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About Majestik88

Firestorm User

  • Name Marius
  • Guild Not in a Guild
  • Class Druid
  • Level 120
  • Realm Sethraliss
  • Race Troll

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  1. Rename wow battlenet folder and copy firestorms wow.exe in it then run it.
  2. It's cause you're tring to sell items from previous realm.
  3. quest

    Get more renown and it will work after. For some ppl 9 renown like retail is enough, for some ppl npc popped up @ like 11 renown etc.
  4. Sooner than expected, good job!
  5. Do yourself a favor and join FS discord channel, ontop on all the news and info, there are giveaways. You dont need the discord program, browser works fine.
  6. Get Elvui v 13.46
  7. Visit Behsten in Stormwind or Slahtz in Orgrimmar to turn off/on XP gain.
  8. Name: Whitehazard Realm: Oribos SL Discord: 1Nine Link:
  9. All covenant campaigns have 6/9 scripted chapters only.
  10. Reins of Springfur Alpaca doesnt work in BFA realm, done the 7/7 , no mount and command line to check progression shows 0/7 even if you do the daily quest.
  11. Do yourself a favor, abandon all quests you have now and start Shadowlands campaign.
  12. Good guide, thank you. Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake Drops in-game in Oribos.
  13. Entirely skip GSB and Valithria, between the kills of Rotface and Festergut wait 5 minutes and gate will close and PP will be targetable.
  14. Only like 5-6 of specific boxes drop the quest item ,in north of Zereth , idk name of boxes, ive done quest long ago, really quick.