Securing a Firestorm Account 11/16/19
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So, you want a specific elite? You have been looking for it and cannot find it? This guide is for you. I will show you the exact spawn spots so you can go there and just wait for them to spawn. I will focus on the elites that drop mounts and add more elites in the future. Alani It drops http://www.wowhead.c...y-cloud-serpent. The spawn time is 4h. Open the Vale of Eternal Blossoms map and head to the spot marked by the blue square: Alani is tricky. You would have to stand on the sword there to be able to pull it down and dps it. When you pull it down, just stand there and dps. Do not move at all. If you fall, it resets. Huolon It drops http://www.wowhead.c...x-cloud-serpent. The spawn time is 10m. Open the Timeless Isle map and head to the spot marked by the blue square: Note that there are plenty of mobs and an elite with high HP that you need to kill before pulling Huolon, or you die fast. Aeonaxx It drops http://www.wowhead.c...ent-stone-drake. The spawn time is 5h. Open the Deepholm map and head to the spot marked by the blue square (exact coords 44.9, 49): Note that Aeonaxx stands on the highest rock at that location in the sky. It does not move and just stands there on the rock. Fly up into the sky until you find the highest and largest rock that does not have any rock above it. Dormus the Camel-Hoarder It drops http://www.wowhead.c...ey-riding-camel(the only Camel currently acquirable) and also gives you the Camel-Hoarder title. The spawn time is 2h. Open the Feralas map and head to the spot marked by the blue square: This elite is quite tricky. It is bugged. So, the boss will show as dead always even when it is alive. How do you know if its alive? Simply, see if its standing or laying on its back. If it is standing then its alive. The loot on this boss is bugged. So, here is how you will deal with it. Before pulling the boss head to its left and keep moving on the shore until you find the only crab mob there. After that move Dormus near the mob. You will not be able to go all the way (mostly). Though, you can meet it half way. Kill Dormus then move to the crab mob and taunt it. I repeat taunt it with any of your spells that do not do damage. Keep running until the crab becomes near Dormus for AoE loot. Kill it then loot it. You will be able to loot the mount from Dormus now. Make sure you read this segment more than one time before you start. Poseidus It drops http://www.wowhead.c...ins-of-poseidus, the most wanted mount ingame. Few people know the spot for this elite and since it is BoE. People camp it always. It took me a while to find the spot since it is in a custom location (cannot be found on wowhead or other official databases). The spawn time is 24h. Open the Abyssal Depths map and head to the spot marked by the blue square (the exacts coords are 41.9, 75.8). When you go there you will find those elites named Devious Great-Eel near you with 223k HP. That is how you know you are in the right spot if you are not using a coords addon. Here is a photo to show you the exact spot where it stands: Like I said earlier, this is the most camped elite there is. Zandalari Warbringer It drops http://www.wowhead.c...ordial-direhorn. Spawn time from 5-10m. You can find the elites at the spots provided by this link: http://www.wowhead.c...lari-warbringer Note that the elites have high HP so you probably cannot solo this unless you are kiting which is not easy and takes a long time for you to kill the elite. Kael'thas Sunstrider It drops the http://www.wowhead.c...8/ashes-of-alar. You can find this boss inside the Tempest Keep raid. Though, there is an issue with it like the Dormus boss. The boss goes into the sky and it does not come down. So, go ahead and kill it when it is in air. After that, run as fast as you can to the nearest mob then taunt it. Do not kill it. Just aggro it and run back to the boss. Then, stand on the boss and kill the mob and loot the mob to see if the mount dropped or not. Notes: 1. The spawn times provided has 1-15m margin. So, add 1-15m to them. 2. If you see someone camping a spot for an elite especially the ones that drop items that can be farmed, just stand with them. They might know the exact time it will spawn. 3. The spawn locations I provided are the exact spawn locations and there are no alternatives to them. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. I have tested every single one of them. 4. Use the SimpleCoords v2.1 addon for coords provided. It is the best coords addon out there: http://www.wowinterf...=7816&aid=80881 I will be updating the guide adding new elites in the future and hence the unique items in the title. If you like the guide let me know.
- 50 replies
I don't know why, but suddenly I can't login. I was playing normally earlier today, and now when I try to login i get the error "Data/enUS/wow-update-enUS-17325.MPQ: Cannot stream required archive data. Please check your network connection. For more information, see: https://battle.net/support/article/6250" Don't have any clue why. Nothing works from internet. Deleted WTF, Cache, tried a million ways to make the damn folder not only-read, nothing works. Please help. MOP 5.4.8
is it possble to migrate from tauri wow evermoon server to firestorm garosh mop server?
Hello, I have been researching for the past couple of days and I can't seem to get a straight answer on what are the top PvP DPS classes in MoP. What are your recommendations? I will be playing with a healer in 2v2 arenas eventually since I have a friend of mine joining FS to play to. Thanks!
Greetings ! This announce will concern solely the PVP aspect for MOP, Legion & BFA where the current PVP season will end on Wednesday, September 29th at 11 AM ! This will be followed by an interseason of 1 week where all ranked matches will be disabled while we perform the last checks, and a new season will start on Wednesday, October 6th ! On top of that, we have some additional information to share specifically for MOP & BFA related to the PVP system so make sure to read through everything ! Les récompenses ont été distribuées ! Congratulations to all participants ! MISTS OF PANDARIA As we did last time, we have also rewarded the 2v2 bracket this time, and gladiators received Firestorm points ! Here are the rewards Thresholds: 3v3 Bracket: Minimum 2200 rating: Title Ruthless Gladiator, achievement Ruthless Gladiator, the mount Ruthless Gladiator's Twilight Drake and 100 Firestorm Points on their account. Minimum 2100 rating: Gladiator, Gladiator, the mount Ruthless Gladiator's Twilight Drake and 50 Firestorm Points on their account. Minimum 2000 rating: Duelist, Duelist. Minimum 1900 rating: Rival and Rival. Minimum 1800 rating: Challenger and Challenger. 2v2 Bracket: Minimum 2600 rating: Gladiator, Gladiator, the mount Ruthless Gladiator's Twilight Drake and 100 Firestorm Points on their account. Minimum 2500 rating: Duelist and Duelist. Minimum 2400 rating: Rival and Rival. Minimum 2300 rating: Challenger and Challenger. 1v1 Bracket: Top 1 to 6: The mount Magic Rooster Egg and 100 Firestorm Points on their account. Additionally, we know many of you suffer from people using cheats in arena and we are happy to announce that we got a solution for that ! It requires an update of the client (more info & links will be provided in time) but starting next season there shouldn't be any cheater in your ranked games: skill only will matter ! LEGION Rewards have been distributed ! We decided to restart the Legion season order which means it was the Vindictive Gladiator ! Here are the thresholds for the 2v2 bracket: Vindictive Gladiator (2300+ rating): Achievement, Title, Mount and 100 Firestorm Points Gladiator (2200+ rating): Achievement, Title, Mount and 50 Firestorm Points Duelist (2100+ rating): Achievement and Title Rival (2000+ rating): Achievement and Title Challenger (1900+ rating): Achievement and Title The other brackets weren't rewarded due to the low amount of participation, as it's the case for a few seasons now. Congrats to all the gladiators out there ! BATTLE FOR AZEROTH Considering the time since this 4th season started, we though it was best to put an end to it and restart it freshly to give a second breath to PVP on Sethraliss. Rewards have been processed in the 2v2 bracket: Corrupted Gladiator (2900+ rating / top 10 players): Achievement, Title, Mount and 100 Firestorm Points Gladiator (2700+ rating): Achievement, Title, Mount and 50 Firestorm Points In case you haven't checked it, there were some important changes applied on BFA for this new season, which you can read in this dedicated post: http://fstorm.cc/EN-BFA-PVP-MDI Congratulations to all the gladiators, and good luck for this new season !
Greetings! The Firestorm International Team is currently looking for Game Masters! Here you can see the state of recruitment for each expansion: Oribos, our Shadowlands realm : OPENED Sethraliss, our Battle for Azeroth realm: OPENED Sylvanas & Greymane, our Legion realms: OPENED Garrosh, our Mists of Pandaria realm: OPENED What is a Game Master? A Game Master's role is to help players, to guide them in their journey, and to make sure that everyone's stay on Firestorm is as pleasant as possible, by making sure that we all respect the rules, and each other. You will thus be a support for the whole international community in-game, on discord, and on the forum. Please keep in mind that this is a volunteer position, it doesn't involve any monetary compensation. Prerequisites: Good knowledge of WoW as a whole, but with a strong emphasis on the expansion you are applying on. Proper English skills, including flawless spelling and the capability to follow and answer in a voice conversation. Having a great level of patience and compassion when in contact with players! Being at least 18 years old, and mature Having a functional mic, and a valid discord account A strong will to help, and being able to listen, not just hear! Being able to organize and schedule your own time Being available at least 10 hours a week, regularly (if you can log 10h the weekend, but not at all during the week it won't do!) Being able to work autonomously but also being comfortable talking with your team! Knowing and mastering everything isn't required! You will join a team of people with their own set of skills: diversity is a good thing! Will be a good addition to your resume: Having knowledge of GM Commands (Trinity / Mangos) Having a GM experience, even on another server (if so, which one ?) Anything that you can put forward in your application, that would make us choose you over someone else! How to apply? You can apply by using the form below. We require you to provide a minimum of information when applying. This means that only writing two lines of text explaining what your motivations are will not be enough. We expect you to express yourself and give us a little bit of detail regarding your experience/knowledge/personal information. The more information and details you provide, the better! It shows involvement, but also helps us evaluate your potential as an individual, and within the team. Telling us that you're motivated in two lines probably won't work out: we expect to get to know you a little bit when reading your application. To get some insight into you, your personal experience, and your knowledge! You do not need to have any previous experience, we will make sure that you will learn all the necessary things to become part of the Game Master team. When you send your application, the email must necessarily have: In the subject, the proper expansion tag: [SL] / [BFA] / [Legion] / [MOP] Your discord account username & tag. Example: Discord#1234 All of your Firestorm account emails Your forum account name I sent my application, now what? You will be contacted directly on Discord (your application in the Support system will be answered as well). We will schedule a voice interview with you to know each other better and if everything goes well and you get accepted, you will be starting your trial period where you will be training to be one of us. If you have any questions regarding the international GM position, you can send a private message to either Mieri#7263 or Zhophis#7224 on discord. The International Firestorm team thanks you for your future involvement. See you soon!
The new season on our MoP realm Garrosh will start on Wednesday, November 11th, 2020 at 11:00 AM (server time). The new season will begin on Wednesday, November 11th and last approximately 5 months. Titles from the last season will be removed for those who aren't eligible, except the Season Gladiator one. The rewards will be distributed to 3v3. Here is the level of rewards: Minimum 2200 rating: Title Vicious Gladiator, achievement Vicious Gladiator, the mount Vicious Gladiators Twilight Drake and 100 Firestorm Points on their account. Minimum 2100 rating: Gladiator, Gladiator, the mount Vicious Gladiators Twilight Drake and 50 Firestorm Points on their account. Minimum 2000 rating: Duelist, Duelist. Minimum 1900 rating: Rival and Rival. Minimum 1800 rating: Challenger and Challenger. The rewards will be distributed to 2v2. Here is the level of rewards: Minimum 2700 rating: Gladiator, Gladiator, the mount Vicious Gladiators Twilight Drake and 100 Firestorm Points on their account. Minimum 2600 rating: Duelist and Duelist. Minimum 2400 rating: Rival and Rival. Minimum 2200 rating: Challenger and Challenger. The rewards will be distributed to 1v1. Here is the level of rewards: Top 1 to 6: The mount Magic Rooster Egg and 100 Firestorm Points on their account. Edit: The new season has started, and rewards have been given. Congratulations to all the gladiators out there, and good luck to everyone for this new season!
Greetings, Garrosh players! If you are here, it's because the Quality Assurance role holds some kind of interest for you, or simply because you're curious: this is great! However, members of the QA have to work with people who speak different languages: therefore, we mainly use English. We do not ask you to be bilingual in order to join, but you should at least be able to discuss in writing on a basic level. If you reach the end, and understood most of what was in it, it means you're suited to join, at least for the language requirement. We wish you a nice reading, and thank you for your interest in the MOP QA team! As you can see on our Live changelog, fixes are applied regularly on the realm. On top of that, we have higher-scopes systems being worked on, that we hope to bring soon, and in the best shape possible to the live realm! What is the Quality Assurance team? The Quality Assurance team is playing a key role in the continuous improvement process of a realm: its members are in charge of monitoring the current state of all the systems in place on the live server, and they have to report anything non-working by creating tickets and ordering them based on priority on an internal tool, shared with developers and Game Masters. On top of that, they also have to ensure that any fix or script that is bound to be added to the realm is released in the best state possible so everyone can enjoy playing to the fullest ! We all know that things aren't perfect, and that some things aren't working properly on Garrosh: what we're offering you is a chance to actively take part in the improvement process, by giving you the tools, accesses, and help necessary. Not to mention the satisfaction you will get when a content you helped develop gets released and thousands of players are able to enjoy it ! Take part in this behind-the-scene adventure, become part of a close team to help bring your favorite realm to the highest level ! Responsibilities Here is what a quality assurance member job broadly implies: Participate in test session & work with other QA members on various types of content being developed, on a dedicated realm Stay aware of the development state: test fixes on the dedicated realm, but also when patches get applied on Garrosh to spot any induced issue. Ensure an efficient communication flow between the community, game masters & developers: the bugtracker, but also discussions are valuable ! Do researches when anything suspicious comes to light (spell interactions, formulas, damage logs of NPCs for instance) Requirements Becoming a great quality assurance member can be learned, but there are still a few requirements to make sure that your help can be maximized: At least decent English writing skills: you will be talking to other QAs, GMs & developers who all speak English. A good game knowledge: PVE, PVP, theory craft. We do not ask you to be flawless, but to know enough to be able to work and improve from there. Teamwork skills: what you can achieve alone is sometimes far less than what you can achieve by working as a team ! You need to be able to work with other people efficiently: accept ideas / feedback, and make yourself available when others need you, just like they will when you need them. Lastly, but most importantly: you need to be passionate & motivated. This is what will give you the will to improve, yourself and the server! Feeling interested ? Do not hesitate to contact a Quality Assurance Team Manager on discord: Phell#5384 or Narfnarf#3162 or on this forum. Even if you're afraid you do not meet all the requirements, motivation is what we value most! We give everyone their chance to talk to us about their interest & what they could bring to the table. Thank you for your interest in reading this post, we hope to hear from you soon! Cortex, Nshane, and the whole MOP QA Team.
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Events on Twitch! Following our previous special events, The International Staff were working on a new project which is streaming its Weekly Events on Twitch. We were asked numerous times about why we weren't streaming our events so players can see it live? We really don't have any specific reason for this but the idea was discussed since a few months. We have come to the conclusion of streaming the International Staff weekly events on Twitch for Mists of Pandaria (Garrosh), Legion (Sylvanas) and Battle for Azeroth (Sethraliss). We're aware that our events have been stopped for more than 1.5 month but it's intended so we can set that new project, also to recheck the current events we have before we start hosting it again. Our events have a lot of types and we are happy to be back again hosting it for our community. Here, i'll list the current events that the International Staff has; Hide & Seek Capture the Game Master Simon Says Story Time (Loremaster) Arena Free for All Wolves & Sheep Raid on Orgrimmar & Stormwind Meet & Greet Deal or No Deal Russian Roulette Maze Highway through Hell Split or Steal (MoP only for now) Transmog Contest Trip to Gilneas 2v2 PvP (Occasionally event) 3v3 PvP (Occasionally event) This is our list of events on the International Staff. If the event is in Bold, that means it can be hosted only once per month, don't forget that we are open to any suggestions for new events, you can do that here under In-game category. It seems that you are aware of some events but even if you aren't, each time we host an event, there will be an announcement about it on Discord includes a Forum topic explaining the event itself including the rules and rewards, etc. That leads us to a new channel that will be created on the Public Discord about events announcements only, you can keep yourself updated with it. Also, you can join our Firestorm Servers Discord here if you aren't in it yet. Keep in mind that our Events are for fun, not just rewards, you can have fun in it by talking to the Game Masters and taking pictures with them since our goal of this is not just giving rewards to the players but also to have fun with them. Most of the rewards we have for those events are gold (Not that much on BFA) but some events have other rewards such as; Titles, Mounts, Lootboxes, Loyalty points and Firestorm Points. We might add other rewards in the future but that all depends on the the type of the event. So pretty much, the International staff will be back to host its Weekly Events from either 6th, 7th or 8th of September since our events are usually on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday for all expansions as all events on the 3 expansions may be hosted on the same day and maybe not, that will be clarified on the announcements of those events before it on Discord, Forums and Facebook. Don't forget that all of these events will be streamed on our new channel on Twitch here so don't miss it and we'll be waiting for you there. Also, you will find some F.A.Q on that channel that may help you including Firestorm Servers F.A.Q. Note: This Twitch channel will be tested for a month then we will decide if we are going to keep it, only if it goes well. Our Twitch channel (FirestormEN): Here. Thank you all for your time and we hope you enjoy our events! International Firestorm Staff The Firestorm Team.
The current season on our MoP realm Garrosh will end on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020 at 11:00 AM (server time). The new season will begin on the same day and last approximately 8 months. Titles from the last season will be removed for those who aren't eligible, except the Season Gladiator one. The rewards will be distributed to 3v3. Here is the level of rewards: Minimum 2200 rating: Title Wrathful Gladiator, achievement http://wowhead.com/achievement=4599, the mount http://wowhead.com/item=50435 and 100 Firestorm Points on their account. Minimum 2100 rating: Gladiator, http://wowhead.com/achievement=2091, the mount http://wowhead.com/item=50435 and 50 Firestorm Points on their account. Minimum 2000 rating: Duelist, http://wowhead.com/achievement=2092. Minimum 1900 rating: Rival and http://wowhead.com/achievement=2093. Minimum 1800 rating: Challenger and http://wowhead.com/achievement=2090. We will also be banning and removing players who have been win-trading during this season. Important information regarding upcoming season: Considering players investment in the 2v2 bracket, which is easier to queue for, starting next season we are gonna give rewards there too. Although the seasonal gladiator one will be excluded (and maybe even the regular gladiator one), at least players who spend time there get something out of it, even if it's not nearly as strategical as 3v3. We're also gonna give a special reward in 1v1 bracket (nothing too fancy since it's mostly a "for-fun" bracket, still being discussed internally). Good luck and congratulations to all participants. Edit: Rewards have been sent to all winners, congratulations ! Rated BGs haven't been rewarded in the end, because of the lack of games. Good luck for the new season!
The current season on our MoP realm will end on Wednesday, July 31st, 2019 at 10:00 AM (server time). The conquest points will be reset when the new season starts, so you will have to spend them before the season ends. The award distribution will happen at the same time. Titles from the last season will be removed for those who aren't eligible, except the Season Gladiator one. The rewards will be distributed to 3v3. Here is the level of rewards: Top 1 to 5 (minimum 2100 rating): Title Relentless Gladiator, achievement http://wowhead.com/achievement=3758, the mount http://wowhead.com/item=47840 and 100 Firestorm Points on their account. Top 6 to 15 (minimum 2000 rating): Gladiator, http://wowhead.com/achievement=2091, the mount http://wowhead.com/item=47840 and 50 Firestorm Points on their account. Top 16 to 30 (minimum 1900 rating): Duelist, http://wowhead.com/achievement=2092. Top 31 to 50 (minimum 1800 rating): Rival and http://wowhead.com/achievement=2093. Top 51 to 75 (minimum 1700 rating): Challenger and http://wowhead.com/achievement=2090. About rated battlegrounds, Hero of the Alliance (http://wowhead.com/achievement=6942) / Hero of the Horde (http://wowhead.com/achievement=6941) will be given to the top 10 players in rated battlegrounds who have won at least 50 games during the season. We will also be banning and removing players who have been win-trading during this season. Good luck and congratulations to all participants.
The current season on our Garrosh realm will end on Friday, February 1st, 2019. The conquest points will be reset when the new season starts, so you will have to spend them before the season ends. The award distribution will happen during the week of February 4th, 2019. Titles from the last season will be removed for those who aren't eligible, except the Season Gladiator one. The rewards will be distributed to 3v3. Here is the level of rewards: Top 1 to 5: Title Furious Gladiator, achievement http://wowhead.com/achievement=3436, the mount http://wowhead.com/item=46171 and 200 Firestorm Points on their account, as it was specified on the previous arena season post. Top 6 to 15: Gladiator, http://wowhead.com/achievement=2091 and 200 Firestorm Points on their account, as it was specified on the previous arena season post until top 10. Top 11 - 15 are excluded. Top 16 to 30: Duelist, http://wowhead.com/achievement=2092. Top 31 to 50: Rival and http://wowhead.com/achievement=2093. Top 51 to 75: Challenger and http://wowhead.com/achievement=2090. About rated battlegrounds, Hero of the Alliance (http://wowhead.com/achievement=6942) / Hero of the Horde (http://wowhead.com/achievement=6941) will be given to the top 10 players in rated battlegrounds who have won at least 50 games during the season. Good luck and congratulations to all participants.
Race Gems Enchants Reforge Professions Talents Glyphs Symbiosis Ability Breakdown:So you've chosen your talents, picked your glyphs and got the gear; but now what? How do you kill people, and what can you do to survive? Before we can get to that we have to narrow down the following: Buffs and Debuffs Combo-Generating Abilities Combo-Finishing Abilities Defensive Cooldowns Offensive Cooldowns Crowd Control Damage and Survival: Your Opener Dealing Damage Surviving Macros Add-ons 3v3 comps Replays from s15 3000+ rating 3v3:
Introduction to Restoration Shaman Gems Enchants: Reforge Talents Major Glyphs: Minor Glyphs: Macros: Tips: Arena Compositions:
- restoration shaman
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- warlock
- demonology
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1 RACES 2 ROTATION 3. TALENTS & GLYPHS 4. GEARING UP 5. Reforge, Gem, Enchant & Professions 6. VIABLE ARENA COMPS Diminishing Returns list: 7. TRICKS 7.1 STRATEGIES 7.2 Different builts 8. Addons & Macros
Races Talents Glyphs Professions Reforging,Sockets and Enchants Macros Playable Compositions Gameplan Video Gameplay explained
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- destruction
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Best PvP Races for Warlock. Reforges/Gems/Enchants Best Talents /Glyphs How to open in a 3v3 Game. Tips Best COMPOSITIONS
- affliction warlock
- 5.4.8
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Class information: Stalwart protector who uses a shield to safeguard him self and his allies Type: Tank/Dps Gems: Meta: Reverberating Primal Diamond +216 Strenght and +3% Increased critical effect Red: Bold Primodial Ruby or Bold Serpent's Eye if you got Jewelcrafting +160 Strenght or +320 Strength Yellow: Inscribed Vermilion Onyx or Smooth Serpent's Eye if you got Jewelcrafting +80 Strenght and +160 Critical Strike or +480 Critical Strike Blue: Radiant Wild Jade +160 Critical Strike and +80 PvP Power Prismatic: Blood Primodial Ruby or Bold Serpent's Eye +160 Strenght or +320 Strength Enchants: Head: N/A Neck: N/A Shoulder: Greater Tiger Fang Inscription +200 Strenght and +100 Critical Strike Cloak: Superior Critical Strike +180 Critical Strike Chest: Super Resilience +200 PvP Resilience Bracer: Mastery +170 Mastery Weapon: Dancing Steel +1650 Strenght around 10 seconds Shield: Greater Stamina +300 Stamina Gloves: Super Strenght +170 Strenght Belt: Living Steel Belt Buckle +1 Extra gem socket for belt Legs: Angerhide Leg Armor +285 Strenght and +165 Critical Strike Boots: Pandaren Step +140 Mastery and increased move speed Rings: N/A Reforging: Expertise-->Critical Strike Expertise-->Mastery Haste-->Mastery Hit-->Mastery and Critical Strike --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macros: Burst macro: /cast Blood Fury /cast Recklessness /cast Berserker Rage /cast Avatar /use 13 Demoralizing,Skull and Mocking Banner macro: #showtooltip Skull Banner /cast Skull Banner #showtooltip Mocking Banner /cast Mocking Banner #showtooltip Demoralizing Banner /cast Demoralizing Banner Medallion of Cruelty Macro: #showtooltip Grievous Gladiator's Medallion of Cruelty /use 14 /cast Grieovus Gladiator's Medallion of Cruelty PvP guide made by r1 protection warrior Jazeera cheers.
- protection
- warrior
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Salam Doostan. man taze mikham To realm Garrosh MOP ply konam ama Hichja Launchersh vase dl nis. kasi launcheresho dare ? Mamnon misham komak konin.
Hi everyone, Many of you asked for a debug of http://www.wowhead.com/item=103982/burden-of-eternity, this is now done! Please note the fix is only available on our PTR for now, we wish this item to fully work until its release on our live realms, along with the update on July 4th. If you encounter any bug with Burden of Eternity, please let me know. Knows bugs: -Item description on use disappeared (won't fix).
Hi everybody, I'm pleased to announce the release of the 14th and last boss from Siege of Orgrimmar on our Public Test Realm 5.4.8. I must say this boss is still in development, many things should be done or improved. Anyway, you can report problems you'll find during the encounter so we can fix it while the development goes on. Have a good game !
Hi everybody, I'm pleased to announce the release of the 12th boss from Siege of Orgrimmar, Siegecrafter Blackfuse, on our Public Test Realm 5.4.8. Feel free to report any bug you'll find on this boss, to let us fix it before the upcoming release. Have a good game !