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Found 123 results

  1. Hi folks! Like many of y'all I've been soldiering my way through Dragonflight's campaign, and on the way I've noticed some issues with certain collectibles and quests. I'm making this post to document them as I find them, so people know what not to waste their time on, and the mods have a comprehensive list of bugged content to have a look at. Each and every item on this list has been checked by myself and my party members, and has been attempted to be resolved through relogging, abandoning quests, and all the standard solutions. This list is not exhaustive and will be updated as new issues are encountered. Without further ado, here's the list: [QUESTS] Sic Mundus Creatus Est: This quest points me to a corner near a waterfall in the Valdrakken market, and then nothing whatsoever happens. This could be broken or I could be a brainlet, but given that the quest seems to be pointing to either a broken script or the wrong location regardless, it's worth having a look at and taking off your tracked quests. We Don't Negotiate With Primalists: This quest is one in the Tyrhold Reservoir quest chain, and unfortunately required for its progression. The quest works fine up until you're supposed to fight the rebel drakonid Ko'jo, who simply does not appear. This quest is one I've spent hours relogging and abandoning the quest to try and fix, and sadly it just doesn't work. Flowers of our Labor: This quest only partially functions. For some, they are able to complete it flawlessly; for others, the dragonflowers and seed pods which they are supposed to collect are simply uninteractable entirely, regardless of how many times one abandons the quest or relogs. I fall into that second camp, sadly. At least the scripts for the dragonfruit work, so you can collect those! What Could Have Been: This quest is entirely completable; however, the alternate version of yourself which is summoned for it seems somewhat bugged. My main is a Horde character, and yet it had dialogue that appeared to be intended for one playing an Alliance character. It did not follow me to the objective, and it has certainly overstayed its welcome by continuing to follow me even after the completion of the quest. Storm Warning: The portal to the Primalist future appears to be missing, rendering the quest uncompletable. [COLLECTIBLES] Strange Bear Cub (Cubbly, Battle Pet): This little dude is stuck behind a rock wall cave in Thaldraszus! Unfortunately, even after removing the blockage, this little guy is completely uninteractable, and will not give you his corresponding battle pet. Poor little buddy. Struggling Moth (Treasure Pouch): This guy can be found somewhere in Zaralek Caverns. His intended behavior is for you to jump on him to spike him into the air, before sticking right underneath him to buoy him upwards into the sky. Upon reaching 5 levels of the buff he receives from you doing this, he's supposed to reveal a treasure pouch for you! Unfortunately, he seems to only work half the time. I've gotten accounts from other players about having to relog and retry upwards of ten, sometimes even fifteen, times before his scripts activate and they receive the pouch. As of the writing of this post, he still doesn't work for me. Tasty Hatchling's Treat (Recipe): The barrel this recipe is contained in is missing!
  2. I am trying to do the quest An Arcane Requiem that is part of the Blue Dragonflight quest chain and i have to shatter a crystal and kill some mobs that are supposed to spawn but they are not, i already tried relogging, abbandoning the quest and retaking it, abbandoning all other quest but dungeon and campaign but still nothing. What can i do? Thank you!
  3. In the quest All I Ever Will Be I don't get the option to reflect when I visit the second scroll of Remembrance. I've tried to reload the zone multiple times, I've abandoned and retaken the quest as well. Could I get some help pls
  4. Everytime I try to skin a mob it says invalid target and will not start the animation, is there a fix?
  5. I continue with the main Forbidden Reach questline, by taking the quest "News from beneath" from Ebyssian. After I travel with him as the quest prompts and we get to Valdrakken, the "Travel to" part of the quest does not get checked out and I cannot complete the quest and proceed with the questline. I don't know what I am supposed to do, I tried abandoning it and doing it all over again a few times, but it did not work, any ideas?
  6. Just not where the quest shows she is, i'm doing the battle of bloodfire ravine quest
  7. Hello Yesterday I tried playing the dungeon Culling of Strataholme and noticed that the dungeon wont start because Arthas wont move or interact with my toon, if I try to talk to the NPC (Cromie?) she says something like "Here comes Arthas" but the following sequence never plays out, there was a post on Aug 2023 where the dungeon is marked as functional. Help ?
  8. Hi! The portal to go to Zuldazar doesn't show up on my Orc Shaman but is there on my other character. My Shaman was a Dwarf a couple of months ago it may be why there's a problem. Please help
  9. Hey guys, the Shadowlands Night Fae campaign quest "The Recovery of Tyrande Whisperwind" is bugged and I can´t continue the campaign, please help. When you accept the quest in the Maw it sends you with Shandris to Torghast but then Shandris gets stuck and just fights a dead body or runs laps around the dead bodies and the quest doesn´t progress at all.
  10. I am playing as a Demon Hunter and as soon as I reached lvl 10,i should be able to choose combat spec.However the game is not letting me do it.The 'activate' button on the spec does not work at all.Anyone has a solution?Thanks.
  11. First picture: Throne of Thunder raid have a bug on the bridge after Durumu the Forgotten, you cant click it so you cant continue the raid. Second picture: The Properties of Leystone quest have a bug after the quests cinematic, when you try talk with Alard Schmied, he only shows his training menu, you cant finish the quest by talking with him. And as you can see there is two Alard Schmied, one normal and burned version. PLEASE FIX THE BUGS, PLEASE.
  12. Hi all, I've been trying for years to complete Nesingwary's Stranglethorn quests. But try as I might (and I have tried a lot), no NPC has ever dropped pages 1 and 14 of the manuscript. Leaving me unable to complete the quest I have stacks of like 20x or 30x pages10, 4 and 6 but nothing for pages 1 and 14. Is this a known issue or are those items just super difficult to get? Thanks.
  13. i tra to all day finish that quest but i cant hit him !! fix it please
  14. The Home Stretch Quest bugged upon arriving at the docks all npcs disappear and cannot complete quest, tried /reload, log out/login, restarting client and abandoning quest. On Dragonflight (Open beta). Apologies in advance if its the wrong section to post in.
  15. So, I am new to this whole private server thing, and I love the fact that we are able to play this without having the monthly fee being an issue. That being said, I have to ask something and I wonder if anyone can clarify something for me. I just started up a new character and have been running around a bit, got the idea that I would be nostalgic and level up exactly the same way I did 15 years ago, sort of following in my own footsteps. But as I began to fiddle around in game, I noticed some things were off. For instance, guards patrolling in Elwynn Forest are just standing frozen in place. A travelling baker who is clearly supposed to be walking down the pathway is similarly just standing in the middle of the road. There seems to be something up with the automata of the game. Moreover, strange lorebreaking NPCs are found in various places, such as a "Gaunt Scourge" (basically a cold wraith unit) standing in the middle of Stormwind; and for that matter, I have also seen several NPCs being cloned, with their carbon copies standing inside and clipping through each other. Most grievous of all, however, was the immersion breaking experience of being able to buy reputation rewards without having reached the necessary reputation level. I just casually walked up to Stormwind's reputation vendor, bought a 16 slot bag off of her which clearly stated that I needed to be "Revered" with Stormwind to get it, while not even having gone past "Friendly" yet. Now, am I to understand that these things are bugs that are sort of symptomatic to private servers, hence unfixable and we are just supposed to look the other way? It might be a nitpick, but it just gives off the feel of a very subpar experience. Is it supposed to be like this on private servers or is this fixable clientside somehow?
  16. I am playing Necrolord campaign, I finished 6th chapter and to unlock 7th I had to complete 3 chapters from Chains of Domination campaign. After I did that I went back to the Seat of Primus but Draka does not give any quest (there is supposed to be "Blood from a bone" quest). And I got Secrets of the First Ones campaign unlocked and Primus talking to me even if I did not finish Chains of Domination. Anyone else has this issue?
  17. Hello, under this heading, let's share the errors(bugs) we found in DUNGEON and RAID in the Dragonflight version. (Legion RAID) Skorpyron, the first boss in The Nighthold, does not activate and the door does not open. I tried this in both Mythic and Heroic mode. Has this happened to any other player? If you write down the bugs you find in other Dungeons and Raids here, you can quickly proceed with a solution-oriented approach. Thnx..
  18. Hello, I am a player from CN sever, I found a bug that Retribution Paladin's talent 9-1 "Blades of Light" will make Final Verdict turn to Physical damage, It was supposed to be physical and Holy Damage.
  19. I'd like to report a bug with the Revival Catalyst. When I pick up the quest and do some progress on it, if I disconnect or relog, the quest dissapears and it restarts all over again. How can I get the tier set if this keeps happening? Thanks in advance.
  20. Stormslash weapons from Nokhud Offensive do NOT proc. You can literally just stand there auto attacking and they will never proc. I will NOT include screenshots as this is VERY easy to replicate by just auto attacking any training dummy.
  21. They killed the boss - I rolled the dice and won - the loot remained and I didn’t get it. There are screenshots from all angles and a video of defeating the boss. Set helmet for a death knight (heroic difficulty)
  22. Hello there, does anyone of you know about the Hati Questline? I started it, done the first Hati, absorbed his essence, and the following quest (Pay with Blood) leads me to Silithus, where i should met Grif Wildheart and the 2nd Hati to absorb his essence. Well like usual the npc isnt there Do i need to do something before or whats wrong with this quest? The first worked also
  23. Hello, I opened an ingame ticket about 4-5 days ago for the quest "To Valdrakken" the last of the Azur campaign quests. this will not be completed as soon as i get to valdrakken, neither by flight master, nor by flying myself, or by leaving the zone and going back in. so far i have not received an answer to this ticket as to why the quest is not being completed. i have also not yet received an answer from the support on the homepage. i have already accepted the quest 20 times without any changes. i go into the tower, use the teleporter to get to the top that works, the previous step, which is needed to finish the quest does not work for me, ingame no help, support no help, maybe someone can help me here? I'm slowly reaching the limit of my ideas and patience...
  24. I just can't play the game at all. Can't even login. I try to login and I get that my credentials are invalid.
  25. achievement

    Hey guys. I didn't get the mount. Any help?