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About Neboja

Firestorm User

  • Name Lolumegas
  • Class Rogue
  • Level 1
  • Realm Garrosh
  • Race Undead

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  1. if ppl buy itmes 395 ilvl they get free update this items or what you do with that ?
  2. @dean me too
  3. first ski-fire you can get from killing gul'dan on mythic mode raid (Nighold) second skin - blue you can get from achivment (Unleashed Monstrosities) third skin-the green you get for do mythic +15 last color idk
  4. If i transfer only one character how i can transfer my second character becasuse i not see any option for it :c pls help me guys :C
  5. dear gm, you said that the only transfer will be possible with sylvanas and what with the people who have been playing since the beginning of the Greyman's uprising and spent all of their time there and money for a better armor
  6. You add the same time new pvp set?
  7. add you too new pvp gear ?
  8. when you open migration i waiting for que my characters 3th day
  9. @Inveric when migration was enable ?
  10. when i can migration again becasue now its still off
  11. you say we havent mounts prestige and tittle but i have question if i migration my death knight with him migration all apeerance set and weapons ?