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Found 108 results

  1. Hello, the server lags at a low ping, it is possible that this is causing the server memory to fill up, as it used to be in older add-ons on emulators. I think that so far it would be enough to restart and so generally it should be corrected in the source code.
  2. So we did mythic dungeon and I left the party clicked quit game, 2 hours later I login again and now I can't join any group, I can't loot any quest items. or can't do slain quests. what to do? why is that happening?
  3. Hello guys, how you doing? I want to know if there is any way that I can REALLY do quest. In every expasion I've played in Garrosh sever I've met a gazillion bugged quests and I REALLY want to do it all, that is the way I play the game and it is fucking my mind that I cant earn my achievements. I cant even create a pandaren char because there is a quest fucked up. Thanks a lot by the hard work that is keep the server working.
  4. Hello, Somebody know why i can't apply transmog? Sometimes i can to some items, but sometimes not. Is this a known issue? I have all my transmogs selected, but when I Apply the transmog sound plays but nothing happens. (I have the required levels and gold and all that) relogging also doesn't work Thank you in advance!
  5. Hello, I wrote a report in RU forum about abusing the bugged talent by some players (including r2 player Jawñ). The problem is that this talent is not scaling by pvp modificator on arena and increased by actual healing shown on description. Test made by MadK0rt (he is a part of the RU testers team) shown that instead of 5k healing on arena, the talent does healing of 31k. It's a huge advantage given only by 1 piece of gear. So, 3 of them in total (head-shoulders-chest) make the healer almost unkillable on arena if the team tries to focus him. In 2s the passive talent healing will be more than 20% of total healing made in that case. The thing is some players are abusing this bug. For example, player Jawñ was catched while queuing 2s with all of 3 pieces of gear with this talent. He is defenetly aware of abuse because 1 azerite item with this talent even was 365 instead of his rest items (385-390 ilvl). I notifed the RU administators about that and suggested to double check the top ladder players if they have all 3 pieces of gear with that talent and provide the punishment since they break the server rules: General exploiting: The malicious use of bugs in a way that normal game-play would not permit, generally giving the user an unnatural advantage. Punishment: 1 day account suspension to permanent account suspension. It's important to clarify that to get all 3 high ilvl pieces of gear with that talent is almost impossible. So, if the player has it, it means he is definitely was abusing the bug. RU adminisrator Madorana replied to me that they will notify Firestorm stuff about that case and they will make a decision about the punishment. So, I just want to double check that you guys are aware of the problem. Can some1 here from stuff team confirm that? I also want to know if the fact of this bug abuse will influence the results of PVP seasonal check? Personaly, I think it would be unfair to reward the players who was catched on bug abuse so that's why I'm asking you to double check all top25 players if they have all 3 pieces of gear with that talent on it and provide the punishment. Here are the screenshots made by MadK0rt (RU tester on Firestorm) during his test of that talent (it's in russian but he speaks eng so he can confirm that). It shows that instead of 5k healing, the talent does 31k on arena. Here are the screenshots of player Jawñ with 3 pieces of gear containing the bugged talent
  6. When Disenchanting gear, 9 out of 10 times the gear disappears but I don't get any materials for it.
  7. My Artefact Weapon is buggy. I can see it in my Pre xmog and it should work for both weapons. But it only work for my Main hand. Can someone help or say me what i am doing wrong?
  8. when i wanted to create a new demon hunter in BFA i couldnt find him WHY ? tempo bug or deleted or just me LF HELP !
  9. bug

    Hallo, na was ist denn da mit dem letzten Hotfix bei Aggramar im Normal Modus passiert? Das war gestern schon eine Überraschung, als einer der Tanks einfach mal mit einem One-shot gekillt wurde. Und das bei Tanks die den Boss im Normal und HC tanken. Hat da der Dev es zu gut gemeint? Ein Report im Bugtracker steht zwar schon dazu, aber über einen Hinweis, was da schiefgelaufen ist wäre ganz nett. Weil am 3.3.19 gabe es diesen Bug noch nicht. Meine Meinung nach werden da die Stacks, beim inaktiven Tank, nicht richtig abgebaut oder sind noch aktiv, aber nicht sichtbar. Sodass diese mehr schaden bekommt, wenn er Aggramar übernehmen soll. Somit ist dann der Willensbrecher das Ende dieses Tanks. Interessanter Weise kann dieser Bug zufällig bei einen der Tanks auftauchen, wir haben versucht mit einem Relog der Tanks das Problem zu beheben, aber dies hat in den Trys nicht funktioniert. Sprich einer der Tanks war schnell down und dann musste schnell improvisiert werden. Also kurze Frage, was ist da los? Haben andere Spieler ähnliche Probleme? Hat ein Dev eine Erklärung dafür? LG Neo
  10. Tuning the Gnomecorder quest is bugged. Please fix it.
  11. Name: Woldemortt Location: Aurgus --> Krokuun Bug: High Exarch Turalyon quest Time : PM 4:00 - 5:00 ,December 30 ,2018 Hi! I accepted "Prisoners no more" mission out of 2, by High Exarch Turalyon i finish with it. And when i came back, to High Exarch Turalyon he was disappeared. One mission left the " Threat Reduction". After I Find Exatch turalyon,close to Aggonar, but i can't accept the quest, or something other..
  12. Hey guys, I started playing yesterday and after a few hours I noticed Skull of the Man'ari is not talking. I used to play on official blizzard servers but BfA is shit and wanted to play legion agian. I had no issues with artifact weapon on blizzard servers. So I want to know if this is bug or if this is supposed to happen? Just askin. Thanks for answer.
  13. Hello, it's been almost two weeks since i finished with achievement "Chapter I: Call of the Archmage" on both characters Iressa (Alliance) and Zaera (Horde). I obtained 640 rings Solium Band of Wisdom and Solium Band of Dexterity after finished with Skyreach and continued to do this questline until finished with quests in Nagrand and got new ones for obtaining stones from Highmaul. These rings supposed to be changed to 680 Timeless Solium Band of the Archmage and Timeless Solium Band of the Assassin but it didn't happen because of a bug. My friends who did them with me got the same issue and reported about this, one of them got his ring for agility but me and others still stay with 640 ones. I also made a ticket on bugtracker, wrote an ingame ticket and spoke to Russian support that promised my request will be fixed but it's been two days since i had that talk and my situation didn't change. I hope you will be able to change them in the game like you helped my friend, please do this. I will add both screenshots confirming my progress and current rings i have. Thank you.
  14. Hey My unholy dk pet is buged he do not even hit it’s useless He just go to enemy and stay and doing anything that’s made me hate my class I even send a ticket to gm ingame and he told me go report at website so i did I report 2 times in bug-tracker and no response so this bug is only in my account and only in my dk character because i asked my friends and other players they don't experience that bug I hope the developers will see my request and thanks this some of screen shot :
  15. Salve gente!!! Vorrei un aiuto su come poter fare per sbloccare questa situazione. Praticamente io e un amico stiamo giocando come non morti nel realm Garrosh (mists of pandaria) e dopo il livello 10....niente più quest!!! Le uniche che possiamo accettare sono quelle "speciali" date da npc custom come i cittadini reietti e gli npc legati agli eventi, ma di quelle della "storyline" neanche l'ombra! Premetto che anche un altro paio di quest (occhiomarcio e una degli scarlatti) risultavano buggate e le ho semplicemente abbandonate, ma adesso proprio niente di niente!!! Aiutoooooo!!!!!!
  16. Can't use Rising Sun Kick at all. So far, I've tried: 1. Changing spec to both Brewmaster and Mistweaver, and back. 2. Reloging. Even while repeating step 1 in various forms (Ex. change > relog > change back > relog). 3. Unstucking. 4. Clearing Cache. So far nothing seems to have worked and I'm out of ideas. Help?
  17. Hallo, ist es richtig, dass die Haustierkämpfe auf Firestorm nicht möglich sind, bzw. auf dem Realm Sylvanas zumindest? Lehrer und Quests sind da, und angeblich hätte ich die Grundausbildung abgeschlossen, bekomme aber keinen Slot für ein Tier freigeschalten... lg cagu
  18. I know how people say Alliance sucks in PvP...but that ain't true! I have nothing against Horde players...but as playing PvP i realized something is very,very off. BattleGround Strand of The Ancients is one example of a big bug or I don't know what! Alliance, we were attackers and as I got in a tank I headed to the door and hit right in the middle of the doors. I needed about 20 hits to destroy doors.I died about 3 times until i destroyed the doors with help of another player. Cannons were hitting us and damage was big enough to destroy us in 10-20 seconds with help of horde players. ... We haven't made it sadly, we were hitting the last doors,but it was too late. ... Now we were defending and i got to a cannon s another side. I couldn't even hit with my cannon 'cause it was bugged. Another player barely made any damage with direct hits on a tank with a cannon,as other Alliance players did too...We gave up on cannons. As the first tank destroyed 1st doors with about 7-10 hits in the middle(and i needed about 20 hits in the middle) i realized something was wrong. Second doors...The same tank that destroyed the 1st doors was still on 75% of health ,even if it took much damage by 10 players hitting him,came right next to the doors and hit the ground with fireballs and destroyed the 2nd doors with 5 hits. Tank was destroyed about 10 seconds after. It seemed like it were hacks, but why would most of the players on the Horde side Hack? they seem to be normal players as Alliance are too. 3rd door were totally,,totally proof that something was literally on Horde's side. Tank came and gave about few hits and doors were on about 80% of health,,and tank just got through and another tank got inside after it. it was about 4 mins before the end and we knew we couldn't make it. at the end they won. ... I am not saying that Horde was hacking, I hope nobody did that. And Since the bugs are often in other Bgs too, It would make no sense that 98% of Horde players used such a big hacks. I am saying this seems to be a bug,in almost every battleground where Horde has some "boosts" that make them stronger and make bugs vs Allaince. I am saying that Alliance does not suck in PvP. Ofc there are "noobs" on both factions, but that all friends I know that are skilled in PvP die by 2 hits of one Horde player?... I am sorry but something seems off. I am not Judging Horde player...I am just reporting what seems to be unfair. It pisses me off, it pisses all players that end up in this situation. I don't know does this sometimes happen to Horde players, but As i can see, I never experienced having Bugs or "Boosts" on side of the Alliance to just crush Horde with few hits. Please somebody replay to me. I know there are other players that have the same problem. Thank you
  19. Can someone look to Shadowform - Glyph of Shadows - Visuals bug. It is very annoying when you switch specialization or when your Shadowform is not active. Bugtracker link: #50446 [Ability] Shadowform - Glyph of Shadow - Visuals. Thank you in advance. Kind regards, @Tigd
  20. My paladin character's artifact weapon has already unlocked 31 points in traits but after a disconnection while I was doing an arena skirmish, it suddenly lost 3 points. All of 3 lost points was previously used to put in the trait Righteous Blade and this trait has 3 more points added from all of 3 relics, which means it must have 6 points now. I don't know what happened and I have accidently re-unlocked 1 point in the trait Righteous Blade as seen in the images. According to the images, the trait Unbreakable Will has 1 point unlocked too and the artifact weapon has a connection link from the trait Righteous Blade to the trait Unbreakable Will; but there is no connection link from the trait Protector of the Ashen Blade to the trait Unbreakable Will, which means all of 3 main points of the trait Righteous Blade must have been unlocked (which means all 6/6 points must have been unlocked but in the evidences there are only 4/6). As I know, it's impossible to unlock new trait without having unlocked full main points of the previous trait. I have reported this kind of bug in bugtracker but the report is deemed invalid and M3DAGAST said that I need proof to show that my character's artifact had already unlocked all of 3 main points which I don't have but these evidences clearly show that it's a bug. Could someone tell me how to solve this problem?
  21. Greetings Created this topic on the forum in order to draw your attention to the actual and not a little important mistake in the mechanics of Frost DK combat. The fact is that a very important part of the mechanics is broken, especially for dual dk. Problems with [Killing Machine] Spell #51128 Main report with description Related Links +10% melee attack speed Spell #55610 +45% melee attack speed Spell #50887
  22. i play legion on silvanas / ret paladin and i notice since new 7.1.5 i berly get my divine pourpes buff berly not even with aoe dmg / divine pourpes 20 % buff chance but actualy it feels like 3% i berly get the buff and the jugment is buget 2 now it dosent give holy power. can some one tell me wtf is going one here and whay every time i put it on bugtraker the ishue im puting in disapiers ?
  23. Guys i just switched two items with same stats except one has haste and the other has mastery ... normally the one with the mastery shld give me more shadow damage but it doesnt nthg change in the skills !! is mastery bugged for DK ?
  24. As you reach pvp level 28 in demon hunter you unlock the honor talent "Reins From Above", which doesn't work properly in the realm... I'm a male night elf, when I cast it I transform to a female demon look, plus the damage is bugged; the fel balls I cast don't damage in battlegrounds ,and when jumping (or casting Reins From Above), enemies are able to damage you while you're above It would be nice if this ability gets a fix as fast as possible
  25. So, we've (guild) just started adventure on this server and after hitin 55 I decided to make Dk and i've encountered a problem. While I was leveling (i made every quest in proper order) i've noticed that runeforge disapeared (rofl XD) -> deleted char -> started again -> runeforge disapeared again ( again even tho i made quests in order) (rofl x2) but i thought 'screw it maybe it will get fixed' so i went to do all other quests, everything was fine till 'Bloody Breakout' quest coz then everything disapeared (rofl x3) so I wanted to make ticket but.. I couldnt send it (rofl x4) so i decided to retake quest -> beng everything apeared again (yey i was happy) but.. i couldnt retake quest and i left with nothing (sad + rofl x5) So, the question is: Is there any other bug except wrong order of this dk zone chain quest, so i can avoid in future or its just imposible to lvl up dk coz they are 'only donor' class (which would suck a lot) ? Thanks for any response. Kuula.