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  1. migration

    Ciao a tutti, Ho un paio di pg su monster wow di cui vorrei fare il porting sul server BFA di Sethraliss, ma onestamente non ho capito bene se questi mi vengano effettivamente trasferiti sul server BFA oppure sul server legion Sylvannas. Inoltre l'altra cosa poco chiara è se effettivamente il migration system è operativo o non fanno alcun tipo di porting attualmente; se fosse così vorrei sapere se mai in futuro ricominceranno a fare i trasferimenti o meno. Grazie a tutti anticipatamente
  2. Salve, Sono nuovo su sethraliss e sto cercando una gilda italiana che sia attiva in PVE e se possibile anche in PVP. Nel caso non ci fosse se ci sono abbastanza italiani potremmo fondarla ed evitare di disperderci. Scrivete qui o contattatemi in gioco, mi chiamo Vanheimr. Grazie
  3. Third time's the charm! Following our previous content update, we will be updating Sethraliss on DATE TO BE DECIDED for our 3rd content update! We also wanted to keep you guys posted about 8.2 version, as we've started to work on it: You can expect it to be shipped to live around the MIDDLE OF OCTOBER. This ETA (remember that the E stands for Estimated: this is subject to potential changes) matches retail in terms of release delay, as we'll have had 8.0 patch going for about 6 months. As a reminder, this patch will also put the first PVP & Mythic+ season to an end, starting the 2nd PVP season 'Sinister Gladiator' alongside a new affix for Mythic+ season 2: Reaping! But let's focus first on what this 3rd content update will bring onto Sethraliss! Bring it on!!! ARATHI HIGHLANDS Arathi's zone will be available! A full new zone, including new rare mobs to slain! Each week, the control of the zone will switch faction, allowing the one in control to battle the opposing faction's world boss ! For example, if the Horde is controlling the area, their players will be able to group up to fight the Alliance's World Boss, rewarding 370 ilvl gear! Each Faction has its own World Boss: The Lion's Roar for the Alliance, and Doom's Howl for the Horde. For more information on Arathi's zone, click here. Note: Warfront won't be available in this update. VOL'DUN The last remaining Horde zone, Vol'dun will have its full questline released! World Quests will also be included, which means the Horde territory will now be fully available! FOR THE HORDE! With this zone also comes a new World Boss that will be added in the rotation: Dunegorger Kraulok STORMSONG VALLEY The last remaining Alliance zone, Stormsong Valley will have its full questline released! World Quests aren't ready at this point, but will be added gradually: you will be able to follow those additions on the BFA Live Changelog. With this zone also comes a new World Boss that will be added in the rotation: Warbringer Yenajz DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP Last time we shared was a month and a half ago, here's where we stand now! Island Expeditions are under testing! Currently 3 maps are available: Dread Chain, Skittering Hollow and Rotting Mire. This content should be shipped to live soon, way before the 8.2 with other islands added progressively. This will be that last 8.0 content currently missing! After that, we'll set sail to 8.1 content (see below for more information) The development on old content stuff continues! We're still not sure if we'll make a post for everything that was done, or if we'll add fixes when they are applied on the live changelog, but regardless we will keep you posted about what's worked on! So far, Gilneas has already been applied, and Kezan is under testing. Tanaan Jungle is being scripted, and some old dungeons have been fixed so they can now be completed. The 'Role Check' system is still being worked on: in essence it works, but there are still some slight tweaking to do before we can release it on the live realm. 8.2 is being worked on, with a test realm running. Even though the patch itself will be 8.2, we'll start by scripting the 8.1 content: as stated above, except for the Island Expedition, this 3rd update concludes all content from patch 8.0. We're switching our developers from 8.0.1 version toward 8.2 gradually (a few will stay to ensure Sethraliss gets the attention it needs in the meantime), and focussing our attention first on spell fixing (we already have a list of all changes made on every spells since 8.0.1), as well as the 2nd Raid: Battle of Dazar'Alor, the sequel of our current War Campaign, and PVP invasions! As a reminder, our Quality Assurance team could use your help, especially with the 8.2 patch featuring all its new content! Whether you're more familiar with raids, dungeons, questlines, professions, or classes, you can help us improve the server! You can send your application here (in English) and if you have questions, feel free to ask any admin on discord, or the Head QAs directly (Citryne for PVE side, and Tweek for Class Masters). Thanks for your time, we wish you all good luck & fun while enjoying those new contents! The Firestorm Team.
  4. Third time's the charm! Following our previous content update, we will be updating Sethraliss on Wednesday, July 31st at 11:00AM server time for our 3rd content update! On top of that, we'll be having a special weekend from Friday, August 2nd at 4:00PM to Monday, August 5th at 11:55PM server time, where all experience gains will be x10! Take this opportunity to level up new alts with friends and discover the new content added! We also wanted to keep you guys posted about 8.2 version, as we've started to work on it: You can expect it to be shipped to live around the MIDDLE OF OCTOBER. This ETA (remember that the E stands for Estimated: this is subject to potential changes) matches retail in terms of release delay, as we'll have had 8.0 patch going for about 6 months. As a reminder, this patch will also put the first PVP & Mythic+ season to an end, starting the 2nd PVP season 'Sinister Gladiator' alongside a new affix for Mythic+ season 2: Reaping! But let's focus first on what this 3rd content update will bring onto Sethraliss! Bring it on!!! ARATHI HIGHLANDS Arathi's zone will be available! A full new zone, including new rare mobs to slain! Each week, the control of the zone will switch faction, allowing the one in control to battle the opposing faction's world boss ! For example, if the Horde is controlling the area, their players will be able to group up to fight the Alliance's World Boss, rewarding 370 ilvl gear! Each Faction has its own World Boss: The Lion's Roar for the Alliance, and Doom's Howl for the Horde. For more information on Arathi's zone, click here. Note: Warfront won't be available in this update. VOL'DUN The last remaining Horde zone, Vol'dun will have its full questline released! World Quests will also be included, which means the Horde territory will now be fully available! FOR THE HORDE! With this zone also comes a new World Boss that will be added in the rotation: Dunegorger Kraulok STORMSONG VALLEY The last remaining Alliance zone, Stormsong Valley will have its full questline released! World Quests aren't ready at this point, but will be added gradually: you will be able to follow those additions on the BFA Live Changelog. With this zone also comes a new World Boss that will be added in the rotation: Warbringer Yenajz DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP Last time we shared was a month and a half ago, here's where we stand now! Island Expeditions are under testing! Currently 3 maps are available: Dread Chain, Skittering Hollow and Rotting Mire. This content should be shipped to live soon, way before the 8.2 with other islands added progressively. This will be that last 8.0 content currently missing! After that, we'll set sail to 8.1 content (see below for more information) The development on old content stuff continues! We're still not sure if we'll make a post for everything that was done, or if we'll add fixes when they are applied on the live changelog, but regardless we will keep you posted about what's worked on! So far, Gilneas has already been applied, and Kezan is under testing. Tanaan Jungle is being scripted, and some old dungeons have been fixed so they can now be completed. The 'Role Check' system is still being worked on: in essence it works, but there are still some slight tweaking to do before we can release it on the live realm. 8.2 is being worked on, with a test realm running. Even though the patch itself will be 8.2, we'll start by scripting the 8.1 content: as stated above, except for the Island Expedition, this 3rd update concludes all content from patch 8.0. We're switching our developers from 8.0.1 version toward 8.2 gradually (a few will stay to ensure Sethraliss gets the attention it needs in the meantime), and focussing our attention first on spell fixing (we already have a list of all changes made on every spells since 8.0.1), as well as the 2nd Raid: Battle of Dazar'Alor, the sequel of our current War Campaign, and PVP invasions! As a reminder, our Quality Assurance team could use your help, especially with the 8.2 patch featuring all its new content! Whether you're more familiar with raids, dungeons, questlines, professions, or classes, you can help us improve the server! You can send your application here (in English) and if you have questions, feel free to ask any admin on discord, or the Head QAs directly (Citryne for PVE side, and Tweek for Class Masters). Thanks for your time, we wish you all good luck & fun while enjoying those new contents! The Firestorm Team.
  5. Greetings! During our previous announcement we told you guys that we'd release one Uldir LFR wing every 2 weeks, and planned on releasing the full Mythic difficulty alongside the release of the 3rd and last wing: last Wednesday, the 2nd wing was released, which means that next Wednesday the final one is to be delivered on live. Well, we're gonna deliver on our promises, with some extras! Uldir Mythic, alongside King's Rest, Siege of Boralus and the full War Campaign will ship to live on Wednesday, June 5th at 11:00 AM Server time! Note: With this update, the realm ilvl cap will be increased to 395. ULDIR MYTHIC The mythic mode of Uldir will be available on all 8 bosses! Be ready to face them all in their true form and battle your way to the top of the ladder, while ending G'huun's corruption once and for all! All bosses will loot base 385 ilvl gear. In Mythic difficulty, the challenge is increased, with some new mechanics on the bosses, be sure to check them before getting into the fray! We grouped them for you here: Taloc Mother Zek’voz, Herald of N’zoth Vectis Fetid Devourer Zul Mythrax the Unraveler G’huun WAR CAMPAIGN The 8.0 War Campaign will be fully released, both Alliance & Horde sides! Since the release, only the Footholds were available: now is the time to continue what you started, and lay waste on the opposing faction! (NB: you need to complete all available Footholds before continuing the War Campaign questline). Horde side: You will be able to get to the 5th chapter 'The Strike on Boralus' Alliance side: You will be able to get to the 5th chapter 'The Strike on Zuldazar' Note: Island Expeditions are still under development, and won't be released with this update. SIEGE OF BORALUS The last Kul Tiran dungeon, Siege of Boralus will be available in Mythic, and Mythic+ difficulties! EDIT: To unlock this dungeon, whether you are Alliance or Horde, you will need to finish the war campaign. KING'S REST The last Zandalari dungeon, King's Rest will be available in Mythic, and Mythic+ difficulties! EDIT: To unlock this dungeon, whether you are Alliance or Horde, you will need to finish the war campaign. DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP Things have evolved since the last time we shared, here are the standings now: Vol'dun is almost fully scripted and will begin testings shortly. Stormsong Valley is a bit behind, but still progressing. Arathi Outdoors' tests have begun, but the contribution system still needs to be implemented & tested. Islands Expeditions are soon finished and will then have to be tested. Some of our developers began working on 'old content' namely Tanaan Jungle questline, as well as Gilneas & Kezan to improve player experience when leveling. One of our devs is working on implementing the 'Role Check' system for PvP queues (the window that pops up asking you to confirm your role for arenas & BGs). It should be testable soon, and after that will be shipped to live. As a reminder, our Quality Assurance team could use your help! Whether you're more familiar with raids, dungeons, questlines, professions, or classes, you can help us improve the server! You can send your application here (in English) and if you have questions, feel free to ask any admin on discord, or the Head QAs directly (Citryne for PVE side, and Tweek for Class Masters). Thank you for your time, we wish you all good luck & fun while enjoying those new contents! The Firestorm Team.
  6. Greetings Everyone! Following our latest news regarding the 1st content update on Sethraliss, here comes the release announcement, including detailed information on what's to come, as well as the shipping date: Wednesday, May 8th at 11:00 AM server time! Note: With this release, the realm ilvl cap will be increased to 385. We also received a message from Boris, who returned from a dangerous adventure around the world. He asked us if he could come and say hi, and we didn't dare say no to an old friend! He'll be joining us on all expansions from Friday, May 3rd at 6 PM to Monday, May 6th 11:59 PM (both server time) In this post, we'll be reviewing in detail everything that's gonna be released. Are your seat belts fastened? Alright, let's go! ULDIR Uldir will be fully released (all 8 bosses) in Normal & Heroic Difficulty, plus the 1st wing of LFR: The Halls of Containment (which will include the first 3 bosses listed below). As opposed to what was stated in our previous post, we chose to release the LFR version of the raid wing by wing rather than all at once. The 2nd Wing should be released 2 to 3 weeks later, and the 3rd and final wing 2 to 3 weeks after the second one, alongside the full Mythic difficulty. The ilvl of gear is as follows, with a hard cap at 385 as stated in the introduction: LFR 340+ / Normal 355+ / Heroic 370+. As a reminder, only non-azerite gear can proc. Bosses: Taloc Mother Zek’voz, Herald of N’zoth Vectis Fetid Devourer Zul Mythrax the Unraveler G’huun MYTHIC+ SEASON 1 Mythic + will be added: this means tougher challenges, new affixes, but also better rewards! Push your key to get the best possible gear at the end of the dungeon, and in your weekly chest. Some changes have been made to the MM+ system, here is a list of the most important ones: Azerite armor pieces (Head - Chest - Shoulders) can only be obtained in the Weekly chest, you cannot get them in the end-of-dungeon chest. You cannot swap gear inside the MM+, so you will have to choose your gear prior to entering the dungeon. You can now Bonus roll inside the MM+: the rolled bonus can contain a random piece from the current dungeon, taking into account the key level to define the base ilvl (item can still proc). On top of the system changes, the affixes themselves underwent some changes (including balancing). Here are the most important ones: Tyrannical and Fortified become lvl 2 affixes, which means they will be present on every key now. There is now one special lvl 10 affix each season of MM+. The first one is Infested: every key of lvl 10 or higher will include this affix during the course of the first MM+ season The affixes present on the first week will be: Tyrannical (2) / Raging (4) / Volcanic (7) (number in parenthesis is minimum key level for the affix to be active). The reward system is in essence similar to the one from Legion: The weekly chest reward is based on your previous week best completion, while the end of dungeon reward is based on the current dungeon's key level. Rewards will be as follow. As a reminder, all looted gear except azerite ones can proc, with a hard cap of 385. Rewards: If you want more information about the Mythic + System, you can check here. DREAD GLADIATOR PVP SEASON For those of you that thrive in the heat of PvP fights, start climbing the ladder in 2vs2 and 3vs3: face your opponents on the arena and prove your worth as a champion of Azeroth! This will be the first PvP season and will last until the second raid, Battle of Dazar’alor is released (expected duration is 4-5 months). Here is a list of the most important features of this system: At the end of an arena match, you will have a chance to get a piece of gear, with its ilvl scaling based on your current rating (see below) Winning a rated arena match, or winning your first rated battleground of the day fills up your conquest progression, and will earn you some gear pieces at specific breakpoints: it starts off at an LFR-level and scales up as you progress. If you fill up your conquest bar entirely for the week, you will now be able to get a weekly PvP cache, with its rewards depending on your highest PvP rank (see below): Everything you need to know can be found here. List of rewards for Season 1: (again, only non-azerite gear can proc, up to a hard cap of 385): Rank Rating EoM* Cache** Cache (Azerite Item) Rewards Unranked 0-1399 340 355 355 Combatant 1400-1599 350 365 355 Elite Appearance - Bracer, Belt Challenger 1600-1799 360 370 370 Elite Appearance - Gloves, Legs, Boots Rival 1800-2099 365 375 370 Elite Appearance - Helm, Shoulder, Chest Duelist 2100-2399 370 380 385 Elite Appearance - Cloak Gladiator 2400+ 375 385 385 Elite Appearance - Tabard / Gladiator Title (50 wins) *EoM = End of Match, occasional **Cache = Weekly PVP Chest, available at Hook Point / Mugambala PVP Hubs WORLD BOSSES Each week (rotation happening on Wednesdays), you will get a new World Quest regarding a World Boss: team up with other people to bring them down, and get a chance to loot a 355+ piece of gear! A different one will be available each week, you can learn more about them here. List of scripted World Bosses: T'zane, The Soul Terror Azurethos, The Winged Typhoon Hailstone Construct Ji'arak BORIS Boris is gone, see you soon On top of that, Boris will be visiting all of our realms the weekend preceding the update! From Friday, May 3rd at 6 PM to Monday, May 6th 11:59 PM (both server time), once per account per expansion you will be able to talk to him and ask him for a free boost. This boost will get you to max level (except on Sethraliss, our BFA realm where you will be put lvl 110), and will include some gear and a bit of gold so you can hop straight into the action! This is it, our first update on Sethraliss! We hope everyone will enjoy all the new content that is being released. You guys still have 1 week to fully prepare, so don't waste your time, and let's see which guild climbs the ladder first, which 5 man groups hold the best key record for high MM+ keys, and who's gonna be the uncontested dread gladiator! PS: Following our latest roadmap, and for those interested, there has been some progress! War campaign is almost fully scripted and needs testing now, alongside Siege of Boralus. King's Rest is already fine. Stormsong Valley and Vol'dun are both at around 3/7 chapters done. Testing sessions will begin shortly. Arathi Outdoors is close to being finished as well, and will then need testing. (scenario is not included) Islands Expeditions have been started! Again, there is no set date for now: it's just to give you guys an idea about what's being done behind the scenes development wise! As you can see, all those new contents need testing before being shipped to the live realm; If you're interested in giving a hand, you can apply to become a member of our Quality Assurance team here. That's all for today! We hope you're excited about all this and wish you all good fortune in the wars to come! (And fun too. Fun is important). The Firestorm Team.
  7. Hello everyone, we hope you are all enjoying our newest expansion! We have dedicated all our time and resources to make it the best possible Battle for Azeroth private server, we’re happy with the results so far, and we’re continuously fixing issues that you guys might encounter to make sure the gaming experience is at its best for everyone. Now let’s talk development: When we released the realm Sethraliss, we told you guys that the first big content update would include, among other things, the first wing of Uldir: well there has been some changes! We heard a lot of people complain that, by releasing Uldir wing by wing, it would cut out most of the hype a raid release is supposed to bring: the experience is different than retail, because you would be able to do the first wings several times before reaching G’huun (the final boss) that would be released week later, and the guild race wouldn’t feel the same when you have bosses released 3 by 3, with weeks between them. You probably know where this is going by now: We decided to release Uldir fully in one update, in LFR, Normal & Heroic difficulties (Mythic will be released later, not the next week). Since we have 3 different developers working on the raid, this change of plan won’t actually delay the update by much, and we’re currently expecting to release it late April / early May. As you may guess, releasing the full raid implies heavier testing sessions to make sure that everything works fine: this is made possible thanks to our Quality Assurance team ! If you’re interested and want to help us out, feel free to apply there to join the team! Now let's get to it! ULDIR Uldir will be fully available in Looking for Raid(LFR), Normal and Heroic. All the bosses, loot and achievements released in one single patch: get ready, read the strats with your guildies, and climb the PvE ladder that will be available on our website! As a reminder, we will be releasing the Mythic Mode a few weeks later. Bosses: Taloc Mother Zek’voz, Herald of N’zoth Vectis Fetid Devourer Zul Mythrax the Unraveler G’huun MYTHIC+ SEASON 1 Mythic + will be added: this means tougher challenges, new affixes, but also better rewards! Push your key to get the best possible gear at the end of the dungeon, and in your weekly chest. Some changes have occurred since Legion, be sure to check them here. Season 1 Special Affix: Infested, for the rest of the affixes you check here. Rewards: DREAD GLADIATOR PVP SEASON For those of you that thrive in the heat of PvP fights, start climbing the ladder in 2vs2 and 3vs3: face your opponents on the arena and prove your worth as a champion of Azeroth! This will be the first PvP season, and will last until the second raid, Battle of Dazar’alor is released. Here is the list of rewards you can get while defeating your enemies. Alongside the ranked system, you will now be able to get a weekly PvP cache, when you cap your conquest, with its rewards depending on your PvP rank: Everything you need to know can be found here. Rewards of the weekly chest, based on your highest rating: WORLD BOSSES Face World Bosses in epic battles. Work with other Champions in order to get those big baddies down and claim their prize! A different one will be available each week: With this release, we hope to give everyone new challenges to face alone or with friends, both PVE and PVP wise: more content to do every week, with better rewards. Join the battle, get the best gear possible in the meantime to make sure you’re ready for it! Regarding other content still under development and testings, you can expect several updates (no clear roadmap yet: those will be released at different times, but no set date as of now): - War campaign, alongside King’s Rest and Siege of Boralus dungeons. - The 2 last zones: Stormsong Valley in Kul Tiras, and Vol’dun in Zandalar - Arathi Highlands Warfront Thank you for your time, and we hope you are as hyped as us about this! Have fun on Firestorm, and see you next time The Firestorm Team.
  8. سلام به پلیر های فایراستورم Sethraliss هدف از زدن این تایپیک این بوده که کسایی که توی سرور بازی میکنن اعلام حضور کنن تا اگه تعدادمون به تعدادی رسید که بشه یک گیلد زد،گیلد رو ایجاد کنیم و بتونیم راحت تر دانجن هارو باهم بریم تا الان 4 5 نفر اعلام کردن ک بازیو انجام میدند اگر کسی بود با بگه توی همین تاپیک که ببینیم چند نفر هستیم با تشکر
  9. Following our last post about what's awaiting you in our new expansion Battle for Azeroth, many seem to still have questions about some of the features and systems. Most of the questions are related to the copy of your characters from Sylvanas to Sethraliss, and we are here to answer all of them! Let's get started. First and foremost, your characters will be copied. All of them, for free! This means that all the content you have on Legion will still be there. We are not forcing you to switch to Battle for Azeroth. With that being said, the progress you do on Sylvanas after the Copy moment (Copy will be done on the 15th at midnight CET) won't be updated on Sethraliss! Now for common questions that we have seen on the forums: Gold Gold limitation is indeed 10k gold per character. We have some limitations applied to prevent exploits. Our goal is to avoid Sylvanas’s huge inflation to also switch to Sethraliss. Items, bag and bank content Characters will keep their items, bags and bank content that they had on Sylvanas. Account bound data All the account bound data such as mounts, pets, titles, transmogs and artifact skins you have gathered in Sylvanas will be also copied over to Sethraliss. Guild Banks Guild bank gold and their content will be wiped. Migrations Migrations won't be available at the start but we expect to implement them soon! At least from other Legion servers. We won't do it at the start from other BFA private servers for balancing reasons. Future transfers We will allow players to copy again in the future at their own will! Characters already copied won't be able to be copied again. Greymane? We are not going to copy the characters from Greymane since Greymane is a fun PvP realm with instant level ups and other fun type realm features! Sethraliss falls under the rule of a progressive realm type with x3 rates (same as Sylvanas). Therefore, it's only fair we do not copy Greymane's database over to it. Why only copy from Sylvanas? Our players have the freedom to copy from any realm to Sylvanas. It felt right to only copy Sylvanas since its a direct progressive line. Legion → Battle for Azeroth. We hope this post makes things clear to everyone. If you have further questions leave them on the thread and we will add them to the main post. Thank you all and good luck on your adventures on Sethraliss! The Firestorm Staff
  10. The closed Beta of Battle for Azeroth (BFA) has been launched on February 11, welcoming hundreds of players to try it in early access. We thank all of them for helping us fixing different types of issues along the weeks and it is now time to officially announce the Sethraliss realm! The realm opens its doors on March 16 at 2:00pm CET A whole new realm named Sethraliss will be available for Battle for Azeroth next week. If you wish to have a glimpse of the new expansion of World of Warcraft you can already participate to the open Beta available until Friday, 15 March. The realm of the open Beta will then be deleted, as well as any character progression done on the server. Summary of the content Account Every character on Sylvanas will be copied to Sethraliss. Players will keep all their gear along with a maximum of 10,000 golds per character. Guilds will be saved but guilds' banks will be cleared out. PvE Two new allied races: Dark Iron Dwarf and Mag'har Orc. Four fully available zones (the two last zones will be completed later). Eight dungeons will be available at launch (the two last dungeons will be added later). No raid at launch. Addition of the heart of Azeroth. PvP Two new arenas will be available at launch, as well as a rework of arena. War mode will include air supply drops and the Dueler’s Guild. Prestige has been deleted and the maximum level of honor has been increased to 500 (honor is reset for every player of the realm). Professions Application of the professions rework. Removal of the profession First Aid. Other New mounts, pets and items. Get the collector mounts for free (Gilded Ravasaur and Seabraid Stallion) by logging in during the launch weekend. Content to come First raid Mythic season Arena season World Bosses Get Battle for Azeroth To install the full client of Battle for Azeroth you will need 52 GB of free disk space. You will also need a torrent software (µTorrent, Bittorent or Transmission for Mac) to download the BFA client (version 8.0.1 28153). You can also download BFA through the minimal client to enjoy the expansion more quickly or use the Firestorm launcher. You can already download Battle for Azeroth to play on the open Beta or to be ready for March 16: Download Battle for Azeroth Every character on Sylvanas (Legion) will be copied to the realm. On Sethraliss you will keep all of your gear and unlock content -only your gold will be lowered to start the new expansion. Every character will be transferred with a maximum of 10,000 golds in their inventory. It will avoid giving some players an unfair advantage that would unbalance the realm's economy. Guilds will be saved but the entire content of Guild's banks will be cleared out (items and golds). You will have the opportunity to start the adventure with one of your already existing character from Sylvanas or from scratch with a whole new character. On Battle for Azeroth the maximum level is 120 and every statistics of the game have been lowered (some items have also been deleted or edited): your characters and gear statistics will then all be lowered and some of your items may have been removed or edited (ex: mythic keystone or depleted items like artifact power tokens). PvE Content - Player vs Environment To start the main quest of Battle for Azeroth you will have to travel to the capital city of your faction: Stormwind and Orgrimmar. The first quest of the expansion will automatically launch once you arrive. New races Two new allied races come with Battle for Azeroth: Dark Iron Dwarf for the Alliance and Mag'har Orc for the Horde. Those two races will be immediately available and you will start at level 20 instead of level 1. Once you reach level 110 on the Dark Iron Dwarf or the Mag'har Orc you will receive a unique appearance set as well as the mount exclusive to this race. New zones Two new continents will be available in Battle for Azeroth, each with its own zones. On each continent, two zones out of three will be entirely available at the launch of Sethraliss: Zandalar, new continent for the Horde: Nazmir and Zuldazar Kul'Tiras, new continent for the Alliance: Tiragarde Sound and Drustvar Each available zone offers all of the quests (main & secondary), emissaries and world quests. Nevertheless, you can freely travel through Vol'dun and Stormsong Valley and set up the war campaign camp. You will need to set up the 3 war campaign camps (one on each zone of the opposing faction) to get access to emissaries and world quests. Vol'dun and Stormsong Valley will soon be entirely available. Dungeons At the launch of Sethraliss, 8 dungeons will be available (out of 10): Zandalar: Atal'Dazar, The MOTHERLODE!!!, The Underrot, Temple of Sethraliss Kul'Tiras: Freehold, Tol Dagor, Shrine of the Storm, Waycrest Manor The dungeons King's Rest and Siege of Boralus will be added later when the rest of the war campaign will be available. You can watch the replays from the team's streams during the closed Beta here. Raid Raid is currently in development and will be added later. The available raid will be Uldir (first wing). The heart of Azeroth The heart of Azeroth is a new feature from Battle for Azeroth which use the same system as the Artifact weapon of Legion. You obtain it at the beginning of the expansion and you can upgrade it gradually during your progression by collecting azerite (more informations here). PvP content - Player vs Player Arenas Two new arenas will be added with this expansion: Mugambala and Hook Point. The Nagrand arena will also get a rework. The arena season will start with the launch of Mythic . No ranking will be available at the launch of Sethraliss. War mode War mode will be available in Battle for Azeroth with a few new features: air supply drop and Dueler's Guild. When this mode is active you get 10% of experience, reputation point, golds, azerite and war resources. In war mode, a plane travels in the sky and regularly drops a crate full of rewards (only on BFA continents). Members of each faction then have to fight to get control over it in order to claim their personal loot (limited time). The Dueler's Guild is a new PvP feature which allows 1v1 combats to obtain achievements. Go to Zuldazar for the Horde and Boralus for the Alliance to participate (more informations here). Prestige and honor Prestige has been removed in Battle for Azeroth and the honor level has been increased to 500. Now bound to the account, the honor level will be reset for every player. Professions The experience system of the professions got a rework in Battle for Azeroth: hence all players' professions levels will be copied and transformed accordingly. Every plans you learned will be kept. The profession First Aid has been removed (talk to the instructors of Tailoring and Alchemy to find the recipes). Classes and spells Every class and spell were tested for several months and are now at a very advanced state. They are now currently in balancing phase (changelog BFA). Other Battle for Azeroth also have some new mounts, pets and items that you will discover in game. Every player logging in during the launch weekend* of Battle for Azeroth will get the collector mounts Gilded Ravasaur of the Horde and Seabraid Stallion of the Alliance, for free (account bound). *Offer available from Saturday, 16 March 2:00pm CET to Sunday, 17 March 11:59pm CET. Content to come First content update Second content update Third content update Raid: Uldir (first wing) Mythic season Arena season World Bosses Dungeons: King's Rest and Siege of Boralus Rest of war campaign chapters Zones: Vol’dun and Stormsong Valley Island Expeditions Warfront