Kill Loot Repeat Is a fresh & international guild, looking for dedicated people to establish and consolidate its core team for mythic antorus. What we expect from you - Class Knowledge You need to have very good knowledge about your class and spec and always look for ways to improve your performance - High Attendance We only raid 2 days a week so at least 90% attendance is required Monday+Thursday 19:30-22:30 server time. - Come prepared for Raids Bring consumables, be on time and be informed about the up-coming boss fights - Constant Gear Development You should constantly try to improve your gear via Mythic+ / Raids / PvP.
Be vocal and have a reliable internet connection Last but not least, a positive attitude both in the raid and when socializing in the guild in general What to expect from us A strong lead mythic team with a positive and constructive raid environment. Off raid activity, either pushing high level Mythic + , leveling/gearing alts , doing achievements et cetera.
A mature and friendly guild with active players who respect the game and each other. Recruitment: Healer , Tanks and Dps. Prior Mythic Exp that we can validate or some current proofs are a must. Application reviews are made within 24h unless a raid day happens to overlap.