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Found 16 results

  1. I am playing Necrolord campaign, I finished 6th chapter and to unlock 7th I had to complete 3 chapters from Chains of Domination campaign. After I did that I went back to the Seat of Primus but Draka does not give any quest (there is supposed to be "Blood from a bone" quest). And I got Secrets of the First Ones campaign unlocked and Primus talking to me even if I did not finish Chains of Domination. Anyone else has this issue?
  2. Hello Firestorm Support Team! I try to come back to my account but is not possible, when i try to log in this message appear, may you can help me with this issue? Thank you in advance. Cheers!
  3. I started getting randomly disconnected from 1 character then made a bug report on another about it. Started getting streaming error and notices my Firestorm folder went from 50-ish gb to 60+gb and when i tried to open the client again i got an error which was "Your World of Warcraft installation is damaged. To learn how to repair it, see:". Anyone experienced something like this? I tried to replace the .exe and still the same issue. Can someone please help?
  4. mac

    Hi everyone, i decided to start play SL with some friends but as mac user i'm having some problems. Launcher does not work (tried to fix but nothing changed) so i downloaded the full client from the posted guide. It tooks a lot but finally i'm on the login page! But now there's no realm list. How can i fix it? Thanks all
  5. problem

    Hello i have a problem. Few hour ago i was able to play ok and now i cant login. I was playing on Sethraliss for 2 days and now i can´t. Any help ? My specs: Character Name: Borilion Issue: Sethraliss Operating System: Windows 10 How was your game downloaded?: Torrent
  6. Morning! Im having some problems triying to get my dark iron /kul tiran armor. I have both pjs over lvl 50 but i dont get the quest to get the armor, and i dont have it on my transmog list. Any idea? Do i have to make the quest to unlock the allied races even when they are all already unlocked? Also, im triying to do the questline "The pride of Kul'Tiras" but i dont get the first quest, is it bug? Is there any pre-quest i havent done? Thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buenas! Estoy teniendo algunos problemas intentando conseguir la armadura hierro negro/kul tiran. Tengo ambos personajes por encima del nivel 50 pero no consigo las misiones para conseguir la armadura ni tampoco aparece en mi lista de transmog. ALguna idea? tengo que hacer las misiones para desbloquear las razas aunque esta ya esten desbloqueadas de serie? Tambien estoy teniendo problemas con las misiones de "el orgullo de kul'tiras", no consigo la primera mision, está bug? tengo que cumplir algun requisito previo para conseguira? Gracias!
  7. Dear Firestormers & Firestorm Staff, First off, Happy Easter to all of you and your families- I have always been playing on Sethraliss on the Horde side and I have to admit, quite frankly I was blind to this, to say the least, huge issue there is on this server. That being said, I decided to pass my comments along with you, as you might have been unintentionally leaving it unnoticed as well, just like I was. Unless taken measures in a timely manner, believe me, it will become worse, drastically worse. About 1-2 months ago I decided to reroll to the Alliance faction, just for the purpose of it. I also want to mention that I have a good 11+ years of experience in WoW so I certainly was not making a fool of myself thinking I was going to have a great time in terms of World PvP. Hordes, of course, have always been PvP dominant since the early ages of this game. Here, however, I am distressed by the fact that at this very moment we have a growing crisis on our hands that impacts lots of players and would continue to do so unless something's done. More specifically, I am talking about the glaring imbalance between the Horde and the Alliance players ratio. I am sure many people would agree there certainly are more horde players on this server and that impacts not only the economy of each faction in general, including raids, dungeons, etc. being run each day but something even more important - their gaming experience overall. Their gaming experience sounds "a bit too much" to you? Well, let me tell you... Today, 19/04/2020, Stormwind City has been raided and obliterated by probably more than a hundred horde players. The intruders occupied the entire Trade District and made it almost impossible to leave the area, as they were literally behind each corner and you weren't able to simply mount up and fly away upon your revival. Even if you somehow managed to escape, after being chased down by a couple of them, numerous underleveled alliances have been forced to move to different areas or log off their accounts and hope for the storm to pass sooner. Although, these capital city raids have also happened in the past and are an inevitable part of the WoW PvP history and experience in general, right? Yes, you are indubitably right. Nevertheless, my main concern, that caused me to feel compelled to bring this topic up is that more and more people are getting exhausted with being a defined minority and this begins a snowball of players creating new characters in the horde faction. For example, after this particular event happened today, more than ten people stated their opinion on world_en, which was something in the lines of "I'm tired of this and I am moving to horde". Also, while on that note, you might as well go ahead and check the PvP Leaderboards of the server; first page: 1 alliance out of 15 players total, second page: 2-3 alliances to 12-13 hordes ratio, and so on... The point is that the more experienced, also "better" in terms of competitive PvP players have moved to the Horde side, notably for that reason. That itself also impacts the situation in a similar manner. Though, the real problem isn't that the alliance patrons are a bunch of cowards and prefer running away rather than standing their ground and fighting for it. The problem is the fact We, the Alliance players, simply don't have the numbers to fight and are left no other option but to flee, in this particular scenario. Dear fellow Firestormers, I am kindly asking you, especially if you are a new player here or one considering creating your next character - choose the Alliance side, as we DO need you to fight alongside us, the ones who lost the battle but not the war. Dear Alliance players, hang in there, I am sure we will soon prevail and make Stormwind City a "safer place" for all of us. If there are people interested in starting a guild with me, I am more than happy to offer my help. I am working during the week and don't have much time to run a guild myself, so if there are kind and responsible people, experienced guild officers, willing to support me in this, please go ahead and let me know, either PM me, whisper me or if I'm not online - send me a mail in-game, my nickname is Boonklol. Dear Horde players, please keep doing what you're doing, keep raiding Stormwind City, because soon you will not have that highhandedness and perhaps you will be the one defending Orgrimmar, as opposed to attacking us. Dear Firestorm Staff, this is not the first time I personally encounter this issue on a private server and I've been part of another server development in the past. Please, consider providing small XP boosts for example or even better - start working on a small "program" that will draw more people into choosing Alliance over Horde, at least for a while, until everything balances out. Important, please start small. This, in my opinion, is a very serious topic that needed to be addressed for the sake of all people on your server trying to have fun in their free time. I do hope if you find this whole thing reasonable, to gradually start working on a solution. Following that, it would be awesome if there's a way more people have the time to see this post before it sinks into the depths of the new-coming forum topics, as it might take a while until everything works out. Thank you! Thank you for your attention and just in case you're wondering, no I am not out of my mind, I just have lots of spare time now, considering the global situation, that I choose to fill by trying to make something impactful for the good of all of us here. Making fun is the main purpose of all that and having your capital city raided by the opposite faction most certainly is part of the fun, indeed. But being killed over and over without a single chance to withstand is definitely not fun times at all. Best wishes, Boonklol
  8. Greetings I can't log in the game, probably because i haven't registered the beta key yet. But i didn't receive the email when i clicked to get it. Has anyone got the same issue? I also tried witha new account. Thanks in advance
  9. hellow , i have big problem on story quest val ' sharah i left 2 story and but i cant find a quest for complate this , waht to do ? video -
  10. Hello, i downloaded Spartanui from the homepage but my healthbar is gone, look here: how can i fix this?
  11. Hello, I have a really big problem. Let me get this clear. Original server: Divine shield automatically turns on when you are on low health,but you can carry a flag/orb/minecart when it turns on. Here: Divine shield automatically turns on when you are on low health, but you cannot carry a flag/orb/minecart,in other word you drop it. Just today I have dropped flags and orbs about 10 times and we even lost 'cause of me... It pisses me off and I recommend doing it as on original server, Being able to carry a flag/orb/minecart with Divine shield. That is all I am asking you to do 'cause I don't want to blamed for something I did not do myself. Even If you decided to not make Divine Shield Usable while carrying a flag/orb/minecart, I won't be mad and bothered much by that as long as it wouldn't be Automatically... I think that is unfair, 'cause at this point Auto Bubble is Auto Drop. Class and spec: Paladin Retribution
  12. Hey, I have found that Affliction warlocks have some issues. First off the active spell for the Affliction Artifact is not working at all. Also the Legendary Ring that I got does not give a second talent that it promises. Also whenever I respawn in battlegrounds, my pet dies and becomes a guardian that i cannot control. I have to re summon it. Also in duels I have found that soul shards sometimes do not regenerate. I found this out when I dueled a paladin who went into an arena mid way through the duel and then we redueled and my soul shards would not regen or even reset from 0. I had to relog to fix it. Please help.
  13. Khadgar NPC is broken. Quest The Kargathar proving grounds is usually broken. NPC Khadgar don´t work destroy a bridge. When abadon this quest then NPC no give quest again. Please Help.
  14. Hello, could u help me ? ive got problem with sylvanas full client, everytime when i quit the game it stucks and i have to quit it through task manager, and when i start it again, it resets my setting, any advices ? thanks
  15. Für den Fall, dass Du auch Probleme beim Start des Launchers hast, gibt es eine mögliche Lösung. Siehe Report Kurz und Knapp: Füge die Domain als Wildcard-URL in deinem Antivirusprogramm als Ausnahme hinzu: * Bei Avira Antivirus sieht das folgendermaßen aus: Nicht vergessen auf Übernehmen zu klicken. Ich hoffe ich konnte euch weiterhelfen. ;-)
  16. Hello when i donwload launcher i have Cataclysm and i click Already Installed ok and Analyze my files and when all is complete game start to donwload again see my sreenshots