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About azzo

Firestorm User

  • Name Gsegs
  • Guild PinkfluffyUnicorns
  • Class Warrior
  • Level 110
  • Realm Sylvanas
  • Race Tauren

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  1. also there is this problem when someone leaves you lose rating if your mmr is higher than the average, for example when somene leaves after 1 or 2 rounds and u won both there is a big chance you will lose rating. This should be changed in my opinion so that only the person who leaves lose rating
  2. seems pretty normal to me
  3. cuz of mmr, your mmr is +100 above the average if u won 2 or 3 rounds u would probably get 0 edit: now that i look at it again Alikhatar got same stats but somehow won 45 rating, there is def something off
  4. rating problems

    check out your mmr and the average team mmr, yours is around 100 above the average so even if u win like 5 rounds u wont get much rating or even lose some its a matchmaking issue not rating issue
  5. deutsche gilde

    dachte schon das dieser post aktuell ist, dann hab ich das datum gesehn
  6. quest

    it worked for me
  7. won all 3 rounds in shuffle and before the 4th round started someone left the match and i STILL lose rating?? this is madness!!!!
  8. you can use it also in arena on retail so i dont get where the problem is
  9. i dont understand how its abuse if you can do the same on retail?
  10. my bugtracker reports get reviewed in 1 or 2 months, there is no point
  11. wow they all look so good is it created with midjourney?
  12. won 5 rounds lost 10 rating, feels great
  13. how is it that whenever i get close to rival in shuffle, i get into a loby where i have the highest rating and with 4-5 wins i get 5 rating or even lose rating and when i win 3 or less rounds i lose around +30 rating??? this is insane and its every single time as soon as i get to +-1780 rating, the average mmr is 100-200 below mine
  14. you can get it from vault... or donating
  15. Any reason why there is no transmog reward for rated?