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Hi. I'm very confused about some things. I played on this server 2-3 years ago and many things changed. I see that I can't instant level a class to see if I wanna play with it or not, but the main question I have and I can't understand, maybe someone can explain it to me: I saw people with lvl 10 but such a good gear. I'm lvl 42, almost 43 and I did a dungeon and some player with lvl 10 made the dungeon almost alone. Can someone explain me how to get a good gear? How to make more gold in a better way than just by doing quests? I read about heirlooms in ironforge and even gone there to look at the items. I'm not gonna lie you, there were some items and I bought chest, 2 trinkets, polearm, but that's it. And even if I bought these items, they still can't compare with the items that player with lvl 10 had. Thank you
So, you are new to the server and need gold fast. This guide is for you. The best way to get some money is farming stuff. Though, with you being new to the server. People will tell you that you need high level professions\toons to earn money. That is not true. I will share with you how I made around 30k gold within 2 days (few hours of gameplay) on my first toon here without any help from anyone. First of all, I learned mining and only farmed Copper Ore and smelted into bars then sold them on the auction house for 500g per stack. This is not much but it will help you get started and not ask anyone for money. You should check auction house prices and always undercut. You may sell Copper Bar stacks from 500-2000g depending on the AH prices. If you put the stacks at 500g they will sell really fast, though. After getting enough money to support yourself which is around 500-1000g buy some vendor bags from any of the main cities. Then, focus on one thing. Leveling up to level 40. After that you will go to low level dungeons and mass pull the mobs and kill them then loot gear only. Go to your bags and CTRL+Left Mouse Click the gear items. Keep only the items that look nice (visually) that are Bound on Equip. People pay a lot for those items because they use them for transmogs. Your cool looking items will sell for a lot of gold. Rate your items depending on how cool they look. If they are cool sell them for 1-2k. If they are super cool sell them for 3-5k. If they are awesome looking then try going higher. You can sell an awesome looking item for 10k believe it or not. Though, keep in mind that your prices should always be lower than AH. If you see more than 3 people selling your item at a low price just sell it lower than them or save it for later until it is no longer on the AH. It will take you around 2 hours to figure out how to deal with AH and sell your items at decent prices. Keep in mind that you can go higher or lower than the prices above depending on what you see on AH. Though, if you need the money you should always undercut (go lower than AH prices). By now you have enough money to buy anything you want that is necessary such as flying licenses and mounts. Now, you need to focus on one thing hitting level 58 then heading to Hellfire Peninsula. Now, you will level while farming mobs at the same time from the map. Do the same thing now, loot the corpses and get the gear items only. Though, this time you will keep all gear item drops no matter what their visual looks like. When you cannot carry anymore go ahead and find an AH. Sell the cool items like before. Sell the cool items for 2-3k each. Sell the super cool items at 4-5k. Sell the awesome looking items at 8-10k. Now you will be left with the non-cool items. Sell those at 500-1000g. Once you get to level 60-65 try running Hellfire Rampants dungeon on normal mode. You will get lots of gear items that you can sell. Though, you will be limited by your bag space. So, once you get enough money just buy 4xFrostweave Bag (20 slots). Then equip them as your main bags. The bags sell for 500-800g each so you need 2000-3200g to get them depending on how lucky you are. By now you have enough money to get those bags. That is it. If you read and follow this guide you will have lots of gold in no time. Here are further tips you should read: 1. Do not spend your money on anything unnecessary like exapnsive gear if this is your first toon. You will eventually get everything you want from drops and you will replace the items faster than you think. 2. It is best you create an alt toon one which sells your items and not use your main for selling. This step will help you avoid the trolls whispering you regarding your items and prices. Also, this is very useful because you can mail the items from your main anywhere where you can find a mail. So, you do not have to go back to the main city to auction when your bags are full. 3. Be patient it will take time for your items to sell, if you need the money and cannot play without it just farm the items sell them on AH and log back later. You will find that you sold several items. 4. While farming you get cloth items. Sadly, most of the time cloth sell at a lower price like 50-200g a stack depending on the item itself. If you are near your main city or any AH (or mail if you are using an alt) go ahead and auction it. If you are not save your space for the gear drops. Once you go to higher zones such as Northern maps. You can farm and sell Frostweave Cloth stacks. Those sell for around 500g a stack on AH. 5. When you clear the dungeons just go back and reset and start over again until your bags are full. 6. If you find a cool looking item and then you realized your toon needs it. Do not do it. You will replace that item, save it for the AH. If it is looking cool and you like it a lot save it for yourself. 7. You will find lots of gold beggars in main cities. Do not give them money. They are mostly lazy. An exception you can make is for lowbies who are asking for 5-10g. Those are the people who need the money and do not know how to earn it. You can give them the money but refer them to this guide. Help them get their own money. 8. If you need any items for your toon and find that they sell for a high price on AH, use world to get them cheaper. 9. Keep in mind that AH takes a big chunk of your gold. 10. Once you hit the Northern maps, you can sell the non-cool items for higher prices like 1-2k. When you hit the cata zones. You can sell the items for 2-3k. When you hit the pandarian zones you can sell the gear for a higher amount of gold. 11. It is a good idea to level your main and secondary professions while you level up. If you do not want the mining profession and you got enough money from it to support yourself drop it and take whatever profession you want. If you like the guide let me know.
- 10 replies
Server Wiki --> How to Install + Bug Fixes Hello there comrades of WoD. I have compiled a fairly comprehensive wiki to benefit the community of WoD. On it you'll find gearing guides, addon packs, raid guides, class guides, and a ton more. For those of you reading this in english, find me in-game or write me a message in-game. Players are in guilds separated by languages, with the english speakers centralized in my Guardians guild. So find me and join the community <3
Hello everyone! I haven't played here in a long time and now that I'm back, I only have 200k in Legion and tons of gold in Warlords of Draenor. I want to buy all the gold you have in Legion with gold I have in WoD. I'll pay double the gold you give me. (negotiable) For example, if you give me 50k gold in Legion, I will give you 100k on the WoD server. If you don't trust me, I can give you the gold first. To contact me, just reply in this thread or PM me! My main character is named Purr in WoD and Legion.
So when we eventually transfer to Shadowlands, will our gold,characters,items and etc be transfered or will we have to work to get those again?
So I was wondering if there was a limit on how much gold you can put in a trade and if so what the limit was?
Hello everyone, I am hoping that the following suggestion will be taken into consideration. I've been playing here for about a month now. The community is pretty nice compared to other servers, the staff is extremely friendly which is a big plus. A good method to fight gold sellers( the none stop spammers ) is simply disabling whispers, yelling, invite to party , joining group channels until the player reaches a respectable level. We all know that we have high exp rates here so we can't simply have it at level 10 or 15. It needs to be at at least level 50. As soon as the account has a character that reached level 50, they will receive an in-game mail from the server, which tells them to verify their account through email and add a working phone number ( verify that as well via message or code ). Please keep in mind, the email can be used only once and the phone number can be linked to one account only and only once. once the phone number is used it can't be reused or moved from another account to a newer one. This method will drive gold sellers into the abyss of madness and the players will be able to enjoy there time here in peace. Thank you for the awesome servers. -Elune
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- gold
- goldsellers
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Hi i made a warlock cuz i thought i will be able to solo dungeons. I tried solo some dungeons and it was fcking horrible. Soloing dungeons is terrible and leveling this class is terible too with affliction warlock. Pls tell me best class for leveling/dungeons solo that meand i dont want be weak like warlock. I wa thinking about dps monk or druid pls help me class/spec and why
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- classfarming
- gold
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It seems that only purchased points (GOLD) are allowed to purchase in-game gold for characters for Icecrown realm since about two days. But I was able to use Vote points (SILVER) For my in-game gold purchase before. Please revert to the original situation.