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About Nemerra

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  1. Stormslash weapons from Nokhud Offensive do NOT proc. You can literally just stand there auto attacking and they will never proc. I will NOT include screenshots as this is VERY easy to replicate by just auto attacking any training dummy.
  2. Admins hosted a raid event for kazhaar. Each mob had several million hp and there was a min requirment of 120lvl, no ilvl required. It took us 45 minutes to clear and several people were rewarded with coalescing visions(x1500), a relatively easy to farm currency, atleast easy enough you'd farm more than the amount given during your own time. I feel utterly cheated given this was my first firestorm hosted in game event, something that I never expected to utterly blow my mind but I expected to alteast respect the needs of players that are all 120 and most have already geared fairly decently. It is absurd that the admins actually thought this was an actual reward worth the investment of time. Given there was no place to file an actually formal complaint I was directed to the forum.