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Found 90 results

  1. german

    Grüße Abenteurer! Eine Gilde ist immer nur so gut, wie ihre Mitglieder, deren Taten und Verhalten. Hast du Interesse, dich mit uns gemeinsam den Herausforderungen von WoW zu stellen oder begnügst du dich mit den einfachen Dungeons? Wir sind die Feierabend-Gilde 𝖀𝖓𝖇𝖊𝖚𝖌𝖘𝖆𝖒 und suchen deutschsprachige Spieler für die Herausforderungen des PvE-Contents (Dungeons/Raids). Wir wissen, dass junge Spieler oft sehr ambitioniert sind und schnell möglichst weit oben im Game mitmischen wollen. Daher richten wir uns an Spieler, die WoW als das sehen, was es ist - ein Spiel. 𝖀𝖓𝖇𝖊𝖚𝖌𝖘𝖆𝖒 ist keine hardcore progress Raid-Gilde. Deshalb suchen wir Raider, die über einen gewissen Ehrgeiz, eine entsprechende Raid-Disziplin sowie Reaktionszeit verfügen, aber auch Geduld sollte kein Fremdwort sein. Die Gilde befindet sich derzeit im Aufbau und bietet dementsprechend viel Potenzial. Wir teilen unser Wissen bezüglich des Spiels mit dir und nutzen dazu Discord. Wir bieten eine organisierte und strukturierte Gildenumgebung, die Raum für die täglichen Aktionen und das Entdecken von WoW lässt. Stell dich mit uns gemeinsam den Herausforderungen und melde dich bei uns ingame oder übers Forum für ein lockeres Gespräch. Denn.. durch Herausforderungen erreichen wir Episches!
  2. "Warsong Clan" poszukuje nowych aktywnych graczy do wspólnej gry Aktualnie zajmujemy się zarówno PVE jak i PVP. Zainteresowani niech napiszą do: Swagdk, tillttoo, Molvarmo, Natanael Serdecznie zapraszamy
  3. Hello, I just joined the new Dragonflight server with my Lv 34 character and i would like to join a guild in english language or italian if possible, my faction is the alliance
  4. It's been a long since i played WoW... As is have started again playing on this server it seems that the community has changed completely... Before the people where english speaking now it's more like spanish. Where can i find the english speaking community or are there some guilds left on Garrosh? Thanks in advance
  5. Are guild banks usually copied to the new expansion? I have a guild bank on Oribos that wasn't copied across to Valdrakken. Just wondering if that is by design or something has gone wrong. Edit: nevermind, just saw on the official release post that "guild banks will be emptied (items and gold)." All good in that case!
  6. Hey like in the title I am looking for German players or guilds. I’m very new in this game and together is always better than alone just message me
  7. english guild

    🌟 Join ETERNAL - A Rapidly Growing Guild Embracing Mythic Dungeons and PvP! 🌟 Greetings, fellow adventurers! Are you seeking a dynamic and rapidly growing guild that delves into the heart of Mythic dungeons and excels on the battlefield in PvP clashes? ETERNAL is the place to be! We're a guild on the rise, and our journey through Azeroth is just beginning. No matter your class, level, or experience, we welcome you to our diverse family, where camaraderie and English are our shared languages. 🗡️ Mythic Dungeon Excursions: Join us as we venture into the depths of Mythic dungeons, overcoming challenges and securing glorious loot. Our teams are always ready to strategize and conquer the most formidable foes. ⚔️ PvP Glory Awaits: In the arena of PvP, we stand united to face adversaries and seize victory. Whether you're a seasoned gladiator or new to the battlefield, we'll help you hone your skills and climb the ranks. 🌍 Open Arms to All Classes and Levels: No matter your class or level, you're a valued member of ETERNAL. From the greenest apprentice to the battle-hardened veteran, we celebrate diversity and welcome everyone into our ranks. 🌟 Why Choose ETERNAL? Engaging and supportive community. Active events, contests, and giveaways. Experienced players willing to guide and assist. Regular Mythic dungeon runs and PvP events. A journey towards becoming a prominent force in Azeroth. Join us, and let's build a legacy together! Together, we shall etch our names into the annals of Azeroth's history. For the Horde! For the Alliance! For ETERNAL! 🚀 Whisper any guild member in-game or message us on Discord to begin your adventure with ETERNAL!
  8. Milaneden is my name, looking for a sociable guild as I love this server just need some friends
  9. Hello all, I was wondering if anyone on this server would be interested in making a 90-91 twink raiding guild with me? Can be either horde or alliance, doesn't bother me which side it's on. If you have any questions or want to know more please feel free to message me on here or contact me on my discord Reedpriest#1003. thank you and have a wonderful day or night wherever that you may be in the world.
  10. Hallo Gamer, wir sind die deutschsprachige Gilde -Unbeugsam-. Wir sind auf der Suche nach aktiven Spielern und Spielerinnen mit denen wir gemeinsam den PVE Content bestreiten können. Was kannst du erwarten? 1. Einen Discordserver als Gildenplatform. 2. Eine organisierte und strukturierte Gildenführung mit mehrjähriger Erfahrung. 3. Austausch von Wissen über das aktuelle WoW-Addon auf dem die Gilde aktiv ist sowie Firestorm spezifische Dinge. 4. Ein Zusammenspiel von verschiedenen Personen, die alle ein gemeinsames Ziel vereint. 5. Vorausschauende Planung der Raidtage und deren Durchführung und Nachbereitung. 6. Absolvieren von PvE-Content wie: MM+; Torghast usw. Was erwarten wir von dir? 1. Da in der Gilde viele unterschiedliche Charaktertypen und Personen in unterschiedlichsten Altersgruppen heimisch sind, erwarten wir von allen Mitgliedern, dass sie sich im Ton und in der Wortwahl auf einem neutralen normalen Niveau unterhalten können. Gegenseitiger Respekt und Toleranz gegenüber anderen Meinungen sollten für Dich nichts neues sein. 2. Wir erwarten von unseren Mitgliedern, dass diese das Teamplay als oberstes Ziel anerkennen. Spieler die nur auf ihre eigene Stärke setzen, eigene Schwächen nicht erkennen wollen, passen nicht in dieses Gildenprofil. 3. Das du einen funktionierenden Discord client hast, ein funktionierendes Headset und die Bereitschaft dem Gildendiscord zu joinen. 4. Das du dich an die Regeln von FS hältst und keine unerlaubte Software von Drittanbietern verwendest, um sich so irgendeinen Vorteil im Spiel zu verschaffen. Gamer die solche Programme oder Hacks nutzen, passen nicht in das Gildenprofil. Denn durch Herausforderungen erreichen wir Episches ~Unbeugsam~ The english Version of the guild advertisment below
  11. Hello, I am a GM from a fresh guild called Remnants. I am currently looking for everyone from social players to very hardcore players, I am aiming to build this guild so everyone can have fun and that our guild would become one of the top guilds in Firestorm. If you think you gonna give it a shot please do not hesitate to join us by either whispering me in game to Txlodk, or joining our discord server Discord server: GL and stay Sharp Remnants GM
  12. turkey

    Türkiye guildi aramaktayız. 3 kişiyiz. Oyunda bize destek olabilecek arkadaşlar arıyoruz. Nick Silaqui , PredatorWind Server ORİBOS.
  13. Somos a Brazucas!!! Buscamos jogar em um ambiente tranqüilo e sem stress. Onde procuramos jogadores que se identificam com esse perfil. Para fazer raid com a gente, você precisa ser do tipo de jogador que estuda as lutas antes de executá-las. Valorizamos jogadores que dominam as mecânicas e têm alta sobrevivência. Atualmente 6/7N em Pesadelo Esmeralda REQUISITOS PARA RAIDAR: ILV 840+ Possuir o addon Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) devidamente instalado no WoW Disponibilidade e comprometimento de Horários Estudar e saber as lutas na teoria ( Guias e Vídeos) Interessados podem mandar wisper para: Halif, Khayliel, Bigodones, Hãrusame, Kalyfax, Murfina, Fenna, Fennale, Fennita, Celecia, Shayza ou demais membros que façam parte da guild
  14. Happy Ending - is an Asian English Guild looking for dedicated active players for keys and raid progress. Nya' lothya HC 3/12. Our raiding time is 15:00 ST. Discord and DBM is a must! Whisper us for more info or invites Shimhaehae / Bahnkalak / Creampuffs
  15. I was wondering if there are any roleplaying guilds on the sethraliss realm. I have some RP experience and I am fond of WoW lore so please let me know if you are out there!
  16. guild

    Furchtlos is looking for german speaking People at the age of 22+ You should have Teamspeak and a working headset. We are Looking for all classes! As far as the content is available, we run nh, hc & mythical dungeons, and raids. If you already have BFA experience, then this is good but not necessarily a prerequisite. We share our knowledge about BFA and the server with you. After two successful years on Sylvanas, we have now set foot on BFA. And we will face the new challenges here! For more information, you can: contact us via pm or in-game whisper.ThyNeosilver ~Furchtlos~ Wir wipen gemeinsam, Wir siegen gemeinsam!
  17. Cerco una gilda per giocare in compagnia
  18. UnDyING INC is an alliance guild founded by a group of dedicated people . We are an English speaking guild and that's our only requirement . We are focused on maintaining a friendly and chilled environment free of toxicity and drama. We thrive towards helping our guild members get better by helping each other in anyway possible . Our officers are friendly and very approachable. We believe in team work . We have a core raid group for which there are certain gear requirements but we will help you get there if you want to be a part of it .We raid mostly on weekends there is no fixed time but its usually around 8PM to 10PM server time . Apart from this if you are someone who has a friendly and a helpful nature and believes in contributing towards self and the guilds growth and who is dedicated to the game. You are welcome here. If you wish to join us just apply through the guild finder . Or whisper one of these people in the game. Orchimaru, Kurosaaki, Knomdlo, Chocobochick , Zeatina , Ragholy, leten, Looking forward to seeing you in game . Peace out !
  19. Just looking for an english speaking guild to raid Mythic/Heroic Antorus with. Have experience.
  20. Hello, I just downloaded the client and start downloading the game and in the meantime I thought it'll be smart to already fish for a guild. My name is Dumii and everything I say here I can prove just add me on Discord if you are interested for that. Zazu#9998 I played in Legion in a Top 80 Guild on German Retail Realms "Northwind-Mannoroth" and in a Top 60 Guild on English Realms "CyaThursday-Stormscale". With BFA I rose to the famous top 10 / 7 evenings a week guild "ScrubBusters-TwistingNether" when they switched to horde side. After they disbanded on retail I tried finding a new harbour and with that I tried my luck in the rebuild of method in shadowlands. With completely losing interest in retail now I found myself looking for a good private server and hope this one can be it. My goal is to just find a guild doing it more casual "2-4 days" but with high experience aswell. I just wanna farm the old mythic raids here and there and have a little nostalgia about when resto druid was good. -Dumii
  21. Hi! Im new to this private server and I was wondering if there is a Filipino / Pinoy guild here in Sethralis? Im currently on my level 30 mage (Horde) Willing to switch to alliance if there is a Filipino guild there. Thanks in advance guys
  22. Merhaba arkadaşlar , bir süredir aramızda konuştuğumuz guild olayını sonunda başlattık. Daha evvel alliance tarafında işlevde olan guildimizi horde tarafına kaydırdık. Üyelerimiz yavaş yavaş puan doldukça geliyor ve horde tarafında da bir çok üye mevcut. Biraz uzun olacak yazım lakin gidip jaja axaxa tribi çekmektense, raid için yer bulmaya uğraşmaktansa, 380 level item kasta raide yada dungeona alalım gibisinden söylemlere maruz kalmaktansa ve en önemlisi anlaşma sıkıntısı çekmektense biz bize birşeyler yapmak adına << Püskevît >> TR guildimizi açtık. Katılmak isteyen herkesi aramıza bekleriz ve katılmak için türkçe konuşmak dışında hiç bir şart yoktur. Bir birimize saygılı ve yardımcı olduktan sonra başarılı olacağımızdan eminim! Önemli not : Dikkat ederseniz bu server da yıllardır süre gelen bir konu mevcut. (National) Yani ülke içi guildler. Raid başarıları sıralamasına ve dungeon haftalık sıralamalara bakarsanız hep national guildleri görebilirsiniz. Şahsen kendim server da ki en iyi national guildler de oynadım ve ortamlarına bizzat şahitlik ettim. İnanılmaz derece de tartışıyorlar ve sohbet kanallarında birbirileri ile iletişim kurmaktan bile kaçınıyorlar. Siz diyin chaosa engel olmak için ben diyim birlikteliğin bozulmaması adına. Uzun lafın kısası birbirimize saygılı ve seviyeli olduğumuz sürece başarılı olmak adına önümüzde bir engel yok. Guild içerisinde ki bütün arkadaşlarımızın davet etme yetkisi vardır ve katılmak isteyen herhangi biri ile iletişim kurup katılabilir.
  23. Have a holy priest 438, blood dk 431, marksman hunter 425, Looking for an english guild running raids. I need to experience bfa raids. I fall asleep running dungeons on repeat all day everyday. *sigh*
  24. La gilda italiana "Armata Brancaleone" cerca gente! Per chi ha visto l'omonimo film, come suggerisce il nome, si può intuire che siamo soprattutto una gilda fun/social; non puntiamo ad un gioco hardcore (potranno ovviamente esserci dei gruppi di gente più skillata/equippata che lo faccia), ma al semplice progress. NON CI SARANNO INSULTI DI NESSUN GENERE DA PARTE DI NESSUNO PER QUALCHE MECCANICA ERRATA O PER DEL DPS MANCANTE!! Al contrario, ci piace far crescere i personaggi di tutti e passare del tempo in buona compagnia. Non promettiamo niente, se non del sano e ignorante trash italiano che verrà costantemente sparato a pieno volume nei nostri canali discord! Ti sei sentito/a anche tu come Jerry Scotti? Allora whispa in game per essere gildato/a: Nashi, Gerob, Kliz, Ollem, Zarock, Smithson, Footprinter... insomma, whispate chiunque riusciate a trovare online!! CHIUNQUE SARA' IL BENVENUTO!! Persino gli gnomi.
  25. WATAHA Jesteśmy Polska gildia stworzona przez paczkę znajomych zaczynająca swoją przygodę na serwerach BFA. Zmotywowani, zaangażowani z dystansem do siebie. Z braku Polskiej gildii po stronie Alliance postanowiliśmy stworzyć własną. Oferujemy miłą atmosferę, rozwój postaci, dungeony/rajdy o dogodnych godzinach. Również pomoc w questach oraz przydatne rady. Wymagania to chęci, dystans do siebie oraz TS3. Zapraszamy wszystkie chętne osoby. W sprawie kontaktu można pisać do: Piortek, Yoshifex, Louiscyphere(założyciel), Vikroo bądź zapraszamy na ts'a: