
Server disconnection 15x a day

8 posts in this topic

My years on playing on private servers, I've never seen this many constant disconnects from the server.

I even played a few years on Gul'Dan and it never disconnected like this.

What in the world is going on here and why is it still happening?

I recruited 3 friends to join this server and play with me, and they couldnt handle the constant server unplugs you guys do all day, and many without a warning too!

During a mythic we all get cut off, BG or even questing. It's turning people away back to retail and my 3 friends did exactly that!

You guys even trying to be more professional about this and keep these disconnects to a minimum?

My brother and I have donated A LOT of money already but I refuse to ever again unless this is fixed for good. It's becoming unplayable and un-enjoyable  at this point.

Edited by Salvio007

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dont forget about the constant lags

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4 hours ago, Salvio007 said:

have donated A LOT of money already but I refuse to ever again unless ............

been playing pandashan/elegon/firestorm/whatever... since 2012 & i have not seen that tactic work, NOT ONCE.

but do keep trying, its funny to watch

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2 hours ago, andyblast said:

been playing pandashan/elegon/firestorm/whatever... since 2012 & i have not seen that tactic work, NOT ONCE.

but do keep trying, its funny to watch

It's not a tactic at  all. I'm simply never going to buy a thing from the store using cash again.

Not a scare tactic, I just don't think it's worth it at all at this point. Losing my friends made it very less enjoyable too.

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Andy, old player here as well. 
The difference is back on Pandashan the admins gave a f-ck about the quality of the server. 
Now it's pure p2w, aka quick cash grab, and it's obvious by the way support handles things


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11 hours ago, Valisel said:

back on Pandashan the admins gave a f-ck about the.....

Howdy mate. Just an observation: owner & senior admins are still the same exact people. The quality & quantity of support staff (AKA GMs) has sunk into the ground, the commonest reason I've seen being that most new GMs with privilege level to be able to do most anything tend to abuse.

  • There was a time some GM injected code into a dala NPC just outside of alliance inn, so he could spam an advert of some kind whenever a player came close.
  • Another time, a GM added code so a bunch of mounts could be exploited in pvp instances

i could go on...

My reason of not engaging with pandashan/FS isn't game quality, im just bored with a decade old game which is just same old wine in a new bottle with every expansion.

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Hey there Andy,
I agree. The current staff is not competent and the people, who are supposed to regulate it, are not interested in that anymore. 

My only correction is, expansion has nothing to do with population, so the problem is obviously somewhere else and the server will keep sinking until:
a. there's no one willing to pay for bugs and "Sorry bro, I don't know, Google it"
b. the owners/senior admins fix their mistakes; they are not the exact same team as before either.

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If this issue persists please make another topic here or if you require support with any technical issue please make a ticket here

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