here is a photo to show you the exact spot where it stands: Like I said earlier, this is the most camped elite there is. Zandalari Warbringer It drops http://www.wowhead.c...ordial-direhorn. Spawn time from 5-10m. You can find the elites at the spots provided by this link: http://www.wowhead.c...lari-warbringer Note that the elites have high HP so you probably cannot solo this unless you are kiting which is not easy and takes a long time for you to kill the elite. Kael'thas Sunstrider It drops the http://www.wowhead.c...8/ashes-of-alar. You can find this boss inside the Tempest Keep raid. Though, there is an issue with it like the Dormus boss. The boss goes into the sky and it does not come down. So, go ahead and kill it when it is in air. After that, run as fast as you can to the nearest mob then taunt it. Do not kill it. Just aggro it and run back to the boss. Then, stand on the boss and kill the mob and loot the mob to see if the mount dropped or not. Notes: 1. The spawn times provided has 1-15m margin. So, add 1-15m to them. 2. If you see someone camping a spot for an elite especially the ones that drop items that can be farmed, just stand with them. They might know the exact time it will spawn. 3. The spawn locations I provided are the exact spawn locations and there are no alternatives to them. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. I have tested every single one of them. 4. Use the SimpleCoords v2.1 addon for coords provided. It is the best coords addon out there: http://www.wowinterf...=7816&aid=80881 I will be updating the guide adding new elites in the future and hence the unique items in the title. If you like the guide let me know.
  5. Hello everyone! After several requests, we will be releasing this guide of mounts which are available and which are not available. Note: This list is currently up to date till 10.1.7 and is ONLY for the [Valdrakken] Realm. But there will be alternatives if a mount is Available, from older expansion realms or from the Web Shop. Note2: If a mount is collected, for example on the Gul'dan (Warlords of Draenor) Realm, this mount will be also in your [Valdrakken] Realm collection. This is for all mounts, except for Gladiator mounts. A bit of explaining how the list will be laid out: Available - This mount is available, the same way, as it's available on retail WoW Not Available - This mount is not available Available - This mount is available but only on older expansion servers or from the Web Shop Removed from the game - This means, the mount has been removed from the game by Blizzard Feel free to add any extra information missed in the comments below and it will be updated on the list. Classic Mounts: The Burning Crusade: Wrath of the Lich King: Cataclysm: Mists of Pandaria Walords of Draenor: Legion: Battle for Azeroth: Shadowlands: Dragonflights: Firestorm Shop: Last Update: 05.02.2025
  6. What is respawn time for Fistpound and Nakk the thunderer.
  7. So.. which of the Shadowlands mounts are actually obtainable? And those that don't work - will they be fixed?
  8. Hello i want to know for the Obsidian Worldbreaker from the event is going to be obtainable in the store and for the stormcrow as well and many thanks in advance Cordially,Ayouba 89
  9. mounts

    Is it possible to view inline or on the website if mounts are available? Currently i am farming Pond Nettle. This mount can be obtained by fishing. It can take a long time to fish this mount, but i don't mind. I am farming it near Hopes Landing in the green/yellow pond. The spot is good according to wowhead, but it also state there that there will be grey items when you fish also. I have done 950 casts now. I never got any grey item. So that made me thinking, what if the mount is not obtainable at all. How can i see that? Hope someone knows or has succesfully fished the mount. Greetz
  10. I ran ICC with my friend the other day and we both got invincible. I braged to my guild, and they've told me that invincible is scripted to be 100% drop chance. If this is true, may i know what other mounts or items are optimized, since i am a retail player myself and don't know much about the script. Also, i tried running Magister's Terrace, but as you know i need a quest to run heroic to get the mount, and the quest giver, Kalec, doesn't give the quest in the dungeon. Is that a bug or it isn't scripted?
  11. neither the grand wyvern or the grand armored wyvern are obtainable ingame and now the grand armored wyvern just disappears from the cash shop will it make a return?
  12. Is this server viable for mount collecting. Like I just want to mount collect nothing else.
  13. Is it possible to get a Blue Drake mount (from Malygos in Eye of Eternity raid) on firestorm? on ANY realm? please only specify method that you confirmed as working, and the realm on which you got it
  14. Still no idea which Shadowlands mounts are actually obtainable. Not talking about covenant mounts but all the rest - zone mounts, quest mounts, rares etc Please provide us with a list of SHADOWLANDS mounts that players can get in the game. Not talking about the shop. Tired of spending time chasing smoke and mirrors just to end up with NPC's or objects that you can't interact with or they just never spawn. Some of the mounts have very time-consuming process to acquire them, so ,please, respect our time too and make known, which ones work and if you even plan to make them work.
  15. I have a question: Will we keep our transmogs/mounts/heirlooms/toys that we collected in Sethraliss once the Shadowlands realm gets released in this server?
  16. Hay Guys and Guys that play female Characters, i'm looking for some people that are into farming items such as mounts, pets, toys, transmogs, etc. With the Island Expedition feature we can get a list of different items. I'm kinda bored to spam my macro into the world chats and find some people that want to farm more than just 3 Islands for the weekly quest. How to get the items? We have to farm dubloons and opens the chests from the Island Exp. vendor. But we also can get with a low chance randoms items when we've won the Island. Mainly i will farm on Alliance but Horde is also possible, i just need to gear my Horde character. More Informations:
  17. there is boosted respawn time rare vs officila servers ?
  18. Greetings! We hope you are having a nice summer! We made some changes to the shop, with some tweaking and additions. While this mostly concerns BFA, every expansion's shop got at least a little something! Let's start off with the BFA exclusive changes: All items in the shop that were still sold as 340 ilvl got updated to 395 ilvl. Some loots from World Bosses & PVP gear that were missing from the shop got added! Lootboxes prices have gone down by 10 Points per lootbox (Mythic dungeon ones at 20, Uldir ones at 30 / piece). New BFA Mounts have been added! They'll be present under the shop category "BFA Mounts". A new category has been added on the BFA shop as well: Upgrader items. Inside, you will find several different 'Upgraders': Tertiary Stat Upgrader (Leech, Speed or Avoidance): Allows you to add a tertiary stat of your choice on an item. Prismatic Socket Upgrader: Adds a prismatic socket on an item. Azerite Booster: Puts your Heart of Azeroth to level 35, unlocking every traits threshold for 8.0.1 content. ilvl Boosters (available in 2 versions: +5 & +15): increases the ilvl of the item you use it on. Only the +15 can be used on Azerite Gear, and none of them can be used on the Heart of Azeroth. You are still limited by the realm ilvl cap. We also heard your complaints that nothing really worth it is available in loyalty points outside of character changes (rename, race / faction change) right now. So we decided to include in this update some new loyalty points purchase options, on 3 specific things: Mythic Dungeon lootboxes (ilvl 365+) Tertiary Stat Upgrader (all 3 different ones) ilvl Booster +5 We hope that with those additions, retrieving your loyalty points daily feels more rewarding. As for the changes regarding all expansions, we reviewed Mounts pricing and downscaled them (a mount that costed between 300 & 350 points before now costs 180 points for example). On top of that, now all mounts in the shop can be part of the weekly promotion (roughly 25% discount). You can check the Firestorm shop through this link. We hope you'll enjoy those changes, and wish you a nice summer end! The Firestorm Team
  19. Hello Everyone. I want to know which mounts I can obtain through achievments. Can anyone please help me out? I also want to know if it's possible to obtain the Green Proto-Drake Thanks in advance
  20. Hello am playing here since pandashan start and i had pause from the games for few months.Yesterday i started to play on tournament realm beacuse I saw that there is a possiblity to buy few nice mounts.I had in mind that they are going to split to my other characters on other realms on WoD.They dont....So if you could tell me whats the point of farming mounts on tournament if they dont split to other characters? My idea is to make them split then there would be any sense of playing on this realm.