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Everything posted by andyblast

  1. The quest has phasing issues, the 2 DH leaders belong to opposite faction, & can even pull u into PvP mode if u affect them with any of ur buffs. The boss is not scaled properly to SL low lvl DHs & attacks with enough damage for her prior expansion versions. She's still doable in 2 ways: 1. go tank mode & use spectral sight the moment she vanishes & go to platform 2. wait for other DHs to arrive for same boss & share kill. If u dont want either of the 2 methods, trek back to where u started the DH zone & there will be 2 portals, SW & org. U will only lose 1 helm mog.
  2. i routinely do it at 17, check ONLY darkmaul, not BFA one, & check only DPS
  3. What parameters would u like or benchmarks...
  4. Garrison is bugged on Oribos realm.
  5. steadily falling
  6. Verbal abuse the against the server and/or the staff is NOT ONLY against the rules, its also very bad manners & basically moronic. This isn't the dead merged server. Everyone plays for free. Arm-twisting doesn't work on game servers, they may/may not work on your parents but details will be revealed when they are AVAILABLE.
  7. only works on chars 49 or lower. Also, most BFA chars boosted in BFA & ported here tend to be ineligible. Chars boosted on Legion (& lower too i guess) & ported here & at 35 ARE eligible.
  8. this is a phasing issue. this Q is notorious for the need of multiple drop/retake, i have myself had to do it 4 times in a row on my DK, thankfully, he is quite un-killable but i can see how this would become a problem fast for rogues or mages.
  9. Some of the SMs work, I know for a fact that hunter class hall one works, i have noticed almost all in argus work, including ships, down in zones. The one on broken shore also work. There might be others that work fine, keep looking, hunter class hall is accessible at lvl 10 if u can find a mage for dala.
  10. Garrison does NOT work on SL realm. Most of garrison works, albeit with a few workarounds, on WoD realm. U can make a lvl 100 on 8th there on same acc, & whatever stuff u collect from garrison (ALL SHIFT-P stuff) will be visible on same acc on SL realm.
  11. Zone out of the map & manually come into the zone again, use the flight option, not hearths/portals. Profession WQs are only visible/acceptable when u r very close. Ive done only LW, chant, herbing & BS WQs i think.
  12. No sanctum upgrades work in any cov except table.
  13. Flying Q chain on BFA doesn't work on Oribos. Nazjatar Q chain doesn't work beyond initial 2-3 Q on Oribos. Mechagon Q chain on BFA doesn't work on Oribos. Level to 48 & move to SL.
  14. this should be in localized forums section, NOT HERE. Please respect rules
  15. 商店退款

    this should be in localized forums section, NOT HERE. Please respect rules.
  16. What realm What faction are u What is the lvl of ur Q progress in garrison Q chain how many garrison res do u have on this char
  17. FS/Pandashan has persisted since 2012 continuously, with every expansion. There are players on SL that weren't toilet-trained when it started, for a reference-scale
  18. if u remember before scaling, u did not get ANY character XP by killing a mob 9+ lvls or -7 lvls to ur char (i may be off on numbers). Similar is case with battle pets, u can search online for XP lvl ranges of battle vs wild pets. What i did before battle stones was if i wanted to XP a lvl X pet, i would keep it as carry against +3 max lvl wilds, using high lvls in team to accomplish kill
  19. Get the transmog using method described in above forum post. Other than that, roughly ~20% of non WQ stuff works in legion, u have to hunt around to find working quests.. As for WQ, ~70-80% stuff works but none of the profession ones.
  20. Garrison doesn't work on SL realm, works fully on WoD realm & partially on legion realm, that's about it.Horde side who had garrison before SL starting can somehow get it to work partially here, but haven't tried it,
  21. Since no one but u guys are gonna understand the reference lol: ??
  22. Honestly, The only thing I miss is that world was smaller & hence more manageable, where u wanted to go, what u wanted to do, which rep to farm, so on. Other than that, the raids, bosses, PvP, has been pretty generic since end of 3.3.5 RS patch. Disenchanted 3 season top tier gear & realized, the gear chase is fairly redundant too. More and more WoW seems like a timesink & chore than enjoyment, which i guess plays into wheelhouse of people with a lot of time on hand.