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Everything posted by Druidaholic

  1. Instructions weren't clear enough, got dick stuck in a fax machine.
  2. Omg...... couldve spent the time and made a dual screen wallpaper. Not 2x same wallpapers Real waste
  3. Tbh now that i think of it, maybe a Balance druid be able to due to instahits on % chance when hit.
  4. For soloing YOUR level instances Brewmaster Monk, Prot Paladin, Prot Warrior, Blood DK. Maybe a Hunter. All Tanks can mostly do it and melee classes. Casters are not gonna do anything in soloing content MADE for them.
  5. ....to shorten it himself....
  6. Hasnt spawned yet then and sum1 has killed him.nab. hes stationary he doesnt move at all he isnt gone i saw him a few hrs ago while lvlin my dk
  7. No. It's more fun this way and you actually see a person here and there in the world.
  8. F2**ING Mute the GM's.
  9. ...Oh shit! He Thought.
  10. ...when he drank it he suddenly felt...
  11. LFG

    Skype is a fps drop. "Tournament", really? U pleb lvl a Grommash and arena there. No1 mostly plays tournament besides testing or upgrading hlooms
  12. #SquadShit
  13. Boyyyy you look like an old cremated mummy. Banned for being ugly.
  14. Lower ur graphics. May sound stupid but having high graphics takes alot of your bandwith to download unique player gear combinations in high res. And it will make you spike in ping a bit.
  15. The only Latvian here. ;(