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Hello, I just downloaded the client and start downloading the game and in the meantime I thought it'll be smart to already fish for a guild. My name is Dumii and everything I say here I can prove just add me on Discord if you are interested for that. Zazu#9998 I played in Legion in a Top 80 Guild on German Retail Realms "Northwind-Mannoroth" and in a Top 60 Guild on English Realms "CyaThursday-Stormscale". With BFA I rose to the famous top 10 / 7 evenings a week guild "ScrubBusters-TwistingNether" when they switched to horde side. After they disbanded on retail I tried finding a new harbour and with that I tried my luck in the rebuild of method in shadowlands. With completely losing interest in retail now I found myself looking for a good private server and hope this one can be it. My goal is to just find a guild doing it more casual "2-4 days" but with high experience aswell. I just wanna farm the old mythic raids here and there and have a little nostalgia about when resto druid was good. -Dumii
Kill Loot Repeat Is a fresh & international guild, looking for dedicated people to establish and consolidate its core team for mythic antorus. What we expect from you - Class Knowledge You need to have very good knowledge about your class and spec and always look for ways to improve your performance - High Attendance We only raid 2 days a week so at least 90% attendance is required Monday+Thursday 19:30-22:30 server time. - Come prepared for Raids Bring consumables, be on time and be informed about the up-coming boss fights - Constant Gear Development You should constantly try to improve your gear via Mythic+ / Raids / PvP. Be vocal and have a reliable internet connection Last but not least, a positive attitude both in the raid and when socializing in the guild in general What to expect from us A strong lead mythic team with a positive and constructive raid environment. Off raid activity, either pushing high level Mythic + , leveling/gearing alts , doing achievements et cetera. A mature and friendly guild with active players who respect the game and each other. Recruitment: Healer , Tanks and Dps. Prior Mythic Exp that we can validate or some current proofs are a must. Application reviews are made within 24h unless a raid day happens to overlap.
Dear Community Me and 2 other friends have decided to setup a project for both our guild and the rest of the community who is interested in this idea. We want to give both old and new players the opportunity to experience PvE as its supposed to be experienced. and that's by making it harder. the way we want to achieve this is by instead of looking forward. we look back. at things ppl concider "easy" nowadays because they're super outgeared. Ever wondered how an instance looked on HC on a lower ilv? well you can get that experience We're looking for both new, and old players who want to PvE. It's like twinking but on max level! https://goo.gl/9vK7CD In this link there is all the information you need and how to apply for it if you're interested in joining our team!