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Found 90 results

  1. Moinsen Liebe Firestorm Community, Ich mach es mal kurz. Ein Kumpel der schon lange Spielt und Ich Suchen eine Gilde die uns auf unseren Abenteuern begleitet wir sind Dämonenhunter Lvl110 und Lvl102 mit Teamspeak, Discord und co Server: (Sylvanas) wir sind sagenhafte +20 (Horde) und hoffen das sich jemand meldet. Mfg Saphierus PS: punkt punkt komma strich fertig ist das Mondgesicht :,)
  2. Howdy everyone! I'm looking to join a casual, English-speaking guild! Horde or Alliance doesn't particularly matter to me; I'm just looking for some friendly people to game and chat with! I'm ultra casual - I log in a few times a week for a few hours to farm and level and complete random goals I set for myself. I don't have a max level toon just yet, but I'm getting there, and I'd like to start casually raiding with some like-minded folks! I'd be down to start a guild also, if I don't get any bites from this post! However, I don't know that I would want to be GL, as I don't know that I have enough time to dedicate to that role. Anyone have any guilds in mind, or want to start one?
  3. Čaute sme CZ/SK Horde guilda a hľadáme česky/slovensky hovoriacich členov. Máme okolo 300 členov aktívne chodíme každý deň všetko čo sa dá od N-HC-M0 dungov. Gearujeme si svojich členov a čakáme kým vyjde raid a M+ Aktuálne máme jedinú požiadavku na prijatie a to je Discord. Ak máte záujem sa k nám pridať kontaktujte officierov online : Matters, Yeticka, Qweasaii, Dinosay, Baklazalal. Alebo sa pripojte rovno na discord k nám : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENGLISH VERSION: Hi we are active CZ/SK guild. Looking for slovak/czech speaking active players for PVE content. We have approximately 300 members. Doing N-HC-M0 dungeons and waiting for raid release for active raiding duty Our actual and only condition is Discord. So if you are interested contact our officiers ingame: Matters, Yeticka, Qweasaii, Dinosay, Baklazalal. Or connect to our discord :
  4. Hallo Freunde! Ich würde gerne eine deutsche Gilde aufmachen für jung und alt, neu und erfahren. In erster Linie soll dies helfen sich mit anderen deutschen Spielern austauschen zu können. Auf zweiter Linie würde ich dann gerne später zusammen mit anderen einen Kader aufstellen um erfolgreich raiden zu können. Die Gilde heißt "Die Gilde" und ihr findet mich auf dem Sethraliss-Server unter dem Namen "Gromukk" auf Seiten der Horde. Bitte meldet euch. Viel Glück weiterhin und habt Spaß!
  5. سلام به پلیر های فایراستورم Sethraliss هدف از زدن این تایپیک این بوده که کسایی که توی سرور بازی میکنن اعلام حضور کنن تا اگه تعدادمون به تعدادی رسید که بشه یک گیلد زد،گیلد رو ایجاد کنیم و بتونیم راحت تر دانجن هارو باهم بریم تا الان 4 5 نفر اعلام کردن ک بازیو انجام میدند اگر کسی بود با بگه توی همین تاپیک که ببینیم چند نفر هستیم با تشکر
  6. bfa

    The guild Death Labyrinth opens its doors to everyone! we mainly recruit levels 120 to advance in PvE, as well as in PvP! joining our guild gives you more at stake, first of all you will be able to equip yourself with the best that exists in the same time with our experienced and loyal members from BFA (retail/other psrv decided to keep a look in Firestorm !!!) . to have the opportunity to attend different raids and dungeons new content bfa and live an incredible adventure in our ranks, do not hesitate to communicate it in PM either to me or one of our loyal officers on discord @John W#8908 and @Of Akatosh#1812 !!! Also our discord link here for more information : https://discordgg/xmb2kV
  7. hungarian

    Üdv! Ebben a klánban vannak spanyolok, németek, franciák, az a lényeg, hogy mindenki megtalálja azt, akivel tud beszélgetni. De a fő célunk, a honfi társaink hívása. Vagyunk már kb 15-20 -an magyarok a guildba. Ha szeretnél csatlakozni, vegyél fel barátnak, és amikor online vagyok, írj rám. Mystic dungeonokba benne vagyok, ha van csapat, simán mehetünk. Woldemortt <-- Nevem SONS OF BORIS <--- Guild neve 594 <--- Tagok
  8. 932 mage lf guild eng. just message me on discord To-Love-RuRuRu#5136
  9. Kill Loot Repeat Is a fresh & international guild, looking for dedicated people to establish and consolidate its core team for mythic antorus. What we expect from you - Class Knowledge You need to have very good knowledge about your class and spec and always look for ways to improve your performance - High Attendance We only raid 2 days a week so at least 90% attendance is required Monday+Thursday 19:30-22:30 server time. - Come prepared for Raids Bring consumables, be on time and be informed about the up-coming boss fights - Constant Gear Development You should constantly try to improve your gear via Mythic+ / Raids / PvP. Be vocal and have a reliable internet connection Last but not least, a positive attitude both in the raid and when socializing in the guild in general What to expect from us A strong lead mythic team with a positive and constructive raid environment. Off raid activity, either pushing high level Mythic + , leveling/gearing alts , doing achievements et cetera. A mature and friendly guild with active players who respect the game and each other. Recruitment: Healer , Tanks and Dps. Prior Mythic Exp that we can validate or some current proofs are a must. Application reviews are made within 24h unless a raid day happens to overlap.
  10. <Serendipity> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La gilda Serendipity mantiene aperte le gildature in cerca di giocatori per consolidare/ampliare il gruppo raid. Siamo una gilda Social,Semi-Hardcore concentrati sul PvE. Offriamo una community con anni di esperienza e progress PvE alle spalle, da TBC a WOTLK e CATACLYSM. Diamo spazio anche al PvP (Premade BG/ Rated BG) anche qui abbiamo una fetta della community con anni di esperienza che risale a TBC passando per le varie espansioni, con importanti risultati a consolidare tali esperienze. In conclusione, se stai cercando una gilda seria con cui concludere qualcosa di concreto ma divertirti allo stesso tempo, noi siamo quello che fa per te ! Se invece sei un player che sta cercando una gilda italiana semplicemente per avere qualcuno con cui parlare e passare tempo, anche tu sei il benvenuto. Come ho già scritto siamo una gilda anche social, il nostro scopo è creare un gruppo dove far giocare e divertire gli appassionati di WoW, infatti non ci siamo concentrati sul creare una gilda Hardcore perchè in quel caso (per forza di causa) avremmo dovuto escludere determinate tipologie di giocatori. - SERENDIPITY - Ormai presenti nella realtà di Firestorm dalla sua apertura, ci attingiamo a concludere l'espansione con l'impegno massimo disponibile, per poter dire di aver giocato appieno quest'espansione e aver completato i contenuti disponibili, in modo da aggiungere questo tempo tra le nostre esperienze videoludiche. Difficilmente una gilda rimane aperta dall'inizio alla fine di un espansione, tra alti e bassi è facile perdersi per strada. Ci tengo pertanto a ringraziare la mia gilda e i membri che mi hanno sostenuto, i membri fondatori rimasti ,i veteran e chi ha dato davvero un contributo in gilda, aldilà di raid o rank. Vi invitiamo ad entrare nella nostra gilda e ad essere attivi e protagonisti a modo vostro, qui diamo un opportunità a tutti. Questo è l'ultimo messaggio di reclutamento prima della fine dell'espansione. Reclutiamo: Tank,Heal e Dps con off spec. Preferibilmente ogni ruolo con un off spec abbinata, per rendersi più utile e versatile in ogni situazione, per la gilda e per se stessi. Progress: Emerald Nightmare N/HC Full Clear Trial of Valor N/H Fulll Clear The Nighthold N/HC Full Clear Tomb of Sargeras N/HC (hc in conclusione) Antorus, The Burning Throne N/HC (i boss disponibili) Attività generiche : Farm AP. Dungeons Mythic+/ Hc.Premade BG Si richiede: persone che sappiano usare bene la propria classe e disponibilità ad usare Discord che è obbligatorio solo per raid, anche solo in ascolto. Per qualsiasi informazione e/o chiarimento contattate (in game): Spardax o officer/veteran online.
  11. "Wygnana Horda" poszukuje nowych aktywnych graczy do wspólnej gry Aktualnie zajmujemy się zarówno PVE jak i PVP. Zainteresowani niech napiszą do: Pyrtaz Pigzel Ochroniarz Lewri Szelest Undertakerr. Serdecznie zapraszamy
  12. german guild

    Hallo an alle im Garrosh-Server! Unsere Gilde - Lordaerons Garde - ist vor 2 Wochen gegründet worden und soll ein Zuhause für deutschsprachige MoP-Spieler sein, nachdem wir feststellten, dass es nach heutigem Stand anscheinend keine vergleichbare Gilden (mehr) gibt. Wir suchen nach aktiven deutschsprachigen Leuten, die sich insbesondere für Dungeons, Raids und Questen interessieren. Was wir bisher bereits anbieten dürfen: - Gildenlevel 4, natürlich rasch ausbaufähig je mehr wir sind; - Gemeinsames Questen, Raids, Hilfe bei Inis und Leveln; - Gemütliches Beisammensein, lustige Gildenmitglieder und selten leeres Guild-Chat; - Voll eingerichtetes Discord-Server für die bessere Kommunikation; - Vieles mehr, wenn sich viele Gleichgesinnte uns anschließen! Fühlt Ihr Euch angesprochen? Dann jederzeit gerne eine Nachricht an Undtod oder Sepp schicken - wir freuen uns auf Euch!
  13. guild

    Hi I'm looking for an active Italian horde guild to do exp and chat together
  14. whattsup ? i looking a italian guild
  15. hungarian

    Sziasztok! Horda oldalon tevékenykedő klánunk (Hungarikumok) tagokat keres. Klánunk lényege, hogy össze fogjuk a magyarokat és egy baráti közösséget alkossunk, melyben aktív szerepet játszik a PvE és a PvP is egyaránt! Jelentkezni lehet: Woggo - Guild master Evyra - Officer Levadászlak - Officer
  16. guild

    <THE NEFARIOUS> We are an Alliance International old guild that is looking forward to meet some new faces. We are welcoming all sorts of players, new to the game or experienced as there is a place here for everyone. Either you want to become a top Raider owning all the raids, or a fierce Warlord owning the enemy faction OR... maybe you are just a beautiful butterfly that wants to chill out and make new friends to hang out with, you can achieve all this in here with us and make great friends while doing so. We offer a great ranking system formed of ranks and sub-ranks in order to fill in the ranking gaps and make ranking more rewarding. Full guild Support in your in-game progress. Very experienced and well organized staff with more than 8 years of experience in the game. The only thing that we require is seriousness. Oh yeah, and Discord! If you are interested in Joining us, please apply to our group here:
  17. english

    Looking for an English speaking guild as a new player on this server.
  18. The Warlords is an Alliance English Pve oriented guild. We are interested in raiding progress and our current achievements as a guild are: Emerald Nightmare Normal, Heroic and Mythic. - Complete 7/7 Trials of Valor Normal and Heroic. - Complete 3/3 Nighthold Normal and Heroic - Complete 10/10 Tomb of Sargeras Normal 9/9 and Heroic 9/9 Antorus the Burning Throne Normal 11/11 and Heroic 11/11 Our rosters are divided carefully according to each and every player's abilities and skills. Our highest and most skilled roster is called "Elite" and only they are able to join the higher difficulty raids, while others that are lower item level and lower dpsing/healing/tanking, are learning and progressing in lower raids. Although every week we do trials and tests to give a chance to every member to make it to the Elite roster, as well as help them progress as fast as possible to join us. Besides raiding, our guild values friendship and loyalty, that is why we do Guild Events monthly in order for all of us to spend some time together. This activity is not obligatory of course and its mostly for people to spend time, have some fun and chill. And also where we give away several prizes to spoil our members a bit. We are recruiting people over 940 item level, with the minimum knowledge of raid tactics and class rotation. We use discord (For both raiding and socializing): For more information please visit our guild website: If you are interested in joining us, please message/mail me in game or join our discord and DM me there. Best Regards, Yashirou
  19. Hi eveyrone. I've recently stopped playing retail and came back to Firestorm. Was here even before it became Firestorm. When it was Pandashan. But have been playing wow since just before TBC release. Anyway I'm looking for an English, social & relaxed guild. I used to PVP a lot back in the day but got so bored with it I now prefer PVE. I'm Horde of course. None of my characters are Alliance D: Since I'm quite busy I can't join serious raiding/progression guilds. I'd prefer it if the guild I get into would have a Teamspeak/Discord server with people who actively speak in them. I know if may be a lot to ask for but I don't want to be in one of those guilds where you're just another number in the guild. Whether your guild is small or whatever size, if it's sociable and friendly and basically what I'm looking for I'd love to join.
  20. Synergy is a new english-speaking EU horde guild created by experienced firestorm players. We're looking to do end-game content and PvP. We're currently recruiting all classes with an item level of 880 and above. Our average ilvl is currently 900+, we do daily mythic runs and pvp. We are looking to start raiding as soon as we grow a bit. If you're interested in an up and coming english-speaking guild, we welcome you with open arms! Please contact Iskald (or) Deathkicker, Felslasher, Paranoic, Smugface - In-game, if you want to join up with us!
  21. ===============Introduction=============== Prophecy, one of the leading PvE guilds on the realm, with a notoriously long-standing reputation of consistent, successful raids, is opening it's doors for new members! Do you have the determination, the need, the unrelenting desire burning inside, to be at the very top of every DPS/HPS meter addon anyone can find, no matter what? Do you want to be so far ahead of the curve, that all of your friends come fawning at you, to join their raid, the instant they /inspect and /drool over how decked out your character(s) are with phat epix?! Are you tired of the hassle, of always seeing raids falling apart after 1 wipe, everyone starting off with wide smiles on their faces but leaving the very next moment with a frown? Do you wish to be a part of the most well organized raids, a healthy, positive community and an outstandingly knowledgable and sophisticated officer team? Then look no further, <Prophecy> wants YOU to be part of our core raiding team! ===============Main activities=============== [PvE] Regular Guild raids will be hosted for the following instances with descending priority. Hellfire Citadel - [N] / [H] || Progression - 1/10 NM (TBD) Blackrock Foundry - [N] / [H] || Progression - 10/10 Highmaul - [N ]/ [H] || Progression - 7/7 Raiding schedule: Raids take place on mostly Wednesdays, Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays but regardless, we are just for fun trying to raid any day. All raids take place on 8 PM ST (Server Time) ===============Recruitment=============== Guild recruitments will be done in-game or on the forums. You reply to this topic, or as a DM to me, or any of our current officers. Officers list: No officers. Guild Master: Friend ===============Joining Requirements=============== - A level 100 character with at least 670 iLvl or higher - DBM/BigWigs - Excellent understanding of raid mechanics - Friendly, non-toxic attitude - Commitment to the guild, it's guildies and the server - Good knowledge and understanding of the English language ===============Additional Info=============== Guild hierarchy and rankups will work as follows: each member has a certain number of ranks they need to achieve and conquer before/if they are to become an Officer. Each guildie is free to approach the ranking system in their own way or at the pace of their choosing. Best way to rank up would be to make sure you are always helpful to other guildies when/if it's needed of course. Be active in our guild raids and in guild chat discussions. Do not break any Guild rules or Server rules. Being in a guild means something more than just sharing the same line of text under our names. Keeping that in mind is key to how your rankup will go. Help us continue to offer the best, most well-organized and successful raids to this server's community and maintain the image and friendly environment our guild has had since its inception (back during patch 6.0.3 in June 24, 2015.) ========================= EDIT: Date: 24/06 Hey, if you are still looking for a high-skilled, dedicated PvE guild on Gul'dan, then look further! We are still growing big and strong. We are recruiting mostly skilled ranged DPS and skilled healers to keep us alive and help us take Blackhand Heroic down! We are looking for motivated, dedicated players, those which enjoy WoD raids and content! If you have any interests to join our guild simply either private message me, reply to this thread, whisper me in game. Looking forward! - Friend. ↓ Blackhand Heroic down.
  22. german

    Draco Anima Wir die deutschsprachige Gilde Draco Anima suchen noch Member um gemeinsam Unfug zu treiben Instanzen zu laufen sobald wir genug sind auch dem ein oder anderen Raidboss zu nerven. Gibt es Voraussetzungen die wir stellen um uns beizutreten? - Erstmal grundsätzlich nicht Ihr solltet nur in der Lage sein vernünftig und normal mit anderen Spielern umgehen zu können und auch mal zu helfen wenn jemand fragt da wir es gerne hätten wenn jeder eine Chance bekommt und es gerne sehen würden wenn die Deutsche Community steigt auf dem Server, und sowas klappt nur am besten wenn neuen Deutschen Spielern am Anfang auch geholfen wird. - Grundsätzlich wäre auch eine Teamspeak-Präsenz gern gesehen aber nicht zwingend erforderlich. (Ausnahme hier Ihr geht Instanzen, macht PvP oder wir gehen gemeinsam Raiden(Bei all dem ntürlich nur wenn die anderen Gruppenmitglieder das unbedingt wollen zu Absprache zwecken )). Welche Ziele haben wir? - Wir möchten Sobald es möglich ist eine erfolgreiche Raidgruppe aufstellen um Primär die großen Übel dieser Welt zu zeigen das mit uns Spielern nicht zu spaßen ist. - Ansonsten bieten wir auch PvP an und würden uns auch sehr darüber freuen eine Rated-PvP Gruppe anbieten zu können, eventuell findet sich ja jemand Kompetentes in diese Richtung Welche Größenordnung haben wir? - Derzeit sind wir nur 4 Leute aber möchten natürlich wachsen (wir haben den Startstein aber auch erst am 24.04.2018 gelegt). Damit danke ich euch erst einmal schon mal für das Lesen dieses Beitrags und hoffe das wir uns In-Game wiedersehen Bei Interesse sucht entweder einfach nur nach Draco Anima im "Wer", tretet dem deutschen World Chat bei mit /join world_de, oder schreibt mich mit dem Charakter Kerdot an und wenn Ihr wenn anderes bevorzugt Jírana den zweiten Mann der Gilde.
  23. Seems hard to find an English speaking guild. Would love a larger guild to join. Toon name is Irøntusk on Sylvanas
  24. Bad Wolf is and English speaking guil, we made so we can have a better gaming experience, we will try to help players as much as possible and we would appreciate if everyone helped us too! We are down for Dungeons and Guesting and we feel ready to do some raids! Join us and we will build the most member based guild there is! whisper to Shananay and Korilosn
  25. Hello Garrosh community, like the titel said, im looking for a guild that raids 10 man and 25 man Raids. I played WoW from 2005 ( Beta ) till end 2012. In this time i killed every boss ingame and clear every instance. I was able to lead my old raid group on Frostmoure Offical to this server first kills: Onyxia, Nefarian, C´thun, Illidan and Lich King Today i got a low equip Monk on your server, i try to get better gear but it takes so much time solo. I like teamplay and the social aspect in wow, but till now i was a solo player on this server. :-( If u need a good new raid-member that knows how to wow and is also a experienced raid-leader whisp me ingame. PS: i got no favorite class or specc, i would play a class with a specc u need. just want to raid with nice people. your Gromtash