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Found 56 results

  1. english

    I only speak English... I am looking for Active English Speaking Alliance Guild for at least 3 of my characters Priest (Healer some what new to healing), DK (Blood and Frost Specs) Druid (Feral) I do have a Rogue that is in another guild but willing to join another guild and my rogue is mostly for PvP. I am looking for the following below English Speaking Only Casual PvE PvP Raids Dungeons Active I also have 1 Horde Warlock as well for Horde guild. Let me know what guilds I can join?
  2. raid

    Discover the Wednesday 16th of January 2019 at 18:00 (server time), the full release of the raid Antorus, the Burning Throne on Firestorm on Mythic mode! Fight against the evil on Azeroth and stop it. Finish with the Legion once and for all by defeating Argus the Unmaker! Get ready to fight against: The 2 felhounds of Sargeras: The 3 commanders: Protect against the Legion forces. Kin'garoth and his hellish machines. The Coven of Shivarra, masters of torture. Varimathras, Lord of the Fallen Terror. Aggramar. And, finally, Argus the Unmaker. If you encounter any problem, you can make a report on this post. With this feature, we will increase the item level of every Mythic+ dungeon and raid in 15 levels. Refer to the next table in order to see full details about it. The new item level cap will be 985. Mythic+ level Item level Weekly chest 0 885 – +2 890 905 +3 890 910 +4 895 915 +5 900 920 +6 905 920 +7 905 925 +8 910 925 +9 910 930 +10 915 935 +11 920 940 +12 925 945 +13 930 950 +14 935 955 +15 940 960 Firestorm Team
  3. I'm looking for a casual guild on the horde side to join.
  4. Discover today, Wednesday 12th of December 2018 at 18:00 (server time), the full release of the raid Antorus, the Burning Throne on Firestorm, Sylvanas! Fight against the evil on Azeroth and stop it. Finish with the Legion once and for all by defeating Argus the Unmaker! Get ready to fight against: The 2 felhounds of Sargeras: The 3 commanders: Protect against the Legion forces. Kin'garoth and his hellish machines. The Coven of Shivarra, masters of torture. Varimathras, Lord of the Fallen Terror. Aggramar. And, finally, Argus the Unmaker. If you encounter any problem, you can make a report on this post. Firestorm Team
  5. [Information] The loot and the achievements of the Fourth Wing will be available. Modes: LFR / Normal / Heroic. Release: Wednesday 12th of December 2018 at 18:00 (server time). The bodies of the heroes were bruised by the fighting, but no sound would sound again in the corridors of Antorus. The heroes advanced in the gloom under the glow of the red braziers ... "Attention!" said Magni. There was a blow in the distance. "The northern corridor... it's clear! Come on, heroes! Let's charge once more... May the light be with us... FOR AZEROTH!" "The master calls..." The advent of his evil work approaches. The pantheon will rise above Azeroth. In this wing: Battle Aggramar and its rage. Save Azeroth fighting and defeating Argus the Unmaker once and for all! If you encounter any problem, you can make a report on this post. The Firestorm Team
  6. [Information] The loot and the achievements of the third wing will be available. Modes: LFR / Normal / Heroic. Release: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 18:00 (server time). "Hero, the decisive fight is coming in. You've managed to help Eonar and fend off the Legion's assault, but not everything has been played out yet." Magni said the words in a silence tone while the Vindicaar went to the heart of Antorus, deep in the darkness. The silence became anxious when suddenly a red glow emerged from the nothingness. "The Seat of the Pantheon was not far off," thought Illidan, there was not a minute to lose. All landed from the ship and, in a common outburst, carried by a spark of light the adventurers rushed between the black stone columns. In this wing: Defeat Kin'garoth and his hellish machines. Confront the Shivarra Sabbath, mistresses in the art of torture. Eliminate Varimathras, the Lord of Fallen Fright. If you encounter any problem, you can make a report on this post. The Firestorm Team
  7. Kill Loot Repeat Is a fresh & international guild, looking for dedicated people to establish and consolidate its core team for mythic antorus. What we expect from you - Class Knowledge You need to have very good knowledge about your class and spec and always look for ways to improve your performance - High Attendance We only raid 2 days a week so at least 90% attendance is required Monday+Thursday 19:30-22:30 server time. - Come prepared for Raids Bring consumables, be on time and be informed about the up-coming boss fights - Constant Gear Development You should constantly try to improve your gear via Mythic+ / Raids / PvP. Be vocal and have a reliable internet connection Last but not least, a positive attitude both in the raid and when socializing in the guild in general What to expect from us A strong lead mythic team with a positive and constructive raid environment. Off raid activity, either pushing high level Mythic + , leveling/gearing alts , doing achievements et cetera. A mature and friendly guild with active players who respect the game and each other. Recruitment: Healer , Tanks and Dps. Prior Mythic Exp that we can validate or some current proofs are a must. Application reviews are made within 24h unless a raid day happens to overlap.
  8. pve

    [Information] The loot and the achievements of the second wing will be available. Modes: LFR / Normal / Heroic. Implementation: Wednesday 14 November 2018 at 18:00 (server time). At the heart of Argus lies Antorus, the Burning Throne. It is from this place of power that Sargeras orchestrates his ardent crusade to annihilate the cosmos. In these dark depths, primordial powers are exploited to forge devastating weapons to annihilate the world. The second wing of the raid will be available this Wednesday on the Realm Sylvanas. You will have to take the direction of the forbidden descent to continue your progression through the fortress of the Legion. Prudence... dark entities are waiting for you impatiently! In this wing you will find: Protect against the Legion troops. If you find any problem, please report it here. The Firestorm Staff
  9. <Serendipity> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La gilda Serendipity mantiene aperte le gildature in cerca di giocatori per consolidare/ampliare il gruppo raid. Siamo una gilda Social,Semi-Hardcore concentrati sul PvE. Offriamo una community con anni di esperienza e progress PvE alle spalle, da TBC a WOTLK e CATACLYSM. Diamo spazio anche al PvP (Premade BG/ Rated BG) anche qui abbiamo una fetta della community con anni di esperienza che risale a TBC passando per le varie espansioni, con importanti risultati a consolidare tali esperienze. In conclusione, se stai cercando una gilda seria con cui concludere qualcosa di concreto ma divertirti allo stesso tempo, noi siamo quello che fa per te ! Se invece sei un player che sta cercando una gilda italiana semplicemente per avere qualcuno con cui parlare e passare tempo, anche tu sei il benvenuto. Come ho già scritto siamo una gilda anche social, il nostro scopo è creare un gruppo dove far giocare e divertire gli appassionati di WoW, infatti non ci siamo concentrati sul creare una gilda Hardcore perchè in quel caso (per forza di causa) avremmo dovuto escludere determinate tipologie di giocatori. - SERENDIPITY - Ormai presenti nella realtà di Firestorm dalla sua apertura, ci attingiamo a concludere l'espansione con l'impegno massimo disponibile, per poter dire di aver giocato appieno quest'espansione e aver completato i contenuti disponibili, in modo da aggiungere questo tempo tra le nostre esperienze videoludiche. Difficilmente una gilda rimane aperta dall'inizio alla fine di un espansione, tra alti e bassi è facile perdersi per strada. Ci tengo pertanto a ringraziare la mia gilda e i membri che mi hanno sostenuto, i membri fondatori rimasti ,i veteran e chi ha dato davvero un contributo in gilda, aldilà di raid o rank. Vi invitiamo ad entrare nella nostra gilda e ad essere attivi e protagonisti a modo vostro, qui diamo un opportunità a tutti. Questo è l'ultimo messaggio di reclutamento prima della fine dell'espansione. Reclutiamo: Tank,Heal e Dps con off spec. Preferibilmente ogni ruolo con un off spec abbinata, per rendersi più utile e versatile in ogni situazione, per la gilda e per se stessi. Progress: Emerald Nightmare N/HC Full Clear Trial of Valor N/H Fulll Clear The Nighthold N/HC Full Clear Tomb of Sargeras N/HC (hc in conclusione) Antorus, The Burning Throne N/HC (i boss disponibili) Attività generiche : Farm AP. Dungeons Mythic+/ Hc.Premade BG Si richiede: persone che sappiano usare bene la propria classe e disponibilità ad usare Discord che è obbligatorio solo per raid, anche solo in ascolto. Per qualsiasi informazione e/o chiarimento contattate (in game): Spardax o officer/veteran online.
  10. Fallen Crusader Brasil A <Fallen Crusader Brasil> tem como objetivo ser uma das melhores Guildas BR do servidor Sylvanas (Legion) no Firestorm. Visando progressão Cutting Edge (Mythic Mode) mantendo um ambiente de Raid o mais tranqüilo possível. *Facção: Horda *Foco: Conteúdo Mítico *Addons obrigatórios: DBM/BigWigs Skada/Details RC Lootcouncil WeakAuras GTFO *O que você encontra na Fallen Crusader Brasil - Uma guild com bom ambiente de raid. - Foco principal voltado para progressão. - Competitividade. Somos competitivos e lutamos para nos destacar no servidor. *O que estamos esperando de nossos jogadores - Que você goste de raidar, seja maduro e tenha como foco progredir no modo Mítico. - Que tenha conhecimento das lutas antes da raid. - Que domine sua classe (não temos espaço para jogadores que dominem apenas uma spec) e que tenha experiência em conteúdo end-game. - Que seja comprometido, ou seja, que tenha um bom attendance. *Meio de comunicação durante a Raid Discord. Nossos conceitos: - Dedicação e comprometimento: embora WoW seja apenas um jogo, não é possível realizar progressão com um grupo instável, com players sem compromisso com horário, etc. Assim sendo, exigimos o máximo de dedicação de todos os jogadores do core. - Suporte e Teamwork: A habilidade individual é extremamente valorizada. No entanto, a progressão da guild é de mais valia. Procuramos players com visão e objetivo de se fazer parte de um grupo! Aqui não há espaço para jogadores individualistas, estrelinhas, escadinhas ou "loggers". - Atmosfera coerente: A guild foi idealizada com o objetivo de ser competitiva. Porém, pretende-se fazer isso da forma mais aprazível possível. -CORE: - Loot: O loot será distribuído pelo Loot Council e será baseado no que é melhor para a guilda. Serão levados em consideração para entrega de loot os seguintes pontos: rank na guild, importância do item para a spec, necessidade do player (ilevel baixo no equip em questão, fechar 2p/4p do tier, etc.), desempenho individual e attendance. O profissionalismo é essencial para os horários de raid, mas a guilda é composta por um pessoal muito tranqüilo e encorajamos nossos jogadores a estarem presentes no discord para conversar e dar risada. Ranks: - Membro - Trial - Raider - Para manter a qualidade das nossas raids, todos os membros que fazem parte do core da Fallen Crusader Brasil, devem cumprir as seguintes exigências: - Attendance (presença) de no mínimo 85%. Seremos flexíveis em casos de faltas justificadas, mas esse percentual é o que esperamos de todos os membros do nosso core. A gear deve estar sempre a melhor possível, ou seja, gemas épicas, enchants em todos as peças, otimizar os itens de acordo com o patch. - Utilizar a spec/talents que se destacam nas lutas que o core esteja dando tries, fazendo as adaptações necessárias à estratégia adotada pela guild, afim de otimizar o seu desempenho nas lutas. - Desempenhar o seu papel na raid de forma satisfatória, ou seja: estudar as lutas com antecedência, errar o mínimo de mecânicas possível, participando assim de forma produtiva durante a progressão. Dito isso, para que possamos controlar quais players estão seguindo as exigências, a guilda irá utilizar os ranks para fazer o controle. Cada rank tem o seu papel e as mudanças dos players de rank serão feitas quinzenalmente. Os três ranks são: Membro (Rank Intermediário) Ranking intermediário para players que não estão em fase de Trial para o Core. (Ex: Players em fase de leveling, players em upgrade de item level, que condiz com o mínimo requisitado pelo core, e players que não querem fazer parte do core) É natural que players recém chegados a Guild possuam esse rank. Trial (Rank iniciante) Novos membros do core que estão passando por um período de avaliação, para analisar se o player se encaixa realmente no perfil que procuramos nos membros da guilda. O período varia entre 1 (uma) e 2 (duas) semanas, podendo ser estendido conforme entendimento dos officers. Players neste rank devem conquistar o seu espaço na guilda e provar que são membros com quem o grupo possa contar no futuro. Raider (Rank Avançado) Players que estão de acordo com os requisitos e desempenham um bom convívio e jogabilidade pelo core, sendo assim, fazem parte do Core. - Recrutamento: Também recrutamos pessoas que estejam em fase de desenvolvimento no game e que se identificam com os artigos citados acima. Muito embora estejamos sempre em busca de bons players, acreditamos que a chave para a longevidade e sucesso do grupo está na escolha apropriada de aplicantes que, além de possuírem o mesmo objetivo do grupo e capacidades individuais, devem ter personalidades compatíveis com as atitudes do grupo. Interessados, entrar em contato in-game com: (Fallengodxx, Warlokobr, Frozembrow, Notleh, Rubizinha, Snøey, Yurischwed) Ou se preferir pelo Discord:
  11. Hi, Mandragoza, i'm a 23 years old french canadian,I am a TryHard, I used to be 4.3k on Overwatch i play osu in top 9k, i like to perform on my videogames. I am looking for a HL PVE Guild, i want to push higher PVE than i currently can do with my guild. Looking for full TOS NM, and as much HM as possible, even MM is in my sight. I also wanna push high keys, 17+ and i'm thrilled to take down argus. I play Affliction Lock, curent Ilvl is 930, my DPS roughly around 1m min in a normal raid senario, will increase where my class shines, for exemple 1.25m dps on Demonic inquisition. I know most of the strats, for the boss i havent downed yet i might need a recap or a try or two to perfectly integrate it, i do learn very fast. I'm looking for improvement in every bits you can offer or suggest, i take critics and work on my weakness as soon as they come to my knowledge. I have a very wide schedule. I speak fluently English and French. I also have a DH 918, pal 919, rogue 923 but my lock is my main. But this means i can also tank in case of need. Looking forwards to working with you guys, you can /w me in game Mandragoza or reply to this or Private message on the forum.
  12. Because this has been an issue since 7.3.5 came out please consider fixing fury and arms warrior damage in PVE.Warrior is at the bottom of the charts and its litteraly trash , blizzard fixed this issue in one of their patches with ability buffs and overrall 15% damage increase to all spells.I`ve been playing since the legion beta here and its never been this bad before. I`m not the only one complaining about this.Thank you for your time and I hope the developers will see this.
  13. The Warlords is an Alliance English Pve oriented guild. We are interested in raiding progress and our current achievements as a guild are: Emerald Nightmare Normal, Heroic and Mythic. - Complete 7/7 Trials of Valor Normal and Heroic. - Complete 3/3 Nighthold Normal and Heroic - Complete 10/10 Tomb of Sargeras Normal 9/9 and Heroic 9/9 Antorus the Burning Throne Normal 11/11 and Heroic 11/11 Our rosters are divided carefully according to each and every player's abilities and skills. Our highest and most skilled roster is called "Elite" and only they are able to join the higher difficulty raids, while others that are lower item level and lower dpsing/healing/tanking, are learning and progressing in lower raids. Although every week we do trials and tests to give a chance to every member to make it to the Elite roster, as well as help them progress as fast as possible to join us. Besides raiding, our guild values friendship and loyalty, that is why we do Guild Events monthly in order for all of us to spend some time together. This activity is not obligatory of course and its mostly for people to spend time, have some fun and chill. And also where we give away several prizes to spoil our members a bit. We are recruiting people over 940 item level, with the minimum knowledge of raid tactics and class rotation. We use discord (For both raiding and socializing): For more information please visit our guild website: If you are interested in joining us, please message/mail me in game or join our discord and DM me there. Best Regards, Yashirou
  14. Hi eveyrone. I've recently stopped playing retail and came back to Firestorm. Was here even before it became Firestorm. When it was Pandashan. But have been playing wow since just before TBC release. Anyway I'm looking for an English, social & relaxed guild. I used to PVP a lot back in the day but got so bored with it I now prefer PVE. I'm Horde of course. None of my characters are Alliance D: Since I'm quite busy I can't join serious raiding/progression guilds. I'd prefer it if the guild I get into would have a Teamspeak/Discord server with people who actively speak in them. I know if may be a lot to ask for but I don't want to be in one of those guilds where you're just another number in the guild. Whether your guild is small or whatever size, if it's sociable and friendly and basically what I'm looking for I'd love to join.
  15. hi i want to ask how it works on the pve server when there is just a lot of play to play back sry me eng is bad speak deutsche and cz/sk hungary:D
  16. Synergy is a new english-speaking EU horde guild created by experienced firestorm players. We're looking to do end-game content and PvP. We're currently recruiting all classes with an item level of 880 and above. Our average ilvl is currently 900+, we do daily mythic runs and pvp. We are looking to start raiding as soon as we grow a bit. If you're interested in an up and coming english-speaking guild, we welcome you with open arms! Please contact Iskald (or) Deathkicker, Felslasher, Paranoic, Smugface - In-game, if you want to join up with us!
  17. ===============Introduction=============== Prophecy, one of the leading PvE guilds on the realm, with a notoriously long-standing reputation of consistent, successful raids, is opening it's doors for new members! Do you have the determination, the need, the unrelenting desire burning inside, to be at the very top of every DPS/HPS meter addon anyone can find, no matter what? Do you want to be so far ahead of the curve, that all of your friends come fawning at you, to join their raid, the instant they /inspect and /drool over how decked out your character(s) are with phat epix?! Are you tired of the hassle, of always seeing raids falling apart after 1 wipe, everyone starting off with wide smiles on their faces but leaving the very next moment with a frown? Do you wish to be a part of the most well organized raids, a healthy, positive community and an outstandingly knowledgable and sophisticated officer team? Then look no further, <Prophecy> wants YOU to be part of our core raiding team! ===============Main activities=============== [PvE] Regular Guild raids will be hosted for the following instances with descending priority. Hellfire Citadel - [N] / [H] || Progression - 1/10 NM (TBD) Blackrock Foundry - [N] / [H] || Progression - 10/10 Highmaul - [N ]/ [H] || Progression - 7/7 Raiding schedule: Raids take place on mostly Wednesdays, Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays but regardless, we are just for fun trying to raid any day. All raids take place on 8 PM ST (Server Time) ===============Recruitment=============== Guild recruitments will be done in-game or on the forums. You reply to this topic, or as a DM to me, or any of our current officers. Officers list: No officers. Guild Master: Friend ===============Joining Requirements=============== - A level 100 character with at least 670 iLvl or higher - DBM/BigWigs - Excellent understanding of raid mechanics - Friendly, non-toxic attitude - Commitment to the guild, it's guildies and the server - Good knowledge and understanding of the English language ===============Additional Info=============== Guild hierarchy and rankups will work as follows: each member has a certain number of ranks they need to achieve and conquer before/if they are to become an Officer. Each guildie is free to approach the ranking system in their own way or at the pace of their choosing. Best way to rank up would be to make sure you are always helpful to other guildies when/if it's needed of course. Be active in our guild raids and in guild chat discussions. Do not break any Guild rules or Server rules. Being in a guild means something more than just sharing the same line of text under our names. Keeping that in mind is key to how your rankup will go. Help us continue to offer the best, most well-organized and successful raids to this server's community and maintain the image and friendly environment our guild has had since its inception (back during patch 6.0.3 in June 24, 2015.) ========================= EDIT: Date: 24/06 Hey, if you are still looking for a high-skilled, dedicated PvE guild on Gul'dan, then look further! We are still growing big and strong. We are recruiting mostly skilled ranged DPS and skilled healers to keep us alive and help us take Blackhand Heroic down! We are looking for motivated, dedicated players, those which enjoy WoD raids and content! If you have any interests to join our guild simply either private message me, reply to this thread, whisper me in game. Looking forward! - Friend. ↓ Blackhand Heroic down.
  18. Dear Community Me and 2 other friends have decided to setup a project for both our guild and the rest of the community who is interested in this idea. We want to give both old and new players the opportunity to experience PvE as its supposed to be experienced. and that's by making it harder. the way we want to achieve this is by instead of looking forward. we look back. at things ppl concider "easy" nowadays because they're super outgeared. Ever wondered how an instance looked on HC on a lower ilv? well you can get that experience We're looking for both new, and old players who want to PvE. It's like twinking but on max level! In this link there is all the information you need and how to apply for it if you're interested in joining our team!
  19. Somos a Brazucas!!! Buscamos jogar em um ambiente tranqüilo e sem stress. Onde procuramos jogadores que se identificam com esse perfil. Para fazer raid com a gente, você precisa ser do tipo de jogador que estuda as lutas antes de executá-las. Valorizamos jogadores que dominam as mecânicas e têm alta sobrevivência. Atualmente 6/7N em Pesadelo Esmeralda REQUISITOS PARA RAIDAR: ILV 840+ Possuir o addon Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) devidamente instalado no WoW Disponibilidade e comprometimento de Horários Estudar e saber as lutas na teoria ( Guias e Vídeos) Interessados podem mandar wisper para: Halif, Khayliel, Bigodones, Hãrusame, Kalyfax, Murfina, Fenna, Fennale, Fennita, Celecia, Shayza ou demais membros que façam parte da guild
  20. Fixed Ebonbolt, procs gained while you already have a Brain Freeze active and unused will now be delayed slightly. Got this from the changelog .. ok wtf ... mage dev is actualy retarded ? if we cant use brain freeze proc to shatter ebonbolt that makes ebonbolt basicly useless, spending 3sec to cast an ability that may not crit ? ... thats the main reason blizzard made so ebonbolt gives flurry proc instead of fingers of frost so we can shatter it ... ok fck it in pvp we can shatter ebonbolt with ice nova ... but what in pve ? we have to stack 70%+ crit so we have guarantee ebonbolt crit ? .....when they apply the fixes i was so happy to see that hostile npcs and players get the winter's chill debuff instead of me and i though .. wow they maybe fixed frost mage finaly ... but i was wrong tried to cast ebonbolt and after i cast it i got like 1-1.5 sec delay on the proc that mean the bolt is about to hit the target and there is no way to shatter it with flurry .... This makes no sense .. please fix it .. or dont , i actualy dont expect you to take note from this and we will see the same bullshit for like 2yrs till the new expac comes out and it will start all over again -Firestom We dont care about you or the game , we only care about the money .! P.S In before some kids come here and start complaining about frost mage being op and broken , Please learn how to play your class and how to counter other classes . if you cant do that then you are not viable for pvp .. so go slay some dragons and be a good boy
  21. Guten Abend, hiermit suche ich derweil einige Spieler um eine Gilde zusammen zu erstellen. Folgende Ränge sind noch zu vergeben: Offiziere [übernehmen die Aufgaben der Gildenmeister, wenn er nicht anwesend ist] Anwärter [führen Gespräche bei neuen Mitglieder um die dann in die Gilde einzuladen] Schatzmeister [ist für die finanzielle der Gilde sowie der Bank zuständig] Raidleiter [spricht für sich, leitet den Schlachtzug und erstellt die passende Gruppe] Die Gildenvorstellung 1. Allgemeines 2. Engere Beschreibung 3. Aufnahmekriterien 4. Teamspeak³/Homepage 5. Besonderheiten 6. Schlusswort 1. Allgemeines: Die Gilde Exodus ist eine Allianz-Gilde. Ihr Gründungsdatum war der 31. März 2017. 2. Engere Beschreibung: Die Exodus-Gildenbank besitzt 7 Fächer. Wenn man neu in die Gilde kommt, ist man zwei Woche lang auf dem Rang "Probe Mitglied" und der Gildenrat sowie die Member aus der Gilde werden ein Auge auf euch werfen. Falls ihr euch nicht daneben benehmt werdet ihr zum Mitglied. Zudem werden Vorbereitung auf den aktuelle Content sowie mystisch Dungeon gemacht. Aktivitäten: - Vorbereitung für die kommenden Raid's/mystische Dungeon - Im PVP (Schlachtfeld + Arena) trifft man uns auch öfters, meistens auch am Wochenende. 3. Aufnahmekriterien: Um bei uns aufgenommen zu werden, solltet ihr folgende Eigenschaften mitbringen: - Freundlich - Lernfähig (nicht mosern wenn man mal kritisiert wird) - Zuverlässig - Motiviert + ehrgeizig - Disziplin + geistige Reife (am Abend kann das Niveau gerne mal sinken Zusätzlich solltet ihr Folgendes besitzen: - Teamspeak³ - am besten ein funktionierendes Mikrofon , ansonsten ein Headset oder Boxen zum Zuhören 4. Teamspeak³/Homepage Zum Teamspeak³: Wir haben ein eigenes Teamspeak³ Server. 5. Besonderheiten: Was bei uns besonders ist... Zum einen unsere Spontanität - wenn genügend Leute online sind, wird drüber diskutiert, worauf wir Lust haben und dann wird gemeinsam geraidet/PvP gemacht, um den größtmöglichen Spaß für alle Beteiligten rauszuholen. 6. Schlusswort: Und wem diese Gildenvorstellung zusagt, kann sich gerne ingame bei Iynn, "Name der Offiziere" und "Name der Anwärter" melden.
  22. affliction

    Don't tell me that this is only my problem because it can't be.... it just can't. i know that must be other afflictions feeling the same in pve. I tried to give my best dps in this specific VH HC dungeon (like always). I'm ilvl 836 with artifact weapon lvl 829. Now look at my damage..... -.- .... lol .... -.- the top dps player gave almost the triple of my dps.. 1st question: why did unstable affliction dmg got nerfed without a being announced on the latest changelog? and why did you nerfed it without resolving the main problem of unstable affliction (the stacks not stacking properly + the dispel consequence). 2nd question: what about the other important affliction spells? Like the Grimoire of Sacrifice extra aoe damage or SOME of the artifact abilities (both passive and actives), both major and minor traits not being activated since the beginning of the expansion... 3rd question: i've played affliction since the stone age in other private servers and my damage contribute to a team as never been so poor... WTF is happening ????? I know that affliction is not good in pve this expantion but this is worse than not being good... this dps is too low for my ilvl and wlvl so something must not be right.. the top dps player gave almost 3x my dps. is it my fault?!
  23. Hi everyone, Since Monday, 8th of August, Blackhand is available on live realms, without any loots, PvE ranking and achievement. We can't tell you when the boss will be really relased with its loots, ranking and achievement yet, it'll depend on the reported bugs, if there is any. This encounter is also available on the PTR realm. We want you to give us feedbacks if you ever experienced any issue or something wrong during this fight. Please, use the following format: - Raid difficulty. - Steps for reproducing the issue. - If possible, any image or video related to this issue. All of these returns will help us to fix the boss faster and easier, so we can offer you a content of the best possible quality. Thanks for your support, and enjoy your fight against the Iron Horde!
  24. Hi everyone, We will release the Iron Maidens encounter this 11th of July on live realms, without any loots, PvE ranking and achievement. We can't tell you when the boss will be really relased with its loots, ranking and achievement yet, it'll depend on the reported bugs, if there is any. This encounter is also available on the PTR realm. We want you to give us feedbacks if you ever experienced any issue or something wrong during this fight. Please, use the following format: - Raid difficulty. - Steps for reproducing the issue. - If possible, any image or video related to this issue. All of these returns will help us to fix the boss faster and easier, so we can offer you a content of the best possible quality. Thanks for your support, and enjoy your fight against the Iron Horde!
  25. "Stormwind Secret Service" Hear ye! Captain Hawthornia Leafwalker by Spymaster Mathias Shaw calls to everyone who wishes to join Stormwind Secret Service, A small regiment of watchers, spies & knights, granted & permitted by King Varian Wrynn & Spy Master Mathias Shaw to operate under SI:7 to gather informations, watchers & defenders of he Eastern Kingdoms. No Badges or Uniforms needed! Only secret codes will be given & sent to everyone who wishes to be part of our outfit. Citizens, Craftsman & even Nobles are welcome to join our ranks. Send us your basic information by mail or courier about yourself & we will see to it that you would be put in a respective rank & role. Confirmation of anyone applications will replied with codes & names. Ranks of Stormwind Secret Service: Captain - Guild Master Guardian - Guild Officers Auxiliary - Veteran Operative - Member Pathfinder - Initiate OOC Information: Stormwind Secret Service is a PVE, PVP, RPPVE Guild that aims to keep a casual leveling & social interaction by roleplaying having fun & enjoying the game. If you are a hardcore raider or pvper then this guild is not for you, We are a guild that would like to take things slowly & not in a hurry to reach level cap. That means just playing the way we like leveling how we like not bothering anyone & keeping the game fun an non stressful due of trying to reach the level cap as soon as possible. If you are interested please /W Hawthornia oocly or send a IC Mail. So if you like to rp (roleplay) come & be part of our new family you don't need to be a rogue or warrior or have a spy background ICly be what your toon would you like it to be as long it goes with roleplaying, & yes every race & class in the alliance is welcome. We are a non heavy RP guild normal - medium rp only as long its rp, Please no grifters or trolls, Respect us roleplayers like we respect everyone in the server. Certain guild rules to follow: Guild chat is for OOC use only. You can talk anything but refrain topics about religion,politic & other topics that would lead into racism or insults. Respect everyone Guild Member or Non Guild Member. Do not Beg or ask for gold. Respect is a must. No ERP! Be helpful in anyway you can. Always ask for an apology for your mistakes or always say sorry if you have done or said something wrong. Most of all Have fun with everyone in a good way. Any suggestions, Ideas & Opinions is welcome to be discussed. See you in-game!