Posted August 5, 2022 Hi! This post is to help answer the burning question each of you have that wants to do older content. Which instances are doable and which are not.Note: This list is currently up to date till 9.2.7 and is ONLY for the Oribos Realm. A bit of explaining how the list will be laid out:Available - the instance is fully doable.Not available - the instance is not doable at all.Available - the instance is doable but there are a few minor issues, with this a workaround will be listed if there is one and what the exact issue is. Feel free to add any extra information missed in the comments below and it will be updated on the list. Classic Dungeons:Blackfathom Deeps - Available Spoiler - After killing Kerlis, the scenario doesn't trigger and the door to the last area does not open. - Aku'mai can't be killed. Blackrock Depths - Available Spoiler - Lord Roccor is spawned down lower than indicated on the map. - Getting to General Angerforge is difficult as there are some textures not spawned in but if you follow the path you can get to him. - Can't get to the last area of the dungeon as you can get the Grim Grizzler Key. The Deadmines Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableDire Maul East - AvailableDire Maul North - AvailableDire Maul West - AvailableRagefire Chasm - AvailableMaraudon - Available Spoiler Spoiler - Tinkerer Gizlock is not spawned in. - Rotgrip is spawned ( 33,41/77.28). Lower Blackrock Spire - Available Spoiler - Urok Doomhowl is spawned in and can be activated however you can not attack him. Gnomeregan - Available Spoiler - Grubbis can't be activated. Razorfen Kraul - AvailableRazorfen Downs - Available Spoiler - Death Speaker Blackthorn can't be killed cause he keeps phasing when you try to attack him. - Amnenar the Coldbringer won't spawn because Death Speaker Blackthron can't be killed. Scarlet Monastery Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableScarlet Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableScholomance Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableStratholme - Available Spoiler - Heartsinger Forresten is not spawned. Shadowfang Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableStockade - AvailableThe Temple of Atal'hakkar - AvailableUldaman - Available Spoiler - Archaedas can be activated but is not attackable. Wailing Caverns - Available Spoiler - Kresh is not spawned in. Zul'farrak - Available Classic Raids:Molten Core - Available Spoiler -Majordormus, is friendly and can't be attacked. Blackwing Lair - Available Ruins of Ahn'qairaj - AvailableTemple of Ahn qiraj - Available The Burning Crusade Dungeons:Auchenai crypts Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableShadow Labyrinth Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableSethekk Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableMana Tombs Normal Mode - AvailableMana Tombs Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler - Yor is not spawned in. The Slave Pens Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableThe Steamvault Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler - Can't access last boss even if you use the control panel. The Underbog Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableThe Blood Furnace Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableHellfire Rampart Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableThe Shattered Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableThe Mechanar Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler - Can't access last are for the last two bosses because elvator moves just as you get close to it and doesn't come back down. Tempest Keep - AvailableThe Botanica Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableMagisters' Terrace Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableOld Hillsbrad Foothills Normal/Heroic Mode -Available Spoiler - Epoch Hunter doesn't work. The Black Morass Normal/Heroic Mode - Not available The Buring Crusade Raids:Karazhan - Available Spoiler Spoiler - Servant's Quarter doesn't work. - Don't start Opera Hall or you will be hard stuck in the scenario. - Chess event doesn't work NPC has no dialogue option. Gruul's Lair - AvailableSerpentshrine Cavern - Available Spoiler Spoiler - The Lurker does not spawn - Lady Vashj does not work, the mobs does not drop the item to break the shield. The Eye - AvailableMagtheridons Lair- AvailableThe Battle for Mount Hyjal - AvailableBlack Temple - Available Spoiler - Shade of Akama doesn't work, cant talk to NPC to start event to trigger boss. - Gurtogg Bloodboil doesn't work. - Illidan Stormrage doesn't work, after you kill him, he stays in death animation and doesn't die. Sunwell Plateau - Available Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons:The Violet Hold Normal/Heroic Mode - Not availableTrial of the Champion Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler - Argent Confessor Paletress does not spawn in. Halls of reflection Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler Spoiler - Escape from Arthas RP takes you to last boss where slyvanas gets stucks and gets killed. Does not allow you to go back into the room where you started the RP. Does not work. The Forge of Souls Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailablePit of Saron Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableThe Nexus Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler - Keristrasza RP event does not work. The Oculus Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableAzjol-Nerub Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableAhn'kahef: The Old Kingdom Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableDark'Tharon Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableGundrak Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler Spoiler - Drakkari Colossus is spawned but is not killable. - Unable to get to Gal'darah. Utgrade Pinnacle Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler Spoiler - Svala Sorrowgrave is spawned but is not killable. - Skadi the Ruthless is spawned but is not killable. - Skadi the Ruthless is spawned but is not killable. Utgrade Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableHalls of Stone Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler Spoiler - Can't kill Tribunal of Agese. - Can't get to area for Sjonnir thee Ironshaper. Halls of Lighting Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableThe Culling of Stratholme Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Wrath of the Lich King Raids:Vault of Archavon 10/25 Normal Mode - AvailableNaxxramas 10/25 Normal Mode - Available Spoiler - Kel'Thuzad is not available on 25 man. Obsidian sanctum 10/25 Normal Mode - AvailableThe Eye of Eternity - Not availableUlduar - Available Spoiler Spoiler - Flame LEviathan doesn't work, despawns as soon as you attack. - Thorim doesn't work, you can't get pass phase 1. - Yogg-saron doesnt work. the door to his room doesn't open. - Alagalon doesn't work, the door to his room doesn't open. Trial of the crusader 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Not availableOnyxia's Lair 10/25 Normal Mode - AvailableIce crown Citedal 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler Spoiler - Icecrown Gunship battle, the scenario doesn't work at all to start the boss fight. - Valthria Dreamwalker does not work, resets as soon as you heal her. The ruby sanctum 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Cataclysm Dungeons:Deadmines Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableShadowfang Keep Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableEnd Time - Available Spoiler - Can't get to Echo Jaina and Echo of Baine, as there is no option for it in the teleport pad. Hour of Twilight - AvailableZul'Gurub Normal Mode - Not availableZul'Gurub Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler Spoiler - Gri'lek is not spawned. - Renataki is not spawned. - Wushoolay is not spawned. - Jin'do the Godbreaker goes into 2nd phase and becomes unkillable. The Stonecore Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableGrim Batol Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableHalls of Origination Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableLost City of the Tol'vir Normal/Heroic - AvailableThe Vortex Pinnacle Normal/Heroic - AvailableBlackrock Caverns Normal/Heroic - AvailableWell of Eternity - AvailableThrone of the Tide - AvailableZul'Aman Normal - Not availableZul'Aman Heroic - Available Spoiler - Can't get to Halazzi's area. Cataclysm Raids:Baradin Hold - AvailableBlackwing Descent 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableThe bastion of twilight 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableThrone of the Four winds 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Not availableFirelands Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableDragon Soul 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler - Utlraxion doesn't work, the scenario doesn't start to spawn the boss however if you die and go up again you can do the scenario. - Hagara the stormbinder doesn't work, you get stuck in phase 2 however there is a workaround if you wait for the adds to attack you first she will come out of her phase 2. - Warmaster Black horn doesn't work, can't reach the boss. - Spine of Deathwing doesn't work, can't reach the boss. - Madness of Deathwing doesn't work, can't reach the boss. - Airship battle/Warmaster Blackhorn is available on normal but not heroic. Mist of Pandaria Dungeons:Temple of the Jade Serpent Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler - Lorewalker Stonestep's RP stops after first phase and can't be killed. Mogu'shan Palace Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler - Trial of the King does not work, after you kill the 3 generals the RP stops and you are hardstuck. Shado-Pan Monastery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler - First boss can't be kill and that prevents you from doing the rest of the dungeon. Scarlet Monastery Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableScarlet Halls Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableSiege of Niuzao Temple Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Spoiler - Wing Leadeer Ner'onok can't be accessed , area is blocked off. Scholomance Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableStormstout Brewery Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Mist of Pandaria Raids:Mogushan Vaults 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableTerrace of Endless Spring 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableHeart of Fear 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableThrone of Thunder 10/25 Normal/Heroic Mode - AvailableSeige of Orgimmar Normal/Heroic - Available Spoiler - Galakras doesn't work, 2 cannons can't be destoryed and you can't trigger boss. - Spoils of Pandaria doesn't work, can't disable weapon system. - Rest of the raid is not accessible. Warlords of Draenor Dungeons:Auchindoun all difficulties - AvailableGrimrail Depot all difficulties - AvailableThe Everbloom all difficulties - Available Spoiler - Wtherbark is not working, can't be attacked. - Bonus boss doesn't work, scenario to spawn the boss doesn't work. - Archmage Sol doesn't work, can't teleport to Stormwind Bloodmaul Slag Mines all difficulties - Not available Skyreach all difficulties - Available Spoiler - Rukhran cannot be killed - High Sage Viryx can't be accessed. Iron Docks all difficulties - AvailableUpper Blackrock Spire all difficulties - Not available Shadowmoon Burial Grounds all difficulties - Not available Raids of Warlords of Draenor: Highmaul all difficulties - AvailableBlackrock Foundry all difficulties - Available Spoiler - Operator Thogar is not available on Mythic Mode. Hellfire Citadel all difficulties - Available Legion Dungeons:Important note: Scaling is off in legion so it will take you a while to kill any boss in these dungeonsViolet Hold - Available Blackrook Hold all difficulties - AvailableCathedral of Eternal Night all difficulties - AvailableVault of the Wardens all difficulties- AvailableCourt of Stars all difficulties- AvailableDarkheart Thicket all difficulties - AvailableMaw of Souls all difficulties - AvailableThe Arcway all difficulties - AvailableEye of Azshara All difficulties- AvailableReturn to Karazhan - Available Seat Of Triumvirate all difficulties- Available Legion Raids:Emerald nightmare all difficulties - AvailableTrial of Valor all difficulties - AvailableNighthold all difficulties - Available Spoiler - Gul'dan can't be done there is a work around for it, if you manage to kill it before it goes into his illidan phase it works. Tomb of Sargeras all difficulties - Available Spoiler - Sisters of the moon doesn't work, goes into a phase where you can't attack her, however there is a workaround if you get a class with strong dots. - Fallen Avatar, don't kill this too fast or it will bug out. Antorus the Burning Throne - Available Battle for Azeroth:Doable solo. Freehold all difficulties - Available Ataldazar all difficulties- AvailableWaycrest Manor all difficulties - AvailableKing's Rest all difficulties - AvailableShrine of the Storm all difficulties - AvailableThe Underrot all difficulties - AvailableNot doable solo but still doable.Siege of Boralus all difficulties - Available Tol-Dagor all difficulties - Available Temple of Sethralis all difficulties - Available The MOTHERLODE! all difficulties - Available Raids for Battle for Azeroth:Uldir Normal/Heroic Mode - Available Battle of Dazar'alor all difficulties - Available Crucible of the Storms all difficulties - Not availableThe Eternal Palace all difficulties - Not availableNy'alotha The Waking City all difficulties - Available Spoiler Uldir is not available in Mythic Mode. You need to be in a raidgroup to enter the BfA Raids. Last updated on 02/11/2023 4 people like this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted September 8, 2022 Currently in 25HC is bugged. cannot be killed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted September 8, 2022 In 25 Mythic is also not working. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted October 9, 2022 (edited) Theres a lot of good info on this list but it does need work.Blackrock Depths: Grim Guzzler key is not the problem, a rogue can pickpocket it and there are ways around for other classes. The problem is the door before Magmus and Emperor Thaurissan, the mobs needed to open it arent spawned. there are probably still ways to get past the door but thats very difficult. Alternatively, send a warlock/hunter/mage/dk pet and you might be able to area loot Magmus with a trash mob killed at the door; this does not work for Emperor, he is too far away.Old Hillsbrad Foothills: first 2 bosses work fine and have always worked. Epoch Hunter doesnt work.Dragon Soul 10/25 normal: Airship battle/Warmaster Blackhorn is possible to kill and loot. (bugged only on Heroic).Throne of the Tides works Uldum (if you cannot enter these, switch to old version of Uldum at Zidormi first)Vortex Pinnacle worksThrone of the Four Winds worksLost City of the Tol'Vir works Iron Docks worked fine last time I checked. Didnt test recently so cant say for sure.Return to Karazhan (Legion): Oneshotting Opera Event (frost DK Wyrm for example) is possible, then you can reach Moroes/Attumen. Tested recently with Beautiful Beast event.Violet Hold works. Edited October 9, 2022 by Hogroth Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted October 10, 2022 Hi @Hogroth and @Florix The list was updated with the information given. Thank you. As for certain classes being able to pass it, the list was made in a way to include that any class can do it. That is why some of the information you mentioned here @Hogroth was not added. The workaround you find will still be in your comment but will not be added to the list. Greetings Senior Support Ech0 1 person likes this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted November 1, 2022 It seems that Nyalotha mythic bugs out in a few ways: If you enter the raid and relog, you are teleported to shadowlands If you die and release, you are teleported to shadownlands If you kill 3 bosses and you leave the raid and re-enter, you appear nowhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted November 8, 2022 Hi @Kipce Thank you for the information however this will nott be added to the topic, but I'll leave it in the replies so players can read through it in order to avoid these situations. Greetings Ech0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 3, 2023 Just want to contribute - the Deadmines Ironclad door that leads to the Captain Cookie and Vanessa van Cleef is locked and can't be opened. Which means that the heroic version of Deadmines does not work. 1 person likes this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 4, 2023 Another addition: Azjol Nerub does not spawn Hadronox so he can't be killed for the dungeon achievement Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 6, 2023 A lot of dungeons seems to work , how i can join any of them as i have only battle for azeroth dungeons avaible , only with portal or is there any way to sign RDF ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 7, 2023 7 hours ago, kameqq said: A lot of dungeons seems to work , how i can join any of them as i have only battle for azeroth dungeons avaible , only with portal or is there any way to sign RDF ? sadly only with portal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted March 12, 2023 Scarlet Monastery is bug right now at 9.2. Last boss cant be killed because the priest doesnt revive Durand. Even if you rejoin the dungeon you can't kill him because Durand is alive and when you killed him the priest starts to attack you but you can't attack her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted May 24, 2023 In Blackrock Depths, you can get to second half of dungeon by giving the dwarf some beer bought by the nearby vendor. Starts a little interaction where the door is blown down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted May 25, 2023 Seems like Mythic Nighthold works again well. Gul'dan is killable Share this post Link to post Share on other sites