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About Sam

Firestorm User

  • Name Altruist
  • Class Druid
  • Level 110
  • Realm Sylvanas
  • Race Night elf

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  1. It is true, young Padawan.
  2. 3x. Though, we get 10x promotions from time to time.
  3. It is not a bug. They were nerfed.
  4. Firestorm copied all accounts from legion to BfA. I have suggested they flag characters on inactive accounts, for players who have not logged BfA since launch, so people are able to use those special names. They said they would consider it. That was a long time ago, though.
  5. Hello, it would be really nice if you give us the lost followers reputation mentioned in the changelog: Thanks.
  6. Did you finish the quest where you upgrade a piece of benthite into ilvl400? You cannot progress without it. Also, check your quests log and tell us what you see under Nazjatar. Screenshots would be helpful, too.
  7. Read this:
  8. Issue is now resolved.
  9. H. Stay of Execution (Alliance) Update bb. Jaina is not visible on map for delivering the quest This quest requires you to finish the Nazjatar chain quest up to and including the following quest, to be able to see the NPC: In case you have skipped or missed any quests from that chain, refer to this tutorial and complete the chain:
  10. For people who have issues with chains (like the ones above), refer to this guide:
  11. This guide will teach you how to finish chain quests without suffering. Many players who struggle with chain quests actually miss one quest. Then, they struggle not knowing what to do. The solution is simple. You just need to find or remember the name of one of the quests in the chain. After that, use wowhead to find it. Then, use the following macro on each quest id in the chain, and it will let you know if the quest is complete (true) or incomplete (false): /run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(quest-id)) You can acquire the quest id (which is a number) from the wowhead link: For example, let us say I was doing the Nazjatar chain quest and I dropped a quest. Though, the server crashed and I have lost the quest name. What I need to do is use my favorite search engine to find one of the quests. So, after searching, I now know that "Up Against It" is one of those quests in the chain. I can use the search engine to find it by using "Up Against It wowhead" or I can query the name of the quest on wowhead, directly. After navigating into the quest: I can see that there are quests before and after it. Now, let me see if I have finished this quest or not: /run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(56644)) If I get the message "true" then I have done it, and I need to use the macro above on the following quests. Where the Road Leads is the next quest: I use the quest id (55175) on the macro, to see if I have done it or not. If I get the message "false" then I have not finished this quest, yet. So, I go on wowhead and I click the name of the NPC that gives the quest (on Start: ), and find where that NPC is. Then, I go to that NPC and acquire the quest. That is it. Now, let us assume that the first macro reported "false" instead of true. That means I have to go backwards (previous quests) until I find the last quest that I have done (where the message would be true). Note: If you cannot find the quest on the NPC, check your quest logs and make sure the quest is not there.
  12. Thanks, Hreyo. I appreciate it. P.S. I know you could teach me the spells and that would probably fix the issue. Though, there are many players affected by this issue. I have too many characters myself with dual professions facing the 150/150 bug.
  13. Thanks for the advice, @Hreyo I appreciate it. Sadly, this does not help. I have tried this trick before and it did not work. Here are some screenshots:
  14. After examining the professions issue myself, I have realized that this issue is caused by old players learning professions back in 8.0.1 where the max was 150. People who learned professions using the 8.2 client do not have this issue. The solution is too simple that it would take seconds to fix this issue in the database. Anyway, you could be patient and wait for them to fix this issue or you could learn professions on alts. You can also drop and retake the affected professions, and your max would be 175, BUT you will LOSE all learned recipes.