
[Valdrakken] List of available instances

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This post is to help answer the burning question each of you have that wants to do older content. 
Which instances are doable and which are not.
Note: This list is currently up to date till 10.2.7 and is ONLY for the [Valdrakken] Realm.

A bit of explaining how the list will be laid out:
Available - the instance is fully doable.
Not available - the instance is not doable at all.
Available - the instance is doable but there are a few minor issues, with this a workaround will be listed if there is one and what the exact issue is.

Feel free to add any extra information missed in the comments below and it will be updated on the list.


Classic Dungeons:
Blackfathom Deeps - Available 


- After killing Kerlis, the scenario doesn't trigger and the door to the last area does not open.
- Aku'mai can't be killed.

Blackrock Depths - Available


- Lord Roccor is spawned down lower than indicated on the map.
- Getting to General Angerforge is difficult as there are some textures not spawned in but if you follow the path you can get to him.
- Can't get to the last area of the dungeon as you can get the Grim Grizzler Key.

The Deadmines Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Dire Maul East - Available
Dire Maul North - Available
Dire Maul West - Available
Ragefire Chasm - Available
Maraudon - Available
Lower Blackrock Spire - Available


- Urok Doomhowl is spawned in and can be activated however you can not attack him.

Gnomeregan - Available
Razorfen Kraul - Available
Razorfen Downs - Available


- Death Speaker Blackthorn can't be killed cause he keeps phasing when you try to attack him.
- Amnenar the Coldbringer won't spawn because Death Speaker Blackthron can't be killed. 

Scarlet Monastery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Scarlet Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Scholomance Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Stratholme - Available
Shadowfang Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Stockade - Available
The Temple of Atal'hakkar - Available
Uldaman - Available
Wailing Caverns - Available
Zul'farrak - Available


Classic Raids:
Molten Core -  Available


-Majordormus, is friendly and can't be attacked.

Blackwing Lair - Available 
Ruins of Ahn'qairaj - Available
Temple of Ahn qiraj - Available





The Burning Crusade Dungeons:
Auchenai crypts Normal/Heroic Mode
 - Available
Shadow Labyrinth Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Sethekk Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Mana Tombs - Available
The Slave Pens Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
The Steamvault Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


- Can't access last boss even if you use the control panel.

The Underbog Normal/Heroic Mode -  Available
The Blood Furnace Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Hellfire Rampart Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
The Shattered Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
The Mechanar Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Tempest Keep - Available
The Botanica Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Magisters' Terrace Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Old Hillsbrad Foothills Normal/Heroic Mode -Available


- Epoch Hunter doesn't work.

The Black Morass Normal/Heroic Mode - Not available


The Buring Crusade Raids:
Karazhan - Available


- Servant's Quarter doesn't work.
- Don't start Opera Hall or you will be hard stuck in the scenario.
- Chess event doesn't work NPC has no dialogue option.

Gruul's Lair - Available
Serpentshrine Cavern - Available


- The Lurker does not spawn
- Lady Vashj does not work, the mobs does not drop the item to break the shield.

The Eye - Available
Magtheridons LairAvailable
The Battle for Mount Hyjal - Available
Black Temple - Available


- Shade of Akama doesn't work, cant talk to NPC to start event to trigger boss.
- Gurtogg Bloodboil doesn't work.
- Illidan Stormrage doesn't work, after you kill him, he stays in death animation and doesn't die.

Sunwell Plateau - Available







Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons:
The Violet Hold Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Trial of the Champion Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


- Argent Confessor Paletress does not spawn in.

Halls of reflection Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


- Escape from Arthas RP takes you to last boss where slyvanas gets stucks and gets killed. Does not allow you to go back into the room where you started the RP. Does not work.

The Forge of Souls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Pit of Saron Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
The Nexus Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


- Keristrasza RP event does not work.

The Oculus Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


- Only the first boss is available, the drakes to reach the other bosses are currently bugged

Azjol-Nerub Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Ahn'kahef: The Old Kingdom Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Dark'Tharon Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Gundrak Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


- Drakkari Colossus is spawned but is not killable.
- Unable to get to Gal'darah.

Utgrade Pinnacle Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


- Svala Sorrowgrave is spawned but is not killable.
- Skadi the Ruthless is spawned but is not killable.
- Skadi the Ruthless is spawned but is not killable.

Utgrade Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Halls of Stone Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


- Can't kill Tribunal of Agese.
- Can't get to area for Sjonnir thee Ironshaper.

Halls of Lighting Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
The Culling of Stratholme Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


Wrath of the Lich King Raids:
Vault of Archavon 10/25 Normal Mode - Available
Naxxramas 10/25 Normal Mode -  Available


- Kel'Thuzad is not available on 25 man.

Obsidian sanctum  10/25 Normal Mode - Available
The Eye of Eternity - Available
Ulduar - Available


- Flame Leviathan doesn't work, despawns as soon as you attack.
- Thorim doesn't work, you can't get pass phase 1.
- Yogg-saron doesnt work. the door to his room doesn't open.
- Alagalon doesn't work, the door to his room doesn't open.

Trial of the crusader 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Not available
Onyxia's Lair 10/25 Normal Mode - Available
Ice crown Citedal 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


- Icecrown Gunship battle, the scenario doesn't work at all to start the boss fight.
- Valthria Dreamwalker does not work, resets as soon as you heal her.
Sister Svalna will follow you but cannot be killed, invisibillity or leaving the raid and re-enter it, should fix the issue

The ruby sanctum 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available







Cataclysm Dungeons:
Deadmines Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Shadowfang Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
End Time - Available


- Can't get to Echo Jaina and Echo of Baine, as there is no option for it in the teleport pad.

Hour of Twilight - Available
Zul'Gurub Normal Mode - Not available
Zul'Gurub Heroic Mode - Available


- Gri'lek is not spawned.
- Renataki is not spawned.
- Wushoolay is not spawned.
- Jin'do the Godbreaker goes into 2nd phase and becomes unkillable.

The Stonecore - Available
Grim Batol Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Halls of Origination Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Lost City of the Tol'vir Normal/Heroic - Available
The Vortex Pinnacle Normal/Heroic  - Available
Blackrock Caverns Normal/Heroic  - Available
Well of Eternity - Not available
Throne of the Tide - Available
Zul'Aman - Available


Cataclysm Raids:
Baradin Hold - Available
Blackwing Descent 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
The bastion of twilight 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Throne of the Four winds 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Firelands Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Dragon Soul 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode -  Available


- Utlraxion doesn't work, the scenario doesn't start to spawn the boss however if you die and go up again you can do the scenario.
- Hagara the stormbinder doesn't work, you get stuck in phase 2 however there is a workaround if you wait for the adds to attack you first she will come out of her phase 2.
- Warmaster Black horn doesn't work, can't reach the boss.
- Spine of Deathwing doesn't work, can't reach the boss.
- Madness of Deathwing doesn't work, can't reach the boss.
-  Airship battle/Warmaster Blackhorn is available on normal but not heroic.

Auridormi -  Available


Both teleport options will teleport you just to the beginning of the raid and the raid is in normal mode instead of the LFR mode.






Mist of Pandaria Dungeons:
Temple of the Jade Serpent - Available
Mogu'shan Palace - Available
Shado-Pan Monastery - Available


- First boss can't be kill and that prevents you from doing the rest of the dungeon.

Scarlet Monastery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Scarlet Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Siege of Niuzao Temple Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


- Wing Leadeer Ner'onok can't be accessed , area is blocked off.

Scholomance Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Stormstout Brewery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


Mist of Pandaria Raids:
Mogushan Vaults 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Terrace of Endless Spring 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available
Heart of Fear 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


Blade Lord Ta'yak cannot be activated

Throne of Thunder 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available


Twin Empyreans & Council of Elders are currently bugged

Siege of Orgimmar Normal/Heroic -  Available


- Galakras doesn't work, 2 cannons can't be destoryed and you can't trigger boss. Snipers can be skipped with stealth
- Spoils of Pandaria doesn't work, can't disable weapon system.
- Rest of the raid is not accessible.

Lorewalker Han - Available





Warlords of Draenor Dungeons:
Auchindoun - Available
Grimrail Depot -  Available
The Everbloom -  Available


- Bonus boss doesn't work, scenario to spawn the boss doesn't work.

Bloodmaul Slag Mines -  Available
Skyreach -  Available
Iron Docks -  Available
Upper Blackrock Spire -  Not available 
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds - Available

Raids of Warlords of Draenor:
Highmaul all difficulties - Available
Blackrock Foundry all difficulties - Available
Hellfire Citadel all difficulties - Available

World Bosses of Warlords of Draenor:
Drov the Ruiner - Available
Tarlna the Ageless - Available - Available
Supreme Lord Kazzak -  Not available 
Seer Kazal -  Not available 





Legion Dungeons:
Halls of Valor Available 
Violet Hold - Available 
Blackrook Hold - Available
Cathedral of Eternal Night - Available
Vault of the Wardens - Available
Court of Stars - Available
Darkheart Thicket - Available
Maw of Souls - Available


Helya cannot be defeated because the tentacle adds are currently bugged. (orange name)

The Arcway - Available
Eye of Azshara - Available
Return to Karazhan - Available 
Seat Of Triumvirate -  Available


Legion Raids:
Emerald Nightmare -  Available
Trial of Valor - Available


Helya cannot be killed, unattackable

Nighthold  - Available
Tomb of Sargeras - Available


Fallen Avatar don't kill this too fast or it will bug out.
After defeating the Fallen Avatar, let the cutscene trigger, leave the raid instance and go back in to get teleported to Kil'Jaeden

Antorus the Burning Throne - Available


Eonar the Life-Binder Mythic needs at least 16 players for the crystal mechanic.

Archmage TimearAvailable




Battle for Azeroth Dungeons:
Freehold - Available 
Ataldazar - Available
Waycrest Manor - Available
King's Rest - Available
Shrine of the Storm - Available
The Underrot - Available
Siege of Boralus - Available 
Tol-Dagor - Available 
Temple of Sethralis - Available 
The MOTHERLODE! - Available 


Battle for Azeroth Raids:
Uldir - Available 
Battle of Dazar'alor - Available


High Tinker Mekkatorque might be not attackable, this can be fixed, by leaving the raid and join back after around 5 minutes.

Crucible of the Storms - Available
The Eternal Palace - Available
Ny'alotha The Waking City - Available 


Ra-den - Mythic Mode - Ra-den has bad scaling (High HP and DMG) can be killed by a good group of around 4 players
N'Zoth the Corruptor - Any Mode - Currently has the issue, where his HP stucks and 1 and wont die.

Alliance_20x26.png.52d6c808fa87b3bf0578e51240690c44.png Kiku - Available
Horde_15x26.png.878c779fa8e2476d96466c8d60772a22.png Eppu - Available



Shadowlands Dungeons: - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available


Shadowlands Raids:
Requires a Raidgroup to enter those instances. - Available - Available 


Fatescribe Roh-Kalo must be killed before he enters his next phase, if not its a wipe.
Sylvanas Windrunner must be killed very slowly making sure she goes trough every phase, otherwise she will remain at 1hp at will not be killed - Available
Ta'elfar - Available


World Bosses for Shadowlands:
Weekly Rotation

Mortanis - 
Valinor - Available
Nurgash Muckformed - 
Oranomonos the Everbranching - 
Mor'geth - Available
Always up
Antros - Available


Dragonflights: - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available - Available
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr - Available - Available

Raids for Dragonflights: - Available - Available
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope - Available

World Bosses for Dragonflights: - Available - Available - Available - Available
The Zaqali Elders - Available
Aurostor, The Hibernating - Available - LFR/NM/HC, Mythic will be released later




Last updated on 12/11/2024

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Hello old content farmers,

Skorpyron and Horridon/jalak have been fixed.


All your old messages are hidden to clean up the thread, please continues to post the issues you have to keep the list update, we will try to fix the issues

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I just noticed that Well of Eternity is marked as working. When I enter the dungeon it's entirely empty and you can't get past the first flames blocking the way.


Also regarding Blackrock Foundry, last time I was there I was able to kill Operator Mythic no problem, but there might be problem for melee classes since you need to kill cannons that spawn wrong and you can't get to them by melee.

Edited by Kvintus

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battle of daza'alor, the boss great tinker mekkatorque ( remains in the air and does not start. Unable to complete raid (Mythic)

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The vortix pinnacle, cataclysm dungeon in uldum, is bug so you cant get Reins of the Drake of the North Wind. When you kill the first boss, Grand Virzien Ertand, tornadoes should appear that take you to the next section but they dont appear so its impossible to go on with the dungeon

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I tried entering Blood Maul Slag Mines in Draenor and there was barrier, tried this on HC and Mythic. Couldn't even kill 1 mob in the dungeon.

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On 23/04/2024 at 10:10 AM, Kvintus said:

I tried entering Blood Maul Slag Mines in Draenor and there was barrier, tried this on HC and Mythic. Couldn't even kill 1 mob in the dungeon.

This issue was fixed few days ago

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1 hour ago, Ouroboros said:

This issue was fixed few days ago

I was there a few days after I saw it posted in the changelog, was it not yet pushed in?

Ok, thanks for the info, now it's working. Tested it now.

Edited by Kvintus

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28 minutes ago, Kvintus said:

I was there a few days after I saw it posted in the changelog, was it not yet pushed in?

Ok, thanks for the info, now it's working. Tested it now.

It sometimes takes a few extra days until a patch is pushed to the Server, also it requires a Server restart to make the fix work.

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38 minutes ago, Qalmir said:

It sometimes takes a few extra days until a patch is pushed to the Server, also it requires a Server restart to make the fix work.

Thank you for your god work recently with fixing those old dungeons.

Also, adding again, Deadmines are not completable cause the door to the ship part of the dungeon are locked and the cannon next to them cannot be interacted with on both normal and HC.

If you would get to fixing it, last time I did it working, Vanessa, the last boss on HC, was untargetable and when she had to send you to run through the gauntlet she would just despawn and nothing would happen :D

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Blackrock Caverns, the last boss Ascendant Lord Obsidius can't be attacked because the event doesn't get triggered by Raz the Crazed.

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Iam stuck in battle of dzalador on boss King rasthakhan, he lies dead on the floor. someone has a workaround? Thanks!

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Spirit kings in Mogu'shan vaults on 10 and 25 HC keeps bugging. I cannot get past them/kill them or interact with them

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4 hours ago, Egrathora said:

Spirit kings in Mogu'shan vaults on 10 and 25 HC keeps bugging. I cannot get past them/kill them or interact with them

Taunt the first one but not attack until White barrier appears

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Hello, I hope evreyone is doing great

I stumbled upon a few dungeons/raids that are not working and are marked as Available, and thought I'd let you all know 
What I tested so far with various people

Dungeons: Halls of Atonement, Mists of Thirna Scithe, The Necrotic Wake and Plaguefall don't seem to work if you walk in the portal 
Raids like: Battle of Dazar'alor does not work once you kill all the bosses outside and want to continue inside (Halls of Opulence etc. do not work)

I will be checking more dungeons/raids soon, I hope this helps anyone

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I just started playing firestorm, maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago. Decided to run some old raid(s), and the SoO one may be dependent on what class you use. I had to use Paladin's Divine toll to kill Galakras while it was in it's unattackable stage. 

Attempt one, tower steps were bugged couldn't get up tower.
Attempt two, was able to get up on top of the tower walking backwards and jumping, still couldn't use the cannons divine toll hit the cannon, and the cannon just slid off into the sunset.
Attempt three, Galakras spawned on the ground, while killing adds divine toll hit Galakras and killed it.

Progressed through the rest of the raid.

Hit the Spoils fight, and had to use the gates on the one side of the pits to get to the otherside to get the fight to not reset using the chains.

I was able to kill almost all of the bosses in Siege of Orgrimmar. The only one i couldn't get to was Garrosh.


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A little information if a instance boss is working or not, is always welcome.

If you find some not already reported bugs, please report them in our Bugtracker:

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the eye apear with having 0 problems, but kaelthas is kinda bugged, on last phase he stay woth 1 hp invulnerable and just keep summoning birds, i stood and killed around 40 of em and he didnt come down

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On 6. 6. 2024 at 10:59 AM, Makilino123 said:

Iam stuck in battle of dzalador on boss King rasthakhan, he lies dead on the floor. someone has a workaround? Thanks!

having the same problem is it fixed or is there anything I can do?


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3 hours ago, Quick said:

having the same problem is it fixed or is there anything I can do?


horde or ally?

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Mythic Tomb of Sargeras are dropping the Normal Difficult Tier Sets instead of the Mythic ones, please help us!!!

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he will give items that are from a random pool that INCLUDES ToS as well as Antorus norm, HC & Mythic, along with zone drop pool etc, so its a chance/RNG.

2. Points, Loyalty or gold.

This here is the precise reason why I would NEVER spend points for some mog that i can buy with gold off of  AH. I save my LP for BoPs & such raid drops etc.


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