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About rafaelantunez

Firestorm User

  • Name Palarafael
  • Guild Patatas bravas
  • Class Paladin
  • Level 110
  • Realm Sylvanas
  • Race Blood elf

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  1. You can if the leader of the party is allu and he gonin first
  2. I have just tried with a 70 Char and i could do both raids
  3. I couldnt log in those days sorry Bro TT. Tomorrro i try nd i tell you
  4. You have to do the campaign in the starting map until you geta quest whereyou have to select the spec
  5. You are welcome ^^
  6. You have to go on with the campaign in their starter map until you got a quest when you can choose the spec
  7. People were saying some people was abussing of a bug with it and they disabled that you could equip it but as i dont know 100% i cant confirm it
  8. yes or from this link https://forum.firestorm-servers.com/es/index.php?/topic/73267-descarga-de-la-versión-1017/
  9. You are playing the test realm 10.2.7. if you want to start with a char at 1 you have to download the 10.1.7 client
  10. When you take portal to uldum there will be a npc near who takes you to the old uldum, choose that option and then you will be able to enter that raid
  11. Its weird because it hasnt crashed in 5 hours
  12. About the great vault it a visual bug, you will be able to open it this next monday About second problem i think its bugged because i cant see it either
  13. Yes, sadly that is the reason. Items tranferred with the copy cant be sold