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About dylanland234

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  1. How do I initialize the quest to start Legion if that makes sense? Like what quest do I do or need to do to kick off the legion expac
  2. Am I missing something, do I need to specifically be on your legion server?
  3. Hello, I am currently half way through shadowlands. I realize there is no sword transmog that fits my needs and I'm getting a bit bored. How the heck do I start Legion content? It use to be on the calling board "Join the Legion" but I am not seeing and initial storyline has not happened in the capital.
  4. Milaneden is my name, looking for a sociable guild as I love this server just need some friends
  5. How do I join english chat
  6. All is good and no there was no port just a few quests I was having trouble completing such as the war desk on boralus' ship not working at all, trying to find ways around it. Thank you!
  7. Thanks for the swift reply, but I am having trouble getting the BFA questline started. . I will do somemore digging and see if I am missing a prerequisit
  8. Hello! I recently tried this client again and was blown away I got it to work, unfortunately none of the BFA content is showing up in my Shadowlands client I downloaded. . . Am I doing something wrong or is this per expansion per realm?