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Everything posted by Florix

  1. make a ban appeal^
  2. who?
  3. Most people here because they cannot or do not want to pay the monthly sub towards Blizzard. Older expansions would for sure attract more players, if those servers would still be moderated and develop, but Firestorm does not have enough people for it. I would play the WotLK server, if it was updated to 3.4.1, so the text-to-speach addon would work, but it won't on the 3.3.5 version, which is Firestorms WotLK Server (sadface) I'm not really a big fan of the BfA expansion, all this azerite and corruption gear is not my cup of tea. But for sure, I enjoyed the cosmetic item farming on those Island Expeditions. (over 1000 runs done) So yeah, most of the Firestorms players will always stick to the latest expansion server.
  4. Hay, you're German and looking for a German-speaking guild? We've posted a little guild ad into the German sub-forum:
  5. Nicht wirklich, ist tot. Die meisten sind jetzt in <Das Hordnungsamt>, und ob Allianz oder Horde ist egal, da es cross Fraktion Gilden gibt.
  6. Yo. We kinda got a music thread but no OST thread. Post your favorite OST's in here! I'll start with the OST of Kyovashad city of Diablo IV chapter 1
  7. Title: Trial of the Crusader: Hides of Legend Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/116737 Patch Content: This is a skinning quest but currently, it can be accepted without having skinning. https://www.wowhead.com/quest=40138/trial-of-the-crusader-hides-of-legend UPDATE `quest_template_addon` SET `RequiredSkillID`='393',`RequiredSkillPoints`='1' WHERE `ID`='40138';
  8. Title: Grek's Crazy Night Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/116726 Patch Content: Quest https://www.wowhead.com/quest=29582/greks-crazy-night should be turned in by https://www.wowhead.com/npc=54692/artificer-morphalius but can just turned in by https://www.wowhead.com/npc=19606/grek which is not correct. The player have to enter the dungeon to turn it in. Checked if the correct NPC also have the questender, yes it does. DELETE FROM `creature_questender` WHERE `id`='19606' AND `quest`='29582';
  9. Title: Everything Will Be Alright Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/116725 Patch Content: Quest https://www.wowhead.com/quest=29595/everything-will-be-alright should be turned in by https://www.wowhead.com/npc=54725/draenei-spirit but can just turned in by https://www.wowhead.com/npc=19698/greatfather-aldrimus which is not correct. The player have to enter the dungeon to turn it in. Checked if the correct NPC also have the questender, yes it does. DELETE FROM `creature_questender` WHERE `id`='19698' AND `quest`='29595';
  10. Title: Until Death Do Us Part Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/116676 Patch Content: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=264/until-death-do-us-part https://www.wowhead.com/npc=5543/clarice-foster https://www.wowhead.com/object=24776/yurivs-tombstone DELETE FROM `creature_questender` WHERE `id`='5543' AND `quest`='264';
  11. Title: Turtle Powered Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/116205 Patch Content: Kindas same issue
  12. 商店退款

    There is no forum for Chinese players tho, even there are tons of Chinese players.
  13. Hello fellow rep hunters, today i will explain to you, how to get exalted with https://www.wowhead.com/faction=1345/the-lorewalkers I used the AddOn HandyNotes_Lorewalkers to have markers on the map for each scroll to click on. (krasarangwilds is a bit off, but they're nearby the markers. you on wowhead for the exact location) If you have VIP, you do not have to worry about anything, just turn in all of the 12 Quests, but it is also possible to reach exalted without the VIP bonus. For that, you need to reach revered with 8 quests, and then buy https://www.wowhead.com/item=93230/grand-commendation-of-the-lorewalkers from https://www.wowhead.com/npc=64605/tan-shin-tiao to earn 100% more reputation. The last 4 quest will give you 22800 reputation. And that's it! If you have already turned in all quests and you haven't reached exalted yet, simply just create a GM ticket and the Game Masters will help you. I have reported the issue with the reputation, feel free to upvote it: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/115955
  14. You might be in the phasing of BfA Pandaria Assault, speak with https://www.wowhead.com/npc=163463/zidormi to switch to the normal phasing and the scroll should be there More info of the scroll can be read here: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Ruins_Rise
  15. Title: NPC level 123 => 45 Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/114240 Patch Content: NPCs with level 123 instead of 45 Patch Content: https://www.wowhead.com/npc=105982 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=103834 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=105983 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=106000 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=106030 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=106004 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=103830 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=105976 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=109609 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=94456 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=94458 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=106054 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=106056 https://www.wowhead.com/npc=106023 UPDATE `creature_template` SET `minlevel`='45',`maxlevel`='45' WHERE `entry` IN ('105982','103834','105983','106000','106030','106004','103830','105976','109609','94456','94458','106054','106056','106023');
  16. Title: Herbs and Ores Object Translation Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/index Patch Content: Not sure if Firestorm is using locales_gameobject or gameobject_template_locales. I tried to ask for the correct name an admin on the Discord Server but i just got the reply with "who cares". Fix: DELETE FROM `gameobject_template_locale` WHERE `entry` IN ('336686','351469','351470','351471','375096','375099','375100','375101','336690','356536','336689','356540','336688','356538','336433','356539','336691','356537','349898','349899','350086','349980','350085','349981','355508','349982','355507','350087','349983','350084','349900','350082'); INSERT INTO `gameobject_template_locale` (`entry`,`name_loc1`,`name_loc2`,`name_loc3`,`name_loc4`,`name_loc5`,`name_loc6`,`name_loc7`,`name_loc8`) VALUES ('336686','죽음의 꽃','Fatalée','Todesblüte','绽亡花','绽亡花','Estrella mortal','Estrella mortal','Смертоцвет'), ('351469','죽음의 꽃','Fatalée','Todesblüte','绽亡花','绽亡花','Estrella mortal','Estrella mortal','Смертоцвет'), ('351470','죽음의 꽃','Fatalée','Todesblüte','绽亡花','绽亡花','Estrella mortal','Estrella mortal','Смертоцвет'), ('351471','죽음의 꽃','Fatalée','Todesblüte','绽亡花','绽亡花','Estrella mortal','Estrella mortal','Смертоцвет'), ('375096','죽음의 꽃','Fatalée','Todesblüte','绽亡花','绽亡花','Estrella mortal','Estrella mortal','Смертоцвет'), ('375099','죽음의 꽃','Fatalée','Todesblüte','绽亡花','绽亡花','Estrella mortal','Estrella mortal','Смертоцвет'), ('375100','죽음의 꽃','Fatalée','Todesblüte','绽亡花','绽亡花','Estrella mortal','Estrella mortal','Смертоцвет'), ('375101','죽음의 꽃','Fatalée','Todesblüte','绽亡花','绽亡花','Estrella mortal','Estrella mortal','Смертоцвет'), ('336690','피어나는 영광','Belle-de-l’aube','Ruhmesstieg','晋荣花','晋荣花','Gloria creciente','Gloria creciente','Славолист'), ('356536','바람에 휩쓸린 피어나는 영광','Belle-de-l’aube emportée par le vent','Windgepeitschter Ruhmesstieg','啸风晋荣花','啸风晋荣花','Gloria creciente aventada','Gloria creciente aventada','Развевающийся славолист'), ('336689','골수뿌리','Courgineuse','Markwurzel','髓根草','髓根草','Raizmédula','Raizmédula','Костяной корень'), ('356540','부풀어 오른 골수뿌리','Courgineuse congestionnée','Vollgestopfte Markwurzel','饱满的髓根草','饱满的髓根草','Raizmédula hinchada','Raizmédula hinchada','Набухший костяной корень'), ('336688','경계의 횃불','Plante-torche du veilleur','Wachtfackel','慰魂之光','慰魂之光','Antorcha de vigilia','Antorcha de vigilia','Факел дозорного'), ('356538','희미한 경계의 횃불','Plante-torche du veilleur diaprée','Flackernde Wachtfackel','摇曳的慰魂之光','摇曳的慰魂之光','Antorcha de vigilia luminiscente','Antorcha de vigilia luminiscente','Сияющий факел дозорного'), ('336433','과부꽃','Endeuillée','Witwenblüte','孀花','孀花','Flor de viuda','Flor de viuda','Вдовоцвет'), ('356539','무성한 과부꽃','Endeuillée luxuriante','Üppige Witwenblüte','茏葱的孀花','茏葱的孀花','Flor de viuda exuberante','Flor de viuda exuberante','Пышный вдовоцвет'), ('336691','밤그늘','Belladone','Nachtschatten','夜影花','夜影花','Sombranoche','Sombranoche','Беладонна'), ('356537','밤그늘','Belladone','Nachtschatten','夜影花','夜影花','Sombranoche','Sombranoche','Беладонна'), ('349898','레이스트라이트 광맥','Gisement de læstrite','Laestritvorkommen','苷铜矿脉','苷铜矿脉','Depósito de laestrita','Depósito de laestrita','Залежи лестрита'), ('349899','풍부한 레이스트라이트 광맥','Riche gisement de læstrite','Reiches Laestritvorkommen','富苷铜矿脉','富苷铜矿脉','Depósito rico en laestrita','Depósito rico en laestrita','Богатые залежи лестрита'), ('350086','풍부한 솔레늄 광맥','Riche gisement de solénium','Reiches Soleniumvorkommen','富珀银矿脉','富珀银矿脉','Depósito rico en solenio','Depósito rico en solenio','Богатые залежи соленита'), ('349980','솔레늄 광맥','Gisement de solénium','Soleniumvorkommen','珀银矿脉','珀银矿脉','Depósito de solenio','Depósito de solenio','Залежи соленита'), ('350085','풍부한 옥세인 광맥','Riche gisement d’oxxéine','Reiches Oxxeinvorkommen','富髓硫矿脉','富髓硫矿脉','Depósito rico en oxxeína','Depósito rico en oxxeína','Богатые залежи оксеина'), ('349981','옥세인 광맥','Gisement d’oxxéine','Oxxeinvorkommen','髓硫矿脉','髓硫矿脉','Depósito de oxxeína','Depósito de oxxeína','Залежи оксеина'), ('355508','페이드럼 광맥','Gisement de phædrum','Phaedrumvorkommen','炽钴矿脉','炽钴矿脉','Depósito de faedro','Depósito de faedro','Залежи федрита'), ('349982','페이드럼 광맥','Gisement de phædrum','Phaedrumvorkommen','炽钴矿脉','炽钴矿脉','Depósito de faedro','Depósito de faedro','Залежи федрита'), ('355507','풍부한 페이드럼 광맥','Riche gisement de phædrum','Reiches Phaedrumvorkommen','富炽钴矿脉','富炽钴矿脉','Depósito rico en faedro','Depósito rico en faedro','Богатые залежи федрита'), ('350087','풍부한 페이드럼 광맥','Riche gisement de phædrum','Reiches Phaedrumvorkommen','富炽钴矿脉','富炽钴矿脉','Depósito rico en faedro','Depósito rico en faedro','Богатые залежи федрита'), ('349983','신비르 광맥','Gisement de vicevyr','Sinvyrvorkommen','罪钒矿脉','罪钒矿脉','Depósito de sinvyr','Depósito de sinvyr','Залежи греховира'), ('350084','풍부한 신비르 광맥','Riche gisement de vicevyr','Reiches Sinvyrvorkommen','富罪钒矿脉','富罪钒矿脉','Depósito rico en sinvyr','Depósito rico en sinvyr','Богатые залежи греховира'), ('349900','엘레튬 광맥','Gisement d’éléthium','Elethiumvorkommen','阴铁矿脉','阴铁矿脉','Depósito de eletio','Depósito de eletio','Залежи элетия'), ('350082','풍부한 엘레튬 광맥','Riche gisement d’éléthium','Reiches Elethiumvorkommen','富阴铁矿脉','富阴铁矿脉','Depósito rico en eletio','Depósito rico en eletio','Богатые залежи элетия');
  17. Title: Engraved Stone Plaque Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/114390 Patch Content: Well, book with a cool back story but it's not opening any page. About page_text_locale i wasn't sure which structure is used, the one on TrinityWiki looks weird. Data7 ID is custom. https://www.wowhead.com/object=237942/engraved-stone-plaque UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `type`='10',`data7`='237942' WHERE `entry`='237942'; DELETE FROM `page_text` WHERE `entry`='237942'; INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('237942','In this dark cleft, the true shadows of madness and vengeance took hold, and many faithful Orgrimmar citizens lost their lives.$B$BLet us never forget the lessons that were learned in the siege of Orgrimmar.$B$BApart, we will fall. Together, we are Horde.','0','18935'); DELETE FROM `page_text_locale` WHERE `ID`='237942'; INSERT INTO `page_text_locale` (`ID`,`language`,`Name`) VALUES ('237942','2','Dans cette faille sombre, les véritables ombres de la folie et de la vengeance ont fait leur nid, et bien des citoyens fidèles d’Orgrimmar y ont péri.$B$BN’oublions jamais les leçons apprises lors du siège d’Orgrimmar.$B$BDésunis, nous tomberons. Ensemble, nous sommes la Horde.'), ('237942','3','In dieser dunklen Kluft regieren die wahren Schatten des Wahnsinns und der Rache, und viele treue Bürger von Orgrimmar ließen ihr Leben.$B$BMögen wir die Lehren aus der Belagerung von Orgrimmar niemals vergessen.$B$BWenn wir nicht zusammenstehen, werden wir scheitern. Als Horde sind wir vereint.'), ('237942','6','En esta hendidura oscura, se arraigaron las verdaderas sombras de la locura y la venganza, y muchos ciudadanos fieles de Orgrimmar perdieron la vida.$B$BNunca olvidemos las lecciones que aprendimos en el asedio de Orgrimmar.$B$BSi nos separamos, caeremos. Juntos, somos una Horda.'), ('237942','8','В этой темной расселине обосновались истинные тени безумия и мести, и многие жители Оргриммара лишились жизни.$B$BДавайте же не будем забывать уроки, усвоенные нами при осаде Оргриммара.$B$BПорознь мы падем. Вместе мы – Орда.'); DELETE FROM `page_text_locale` WHERE `ID`='237942'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `page_text_locale` (`ID`, `locale`, `Text`) VALUES ('237942','frFR','Dans cette faille sombre, les véritables ombres de la folie et de la vengeance ont fait leur nid, et bien des citoyens fidèles d’Orgrimmar y ont péri.$B$BN’oublions jamais les leçons apprises lors du siège d’Orgrimmar.$B$BDésunis, nous tomberons. Ensemble, nous sommes la Horde.'), ('237942','deDE','In dieser dunklen Kluft regieren die wahren Schatten des Wahnsinns und der Rache, und viele treue Bürger von Orgrimmar ließen ihr Leben.$B$BMögen wir die Lehren aus der Belagerung von Orgrimmar niemals vergessen.$B$BWenn wir nicht zusammenstehen, werden wir scheitern. Als Horde sind wir vereint.'), ('237942','esES','En esta hendidura oscura, se arraigaron las verdaderas sombras de la locura y la venganza, y muchos ciudadanos fieles de Orgrimmar perdieron la vida.$B$BNunca olvidemos las lecciones que aprendimos en el asedio de Orgrimmar.$B$BSi nos separamos, caeremos. Juntos, somos una Horda.'), ('237942','ruRU','В этой темной расселине обосновались истинные тени безумия и мести, и многие жители Оргриммара лишились жизни.$B$BДавайте же не будем забывать уроки, усвоенные нами при осаде Оргриммара.$B$BПорознь мы падем. Вместе мы – Орда.');
  18. Title: Barely Legible Scroll Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/see_report/114391 Patch Content: Well, book with a cool back story but it's not opening any page. About page_text_locale i wasn't sure which structure is used, the one on TrinityWiki looks weird. Data7 ID is custom. https://www.wowhead.com/object=234057/barely-legible-scroll UPDATE `gameobject_template` SET `type`='10',`data7`='234057' WHERE `entry`='234057'; DELETE FROM `page_text` WHERE `entry` IN ('234057','2340570','23405701'); INSERT INTO `page_text` VALUES ('234057','They said it could not be done but soon I will show them! Only a few more days out here and I will prove that any orc brave enough can live off goren eggs.','2340570','18935'), ('2340570','The small cold eggs are getting harder to get as the goren eat them as well. Maybe those don\'t hatch. I will have to go out further and find new nests.','23405701','18935'), ('23405701','I managed to find two glowing eggs! The first one was easily cracked and I so hungry I just upended it and drank the whole thing in a couple of gulps. There were some big chunks in there but I just ate it all like a true orc! I don\'t feel so good but at least I\'m full.','0','18935'); DELETE FROM `page_text_locale` WHERE `ID`='237942'; INSERT INTO `page_text_locale` (`ID`,`language`,`Name`) VALUES ('234057','2','Ils ont dit que c’était impossible, mais je vais leur montrer, moi ! Encore quelques jours, et je prouverai que s’il en a le courage, n’importe quel orc peut se nourrir d’œufs de goren.'), ('2340570','2','Ces petits œufs froids sont de plus en plus difficiles à trouver, car les gorens les dévorent aussi. Peut-être n’éclosent-ils tout simplement pas. Je vais devoir chercher un peu plus loin pour trouver de nouveaux nids.'), ('23405701','2','J’ai réussi à trouver deux œufs luminescents ! Je n’ai eu aucun mal à ouvrir le premier, et j’étais si affamé que je l’ai retourné et j’ai avalé ce qu’il contenait en une gorgée. Il y avait des gros morceaux dedans, mais j’ai tout terminé, comme un vrai orc ! Je ne me sens pas très bien, mais au moins j’ai le ventre plein.'), ('234057','6','Dicen que no se puede hacer, ¡pero ya verán! Si sigo aquí un par de días más, les demostraré que cualquier orco que tenga el valor suficiente puede vivir a base de huevos de goren.'), ('2340570','6','Cada vez es más difícil conseguir estos pequeños huevos fríos, ya que los goren también se los comen. A lo mejor estos no eclosionan. Tendré que ir un poco más allá para encontrar nidos nuevos.'), ('23405701','6','¡He encontrado dos huevos resplandecientes! El primero se rompió fácilmente y, como tenía tanta hambre, me lo bebí en un par de tragos. Dentro había trozos grandes de algo, ¡pero me los comí como un verdadero orco! No me encuentro muy bien, pero al menos estoy lleno.'), ('234057','8','Они говорили, что это невозможно! Но я им докажу! Еще несколько дней, и я докажу, что любой достаточно смелый орк может выжить, питаясь только яйцами горенов.'), ('2340570','8','Маленькие холодные яйца доставать все сложнее – горены их тоже едят. Может, потому, что из них никто не вылупляется. Нужно идти дальше на поиски новых гнезд.'), ('23405701','8','Мне удалось найти два сияющих яйца! Первое легко разбилось, а я был так голоден, что выпил все содержимое за пару глотков. Мне попались большие кусочки чего-то, но я все съел – как настоящий орк! Сейчас мне нехорошо, но, по крайней мере, я не голоден.'); DELETE FROM `page_text_locale` WHERE `ID`='234057'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `page_text_locale` (`ID`, `locale`, `Text`) VALUES ('234057','frFR','Ils ont dit que c’était impossible, mais je vais leur montrer, moi ! Encore quelques jours, et je prouverai que s’il en a le courage, n’importe quel orc peut se nourrir d’œufs de goren.'), ('2340570','frFR','Ces petits œufs froids sont de plus en plus difficiles à trouver, car les gorens les dévorent aussi. Peut-être n’éclosent-ils tout simplement pas. Je vais devoir chercher un peu plus loin pour trouver de nouveaux nids.'), ('23405701','frFR','J’ai réussi à trouver deux œufs luminescents ! Je n’ai eu aucun mal à ouvrir le premier, et j’étais si affamé que je l’ai retourné et j’ai avalé ce qu’il contenait en une gorgée. Il y avait des gros morceaux dedans, mais j’ai tout terminé, comme un vrai orc ! Je ne me sens pas très bien, mais au moins j’ai le ventre plein.'), ('234057','esES','Dicen que no se puede hacer, ¡pero ya verán! Si sigo aquí un par de días más, les demostraré que cualquier orco que tenga el valor suficiente puede vivir a base de huevos de goren.'), ('2340570','esES','Cada vez es más difícil conseguir estos pequeños huevos fríos, ya que los goren también se los comen. A lo mejor estos no eclosionan. Tendré que ir un poco más allá para encontrar nidos nuevos.'), ('23405701','esES','¡He encontrado dos huevos resplandecientes! El primero se rompió fácilmente y, como tenía tanta hambre, me lo bebí en un par de tragos. Dentro había trozos grandes de algo, ¡pero me los comí como un verdadero orco! No me encuentro muy bien, pero al menos estoy lleno.'), ('234057','ruRU','Они говорили, что это невозможно! Но я им докажу! Еще несколько дней, и я докажу, что любой достаточно смелый орк может выжить, питаясь только яйцами горенов.'), ('2340570','ruRU','Маленькие холодные яйца доставать все сложнее – горены их тоже едят. Может, потому, что из них никто не вылупляется. Нужно идти дальше на поиски новых гнезд.'), ('23405701','ruRU','Мне удалось найти два сияющих яйца! Первое легко разбилось, а я был так голоден, что выпил все содержимое за пару глотков. Мне попались большие кусочки чего-то, но я все съел – как настоящий орк! Сейчас мне нехорошо, но, по крайней мере, я не голоден.');
  19. Title: Nixi Fireclaw Bugtracker Link: https://firestorm-servers.com/en/report/index Patch Content: This vendor https://www.wowhead.com/npc=32334/nixi-fireclaw used to sell https://www.wowhead.com/item=43236/stars-sorrow in WotLK but it got removed in later a patch. This item cannot be bought by players because of unavailable currency. Patch Content: https://www.wowhead.com/npc=32334/nixi-fireclaw https://www.wowhead.com/item=43236/stars-sorrow Fix: DELETE FROM `npc_vendor` WHERE `entry`='32334' AND `item`='43236';