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Hi Everybody, My name is Crashling or y'all can call me Reed. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in making a 99 or 100 twinking guild? 99 mainly for pvp and rbgs and 100 mainly for mythic wod raiding and dungeons. Can I get my artifact weapon? Hell yes you can. If anyone would be interested in doing it with me for fun add me on discord Reedpriest#1003
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone on this server would be interested in making a 90-91 twink raiding guild with me? Can be either horde or alliance, doesn't bother me which side it's on. If you have any questions or want to know more please feel free to message me on here or contact me on my discord Reedpriest#1003. thank you and have a wonderful day or night wherever that you may be in the world.
Hello, I just downloaded the client and start downloading the game and in the meantime I thought it'll be smart to already fish for a guild. My name is Dumii and everything I say here I can prove just add me on Discord if you are interested for that. Zazu#9998 I played in Legion in a Top 80 Guild on German Retail Realms "Northwind-Mannoroth" and in a Top 60 Guild on English Realms "CyaThursday-Stormscale". With BFA I rose to the famous top 10 / 7 evenings a week guild "ScrubBusters-TwistingNether" when they switched to horde side. After they disbanded on retail I tried finding a new harbour and with that I tried my luck in the rebuild of method in shadowlands. With completely losing interest in retail now I found myself looking for a good private server and hope this one can be it. My goal is to just find a guild doing it more casual "2-4 days" but with high experience aswell. I just wanna farm the old mythic raids here and there and have a little nostalgia about when resto druid was good. -Dumii
Hello there boys and dudes trying to be girls, we are a new guild that is searching for new members to join us, we own a discord channel, we are doing m+ content every day, raiding as often as possible, we are doing progresion runs that means we start with a low difficulty and moving to hc and m bod after we finish the other difficulties (now we are at hc runs) The guild is kinda fresh so we are open to new ideas that can benefit us all. We are an international guild but we speak in the gchat and discord in english so everyone can understand everyone. We are curently recruiting all the specs but we do have a lack of ranged dps. So if you are a human, understand or speak english, have more than 2 braincells and you are willing to start a new adventure, join us today TheSacredLegion You can contact me in game /w Superiour /w Splinanu or just add and /w when im on or sending letters. Thank you for your attention, have a nice day. For the Alliance
- 2 replies
- alliance
- recruiting
- (and 9 more)
<Pacto de los Dioses> is the most successful PvE-focused and high-end raid progression guild on Sylvanas and currently we are recruiting additional players to strenghten our roster in order to complete our Antorus the Burning Throne & Tomb of Sargeras progress. Considering this guild has positioned itself to be the best on the server with previous raids and mythic boss kills, we would also like do finish Legion content as the best by killing the only remaining bosses still undefeated by anyone, that being: Argus (ATBT), Fallen Avatar (ToS) and Kil'jeaden (ToS). About us: Pacto has been around on Sylvanas from the start, competing in mythic progress races within the first raids like Emerald Nightmare and Trial of Valor. Over the years, many other guilds had risen and fallen, however Pacto is pheraps the last and only high-end guild who maintained it's roster, community, motivation and team spirit with the goal to be remembered as the best. The guild is mostly populated with spanish speaking players, however, for many months the doors have been opened to english speaking players as well who also have their place here and since many of the spanish speaking players also speak english in some capacity, all of us are able to communicate well. Outside of raids we tend to socialise and chat with each other over Discord, do mythic+ dungeons on Legion and some of us play on BfA. In short, we are a tight group consisted of some of the best players on the server, striving for constant improvement while withstanding the test of time and staying together when others fell apart. What can Pacto offer you? Raiding: We give you the opportunity to participate in raids which will hopefully see us downing some of the most difficult bosses in WoW such as Kil'jeaden, Argus & Avatar. We provide equal opportunities for both old and new players to prove themselves to us with their skill level, attendance and participation in raids. Community: As stated before, Pacto is a long lasting guild. We offer stability and people with the same mindset as yourself - raiding hardcore and downing bosses before any other guild. What do we expect from you? Commitment: All applicants and trial players should have a good attitude towards hardcore raiding. You will be required to dedicate yourself to our raiding schedule if you wish to keep your spot and progress through the ranks within the guild. You will also be encouraged to bring your alts in the guild and play them if you wish (assuming they are good enough). Critisism: You should be able to handle constructive critisism if it is directed at you by the Guild master/raid leader, officer or another player. Attendance: We operate on a 7-day raid schedule. Few of these days will be farming focused in order to reach bosses we have to progress on. Everyone is highly encouraged to participate in farm raids, not only to get the gear you may need, but also to show us your overall performance such as DPS/HPS, handling boss mechanics etc. in an environment where everyone else is doing the same. Farm raids give you the chance to stand out. Communication: WoW is a team game and communication is the most important thing when we raid. Therefore you will be required to use Discord, have a working headset and understand either Spanish or English. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress and accomplishments: Antorus the Burning Throne 10/11M - (current server 1st: Aggramar) Tomb of Sargeras: 7/9M - (current server 1st: Maiden of Vigilance) Nighthold: 10/10M - server 1st Gul'dan Trial of Valor: 3/3M - server 1st Helya Emerald Nightmare: 7/7M - server 3rd Xavius ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you wish to apply and compete with the best head over to our site and make an application there or contact me, officers or the guild master for an interview. https://pactogg.shivtr.com/site_applications
Dear Community Me and 2 other friends have decided to setup a project for both our guild and the rest of the community who is interested in this idea. We want to give both old and new players the opportunity to experience PvE as its supposed to be experienced. and that's by making it harder. the way we want to achieve this is by instead of looking forward. we look back. at things ppl concider "easy" nowadays because they're super outgeared. Ever wondered how an instance looked on HC on a lower ilv? well you can get that experience We're looking for both new, and old players who want to PvE. It's like twinking but on max level! https://goo.gl/9vK7CD In this link there is all the information you need and how to apply for it if you're interested in joining our team!
From Darkness Into Light is a hardcore progressive PvE guild looking for likeminded raiders. Requirements * At least one ToT normal clear * 525 item level * Speak enough English * A good attitude towards the raid or guild regardless of the situation * Knowledge of your class that benefits a progressive raider as well as proper gearing for your spec * And willingness to learn new tactics when required We are currently accepting all classes and specs as long as they fit the above requirements. Healers and tank specced players are preferred but DPS are encouraged to apply if they feel up to the challenges! Contact these officers to ask about joining or you can apply here in this thread also: * Incomingpain - https://firestorm-servers.com/us/community/armory/4/4/2318120 * Ríu - https://firestorm-servers.com/us/community/armory/4/4/2713181 * Verneasimov/Shakyamuni - https://firestorm-servers.com/us/community/armory/4/4/2323189 * Crissy - https://firestorm-servers.com/us/community/armory/4/4/2209186 * Purehearts - https://firestorm-servers.com/us/community/armory/4/4/2107772