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Hello, I was in a NHC dungeon yesterday and had a Warrior who went in as a tank, went on Fury and basically cleared the whole dungeon by himself. Trash fights went maybe max 5 seconds depending on size, bosses were felt to be 1 hit, the total damage at the end was 2.79mio according to details. i mean that it was fully bought gear with item level around 360-375, but even with my 430, 440 gear chars, i didn't kill any bosses in under 2 seconds. i just wanted to find out if this is really legit for warrior, because it definitely doesn't seem that way to me?
Description : since today ! the Leaper war legenday is buged , u put and not take chargs and cant used the heroic leap https://www.wowhead.com/spell=6544/heroic-leap link problem : https://www.wowhead.com/item=183378/memory-of-the-leaper proof :
Hi, I'm Elyra, multirank 1 from Hellscream realm and I want to share with you my new pvp vid. I focused more on the editing than on the gameplay, so don't expect an "AT style" movie Thx for watching
Because this has been an issue since 7.3.5 came out please consider fixing fury and arms warrior damage in PVE.Warrior is at the bottom of the charts and its litteraly trash , blizzard fixed this issue in one of their patches with ability buffs and overrall 15% damage increase to all spells.I`ve been playing since the legion beta here and its never been this bad before. I`m not the only one complaining about this.Thank you for your time and I hope the developers will see this.
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Hello everyone, I'm new on this server and I started a Dwarf Warrior with the Fury spec. Now I'm at 110 with 840-860 Item level don't remember exactly. I've noticed that I do low dps compared to a friend who play Hunter with the MM spec and he had lowest item level then mine. There are problems with the Warrior itself? It's the rotation? Can you explain or create a guide to play better my class? Thanks.
Greetings friends, I was wondering, how are we supposed to obtain hidden artifact appearance for Arms Warrior? I was trying to do it like every guide on YT says and I just cant. Thanks for help in advance!
Hi.I make this bug report ( https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/59036 ) and answer was kind of not complete. Why i cannot change my traits? I mess up my links and i wana fix them but i cannot So can some dev or mod give me more info
Class information: Stalwart protector who uses a shield to safeguard him self and his allies Type: Tank/Dps Gems: Meta: Reverberating Primal Diamond +216 Strenght and +3% Increased critical effect Red: Bold Primodial Ruby or Bold Serpent's Eye if you got Jewelcrafting +160 Strenght or +320 Strength Yellow: Inscribed Vermilion Onyx or Smooth Serpent's Eye if you got Jewelcrafting +80 Strenght and +160 Critical Strike or +480 Critical Strike Blue: Radiant Wild Jade +160 Critical Strike and +80 PvP Power Prismatic: Blood Primodial Ruby or Bold Serpent's Eye +160 Strenght or +320 Strength Enchants: Head: N/A Neck: N/A Shoulder: Greater Tiger Fang Inscription +200 Strenght and +100 Critical Strike Cloak: Superior Critical Strike +180 Critical Strike Chest: Super Resilience +200 PvP Resilience Bracer: Mastery +170 Mastery Weapon: Dancing Steel +1650 Strenght around 10 seconds Shield: Greater Stamina +300 Stamina Gloves: Super Strenght +170 Strenght Belt: Living Steel Belt Buckle +1 Extra gem socket for belt Legs: Angerhide Leg Armor +285 Strenght and +165 Critical Strike Boots: Pandaren Step +140 Mastery and increased move speed Rings: N/A Reforging: Expertise-->Critical Strike Expertise-->Mastery Haste-->Mastery Hit-->Mastery and Critical Strike --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macros: Burst macro: /cast Blood Fury /cast Recklessness /cast Berserker Rage /cast Avatar /use 13 Demoralizing,Skull and Mocking Banner macro: #showtooltip Skull Banner /cast Skull Banner #showtooltip Mocking Banner /cast Mocking Banner #showtooltip Demoralizing Banner /cast Demoralizing Banner Medallion of Cruelty Macro: #showtooltip Grievous Gladiator's Medallion of Cruelty /use 14 /cast Grieovus Gladiator's Medallion of Cruelty PvP guide made by r1 protection warrior Jazeera cheers.
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- warrior
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It's been a very long time and it's time to pay attention to a very important problem - terrible performance Fury warriors. With the same gear fury warrior does much less damage than most other classes. And it's not a problem patch 7.0.3 or player skill - a problem in the buggy class. I have no way to describe the broken every talent, but exactly the damage of Fury warrior at the moment is far from normal. Auto attacks deal much less damage than they should, many spells can not be activated from the first pressing, most critical important traits are not working. All this makes the play on the Fury warrior critical uncomfortable, especially when mythical dungeon mode release soon. I very much hope that the administration will pay attention to this issue and will finally fix fury warriors that we are waiting for so long. P.S.Sorry for my english, I know that it is bad
Hello, I would like to ask about protection warrior ability Shield Barrier on Mists of Pandaria, the ability says that amount absorbed by shield barrier icrease with attack power, i found this equasion on protection warrior forum : absorb = max(2 * (AP - Str * 2), Sta * 2.5) for shield barrier used with 60 rage. So it counts attack power which doesnt come from warrior strenght and stamina as well. My question is whether the amount absorbed by Shield Barrier depends on whichever of those 2 are bigger at the time ( either stamina or attack power that doesnt come from strenght) or on both at the time, so amount absorbed increase with both stamina and attack power ( from vengeance and battle shout, since only those increae your attack power and not strenght). If the shield barrier depends only on one of the stats ( AP or STAM), whichever is higher, than in almost every case shield barrier will solely benefit from your stamina ( if you have 40k stamina *2,5 =100k absorb), which seems to be really confusing after all the ability itself says " the amount absorbed increase with attack power", why it doesnt mention anything about stamina than... Thanks for your answer.
Hello! The execute bug has been going on for too long now, I'm still hitting 545 max with Execute. The ability is useless now, Sudden Death is reduced to 9k or something aswell? I sent you a message through Facebook, however this got ignored. I'm sending you information and tips through forums, yet you do not listen to your customers. Still willingly to resume this server, hopefully? Look into this bug! Regards and the best wishes for 2017! Boyd.
Hey there, Guys. Rather than just copying some mediocre Battle.net forum guide, like another certain individual (/cough) or creating three new guides from scratch, I opted to just provide links to the best guides of 5.4.8's time on Retail. [Same applies to the WoD Guides] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Keep in mind that these Guides have all been created as a collaboration, by some of the most cutting-edge warriors in the world-first race back then. Collision also sacrificed a lot of time back then, to get these guides mathematically on-point. (He's the guy keeping the SimCraft Profile for Fury and Arms as awesome as it is! - aka the best Simcraft Profile of all the classes, since the Program's first incarnation) So, without further or do... __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FURY [MoP] ARMS [MoP] PROT [MoP] FURY [WoD] ARMS [WoD] PROT [WoD] Firestorm Insight (current as of 19.01.16') - MoP "What's wrong with the storm, y'all?" Currently nothing. The most notable inconsistencies that affect warriors as it is, is the bug that enables raid groups to stack two Crit-buffs. This however, affects a great many classes and speccs and only really makes Fury DPS more stable and the specc less RNG-based. The same could be said about fire mages. All in all, there's nothing to fear and nothing worth of note, y'all. Just make sure to go replace Crit's priority with Mastery, when you're playing Fury and have gone beyond the 53% Crit-cap for Bloodthirst. >This section will be updated whenever there's something new going on, that is worth noting< ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Subsection - Firestorm Insight - WoD - coming when I find the time so summ it all up. Ashran currently utterly re-iterates all the Warrior speccs in many ways, mostly due to RPPM Bugs with strong trinkets and grand weapon enchants)
My stats: Attak Power: 36065 Weapon Dmg: 16395 - 24594 PvP-Power; 44,93% Passive: 25% More dmg http://de.wowhead.com/spell=12712/kampferfahrung Test target: Warlock Armor: 25.05% Physical dmg reduce PvP-Resilence: 75% Test: 1 Smash hit: 25658 2 Smash hit: 28959 Calculated dmg: http://de.wowhead.com/spell=1464/zerschmettern = 275% Weapon Power + 3427 maximum dmg; = 71060,5 + 25% = 88825,625 DMG (((88825,625 / 100) * 25) / 100) * 144,93 = 32183,74 DMG (32183,74 / 100) * ~75 = 24137,80 DMG This is what the enemy player should take on dmg I am not sure if this is 100% right, if i forgott something or if i done something wrong pls tell me this i will edit this. If this is right i will link it on bugtracker.