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Found 14 results

  1. INTRODUCING MYTHIC FLEX In our continuous effort to offer you the best gaming experience, we'd like to propose a new and unique feature. Mythic Flex is exactly what you think it is, it enables flexible player groups from 10 players, up to the default of 20 players. Just like normal and heroic! This feature enables lots of potential especially for smaller guilds, but not limited to them. It's a feature where you'll no longer have to rely on 20 players to start a mythic raid, instead you can do it with your small group of friends. SO WHAT'S THIS ABOUT? First of all, we should clarify what is Mythic Flex and what is not... Mythic Flex will NEVER scale below 10 players. Instance limit is still 20 players. Mythic Flex is intended to remove the mandatory raid size of 20 players, NOT to reduce the difficulty and flavour of Mythic! Loot is adjusted based on raid size. Creatures health and some specific mechanics and spells will scale based on raid size. It is NOT a difficulty nerf. It may appear easier for a very few players just because it's easier to coordinate 10 players than 20. Mythic will still be a place where only the best raiders can compete. Although Mythic Flex is not a new concept for us, (successfully implemented on Felsong 8 months ago), its success and future will depend on your feedback gathered over the span of the next few weeks. Our intention is to make the game better, thus your feedback will play a decisive role as we'll closely keep an eye on it. WHAT IS CHANGED THEN? Health, first of all. Every creature inside the mythic raid will scale their HP based on raid size. Then, some mechanics and spells. A generic example would be mechanics where a specific number of players must soak an ability. Here is a list with all spells and mechanics changed to work on flex for Aberrus Mythic: Amalgamation Chamber: - Gloom Conflagration: required players & split damage scaling Assault of the Zaqali: - Catastrophic Slam: required players & split damage scaling Rashok the Elder: - Charged Smash: required players & split damage scaling - Doom Flames: spawn count is now scaling Echo of Neltharion: - Volcanic Heart: debuff count scaling - Sunder Reality: Portals breaking scaling with player count Finally, Mythic Flex will be live tomorrow, July 24th for Aberrus. And with this occasion we also implemented a 90 seconds window during which disconnected players can relog while a raid encounter is in progress. Once the timer expires, offline players will be teleported outside the raid if there is an encounter in progress. Looking forward for your feedback. K0s, Firestorm Admin
  2. loot

    Hey, I did about 20 mythic key dungeons (up to m9) but couldn't get any loot except azerite artifact powers. I don't know if its the drop rate or my luck, but this is annoying as hell. I think I am bugged.
  3. Hello everyone. I am new player on the server and today i did mythics for the first time since i started playing. I completed "The motherlode" and "Temple of Sethraliss". A friend told me that i should get a key after completing a mythic but i didn't receive a key after both mythics. I also wrote a ticket and i am currently waiting for response. Anyone else experienced this bugg or knows a way to fix it?
  4. Hello, I am a GM from a fresh guild called Remnants. I am currently looking for everyone from social players to very hardcore players, I am aiming to build this guild so everyone can have fun and that our guild would become one of the top guilds in Firestorm. If you think you gonna give it a shot please do not hesitate to join us by either whispering me in game to Txlodk, or joining our discord server Discord server: GL and stay Sharp Remnants GM
  5. Καλησπερα παιδια ειμαστε μια παρεα απο ολοκληρη την ελλαδα και προσφατα αρχησαμε να παιζουμε στο Firestorm εχουμε φτιαξει ενα ελληνικο Guild <Ordo Hellenicus> με σκοπο να κανουμε raids και PvP events. Ειστε ολοι ευπροσδεκτοι να μπειτε στην παρεα μας και να παιζουμε ολοι μαζι. Εγω ειμαι ο z0gra και κανω livestreams καθημερινα.Αυτα ειναι τα λινκς απο τα livestreams.Αυτο ειναι το λινκ απο το discord server
  6. Mythic + Timewalking Battle for Azeroth Greetings Firestorm players! We've mentioned a lot of stuff in our previous announcements that we are working on and one of them was Timewalking which is an important element of our content that will make its entrance into the server so that you and everyone who play on Oribos have extra stuff to do while we work on other major content. Our developers did their best to make it happen as soon as possible and now we are here to introduce this to you Firestormers! Let's see how will it work and how you can earn your place among the best players, not only that but also what are the rewards that will be awaiting?! First, The dungeons that will be available are; Freehold. Atal'Dazar. Waycrest Manor. King's Rest. The Underrot. Shrine of Storm. Second, now we can explain how you start your Timewalking challenge; You will need to talk with Ta'hsup by the Great Vault in Oribos to obtain a Timework Keystone that will allow you to run to Battle for Azeroth Timewalking dungeons in the Mythic+ difficulties. Timeworn Keystone has the same level as your current Shadowlands Mythic+ Keystone. You need to know that completing BFA Timewalking Mythic+ dungeons will count towards the Great Vault requirements. Finally, there will be a new quest which is (Timework Keystone: Battle fore Azeroth) that will reward you some stuff which can be listed as the following; Multi-Modal Anima Container. x500 Timewarped Badge. Cache of Nathrian Treasures. Third, What are the benefits you're getting from Timewalking? Well, it will be all about Shadowlands gear according to the keystone you do! But of course it has more to give, lets see; Timewarped badges: Allow you to buy transmogs, pets and even mounts that have never been unlocked in our servers in-game before! so that's something that should get your attention, huh? Also, a Vendor List which contains the following; Fourth, Earning Timewalking badges progress; Well, after completing the M+, you will receive them as the following; 2 - 6 lvl key > x50 x50 7 - 9 lvl key > x75 x75 10 - 14 lvl key > x100 x100 15 - 19 lvl key > x125 x125 20+ lvl key > x150 x150 Finally, Mythic + BFA Timewalking Affixes and Rotation; Well, BFA Mythic+ Dungeons have a special set of affixes based on BFA season 4. Level 10+ Dungeons have a special affix exclusive to BFA, such as; Awakened. Those Affixes were also brought back; Skittish. Teeming. On the current week, Shadowlands keystone have main affix which is Tyrannical but in the Timewalking BFA, it will be Fortified or vice versa. We can list the Affixes Rotations of the week as the following; Tyrannical, Teeming, Volcanic Fortified, Bolstering, Skittish Tyrannical, Bursting, Necrotic Fortified, Sanguine, Quaking Tyrannical, Bolstering, Explosive Fortified, Bursting, Volcanic Tyrannical, Raging, Necrotic Fortified, Teeming, Quaking Tyrannical, Bursting, Skittish Fortified, Bolstering, Grievous Tyrannical, Raging, Explosive Fortified, Sanguine, Grievous On top of this Timewalking won't be a time-gated event. You will be able to keep going as long as you want! And eventually, we will add other xpacks to the dungeon rotation such as Legion, etc. Hope you are all ready to get into that new challenge and enjoy our newest content! Have a nice day, The Firestorm Team
  7. Greetings, BFA ! A bit later than we'd hoped, but still earlier than initially planned (we gave it our best, honest), we're here to announce the opening of Ny'alotha's full Mythic mode Wednesday August 11th 11:00AM ! All 12 bosses will be available right away: but be careful as they will each have unique new strats that will make them a lot harder ! We've compiled them for you here. Wrathion, the Black Prince Maut Prophet Skitra Dark Inquisitor Xanesh Hivemind Shad'har the Insatiable Drest'agath Il'gynoth Vexiona Ra-den Carapace of N'Zoth N'Zoth the Corruptor We're also re-doing the podium reward thing, but with increased stakes ! The top 3 guilds to kill N'Zoth in Mythic difficulty will get announced for everyone to see, and their members who managed to defeat him will be rewarded as follows: 500 points for the 1st guild, 300 for the 2nd one and 150 for the 3rd one. For those, we will need a proper screenshot / video as proof of the kill with raiding members visible With one week to prepare, you better give it your best ! We wish everyone good luck for this final content of the Battle for Azeroth expansion ! The Firestorm Team
  8. Greetings, BFA ! Following the release of The Eternal Palace's 3rd and final wing in LFR, NM and HM difficulties, it is now time to open the raid's mythic doors! The difficulty is already available on our Sethraliss realm since November 18th, 2020! Prepare yourselves for 8 encounters with additional mechanics: Abyssal Commander Sivara Blackwater Behemoth Radiance of Azshara Lady Ashvane Orgozoa Queen's Court Za'qul Queen Azshara We also wanted to spice things up, so we will also be rewarding the top 3 guilds to kill Azshara in Mythic difficulty by announcing it, and by offering Firestorm points to the guild members who managed to defeat her as follows: 300 points for the 1st guild, 200 for the 2nd one and 100 for the 3rd one. Who will claim the podium? The race is on! We wish everyone good luck for this final 8.2.0 content! The Firestorm Team
  9. Greetings! During our previous announcement we told you guys that we'd release one Uldir LFR wing every 2 weeks, and planned on releasing the full Mythic difficulty alongside the release of the 3rd and last wing: last Wednesday, the 2nd wing was released, which means that next Wednesday the final one is to be delivered on live. Well, we're gonna deliver on our promises, with some extras! Uldir Mythic, alongside King's Rest, Siege of Boralus and the full War Campaign will ship to live on Wednesday, June 5th at 11:00 AM Server time! Note: With this update, the realm ilvl cap will be increased to 395. ULDIR MYTHIC The mythic mode of Uldir will be available on all 8 bosses! Be ready to face them all in their true form and battle your way to the top of the ladder, while ending G'huun's corruption once and for all! All bosses will loot base 385 ilvl gear. In Mythic difficulty, the challenge is increased, with some new mechanics on the bosses, be sure to check them before getting into the fray! We grouped them for you here: Taloc Mother Zek’voz, Herald of N’zoth Vectis Fetid Devourer Zul Mythrax the Unraveler G’huun WAR CAMPAIGN The 8.0 War Campaign will be fully released, both Alliance & Horde sides! Since the release, only the Footholds were available: now is the time to continue what you started, and lay waste on the opposing faction! (NB: you need to complete all available Footholds before continuing the War Campaign questline). Horde side: You will be able to get to the 5th chapter 'The Strike on Boralus' Alliance side: You will be able to get to the 5th chapter 'The Strike on Zuldazar' Note: Island Expeditions are still under development, and won't be released with this update. SIEGE OF BORALUS The last Kul Tiran dungeon, Siege of Boralus will be available in Mythic, and Mythic+ difficulties! EDIT: To unlock this dungeon, whether you are Alliance or Horde, you will need to finish the war campaign. KING'S REST The last Zandalari dungeon, King's Rest will be available in Mythic, and Mythic+ difficulties! EDIT: To unlock this dungeon, whether you are Alliance or Horde, you will need to finish the war campaign. DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP Things have evolved since the last time we shared, here are the standings now: Vol'dun is almost fully scripted and will begin testings shortly. Stormsong Valley is a bit behind, but still progressing. Arathi Outdoors' tests have begun, but the contribution system still needs to be implemented & tested. Islands Expeditions are soon finished and will then have to be tested. Some of our developers began working on 'old content' namely Tanaan Jungle questline, as well as Gilneas & Kezan to improve player experience when leveling. One of our devs is working on implementing the 'Role Check' system for PvP queues (the window that pops up asking you to confirm your role for arenas & BGs). It should be testable soon, and after that will be shipped to live. As a reminder, our Quality Assurance team could use your help! Whether you're more familiar with raids, dungeons, questlines, professions, or classes, you can help us improve the server! You can send your application here (in English) and if you have questions, feel free to ask any admin on discord, or the Head QAs directly (Citryne for PVE side, and Tweek for Class Masters). Thank you for your time, we wish you all good luck & fun while enjoying those new contents! The Firestorm Team.
  10. Hi everyone, We are a very small guild just comprising our family members. We have done amazingly well and been able to progress to Mythic 1 dungeons, on our Horde characters, with just 4 players. However we realise that we won't progress beyond this without support or more people joining the guild. Our Alliance characters are just about running Heroic. We don't want to just bring anyone into supporting us/joining us as we have children playing and need to ensure that they are safe, hence the forum post. We don't just fly through dungeons , our tank really works out strategies and we take time to research and understand the dungeons/bosses and I expect that is why we have been so successful with just 4 of us. We are happy to help level 120's progress and run dungeons etc so they can learn strategy and upgrade gear. We are looking to be able to progress on both Horde and Alliance. We are all 360+ ILVL on Horde and would want anyone joining to be around this, but to be honest if we need to help you upgrade gear we would rather have the right people involved and support you with upgrading it. Ideally we are looking for parents with children or family members that play together. If you would like to join or support us , please comment and we will be in touch. Thanks
  11. Greetings everyone! It's been 6 weeks that our 8.1.5 content update has been released on Sethraliss, including the 2-boss raid "Crucible of Storms" currently available in LFR, NM & HM difficulties. 16 guilds have killed Uu'nat in Heroic, so we're gonna give you guys a harder challenge! On Wednesday, May 27th at 11:00AM, Mythic difficulty will be released on the raid: time to face the true power of the void, and get some high ilevel rewards! Here are the Mythic guides of those 2 bosses: The Restless Cabal, looting 420 ilvl gear Uu'nat, looting 425 ilvl gear We wish everyone good fortune for those 2 epic fights ! The Neighborhood guild was the first to claim Jaina Mythic, who will it be this time ? As usual we'll be monitoring the encounters and fix issues that we notice: you can help us by making Bugtracker reports or contacting our staff members directly. See you on Wednesday!
  12. Kill Loot Repeat Is a fresh & international guild, looking for dedicated people to establish and consolidate its core team for mythic antorus. What we expect from you - Class Knowledge You need to have very good knowledge about your class and spec and always look for ways to improve your performance - High Attendance We only raid 2 days a week so at least 90% attendance is required Monday+Thursday 19:30-22:30 server time. - Come prepared for Raids Bring consumables, be on time and be informed about the up-coming boss fights - Constant Gear Development You should constantly try to improve your gear via Mythic+ / Raids / PvP. Be vocal and have a reliable internet connection Last but not least, a positive attitude both in the raid and when socializing in the guild in general What to expect from us A strong lead mythic team with a positive and constructive raid environment. Off raid activity, either pushing high level Mythic + , leveling/gearing alts , doing achievements et cetera. A mature and friendly guild with active players who respect the game and each other. Recruitment: Healer , Tanks and Dps. Prior Mythic Exp that we can validate or some current proofs are a must. Application reviews are made within 24h unless a raid day happens to overlap.
  13. Synergy is a new english-speaking EU horde guild created by experienced firestorm players. We're looking to do end-game content and PvP. We're currently recruiting all classes with an item level of 880 and above. Our average ilvl is currently 900+, we do daily mythic runs and pvp. We are looking to start raiding as soon as we grow a bit. If you're interested in an up and coming english-speaking guild, we welcome you with open arms! Please contact Iskald (or) Deathkicker, Felslasher, Paranoic, Smugface - In-game, if you want to join up with us!
  14. sylvanas

    Hello everyone, We're aware of the issues that are occurring on Xavius in Emerald Nightmare Mythic. Our developers suggested that Xavius loot, achievements to be disabled until the issues with Xavius are fixed. We plan to re-launch the Mythic difficulty on Wednesday, October 18th, 2017 at 16:00 (server time)! * Again, we apologise for the issues you encountered and we'll see you on Wednesday, October 18th, 2017 for the race to “The Emerald Nightmare” realm first. May the best guild win and for the winners a surprise awaits you. * Mythic difficulty will be closed on Tuesday, October 17th, 2017 evening until it officially reopens on October 18th, 2017 at 16:00 (server time)!