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About Ech0

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  1. Already answered your ticket on our support system.
  2. Greetings The thing with shadowlands is, you will need to quest through the questlines regardless of your level to access end-game content, so a higher XP rate will not help this. Right now if you level you can get to 60 in 5 hours which is pretty fast IMO. Best Regards Echo
  3. Greetings @Nirit It should be possible, the item you need to farm is a 0.07% drop so its rare but still doable. Best Regards Echo
  4. Greetings @deirdre The XP rate is x2 on our oribos realm. Best Regards Echo
  5. Greetings @O Z A I If the button doesn't work i recommend going to the trainers and reviving them there. Best Regards Echo
  6. Greetings @mikeyz223 The only way to keep progress of your download is by keeping an eye on your wow folder itself the closer you are to 84GB the closer you are to it being fully downloaded. Best Regards Echo
  7. Greetings @robin203 Can you run the following two commands in-game aned tell me what they say: /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(63902)) /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(60272)) Best Regards Echo
  8. Greetings After 4 days of you not replying to the topic you made we have decided to move it to our archives where you can still see our answer. If you have any follow up questions regarding it, please make a ticket here Best Regards Echo
  9. Greetings @Yokoro Yes there are still a lot of dungeons and raids, at least on our most populated realm which is Oribos, so i would recommend starting there. Best Regards Echo
  10. Greetings @Taintedangel There are a few ways to earn Garrison Resources without having to kill dungeon bosses. - You can farm rares ,some of which may drop Icemother Milk. - Tressure chest scattered around the map also drop rescoures, I recommend getting a tressure map as this will put all of them on your map. - There are a ton of quests that actually give resources, here is a full list of them - You can check if there are any of Hugh Orge Cache on the AH Best Regards Echo
  11. Greetings Sadly you can't play 3.3.5 on MAC. Best Regards Echo
  12. Greetings Please follow this guide! Best Regards Echo
  13. Greetings You need to learn herbalism for the expansion you are trying to farm the herbs. Best Regards Echo
  14. Greetings If this issue persists please make another topic here or if you require support with any technical issue please make a ticket here ( Best Regards Echo
  15. Greeting After 4 days of you not replying to the topic you made we have decided to move it to our archives where you can still see our answer. If you have any follow up questions regarding it, please make a ticket here ( Best Regard Echo