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Everything posted by Florix

  1. Musste überspringen, ist leider verbuggt.
  2. So my Friend clicked on her email but i havn't got the buff ingame or the teleport option with an email which ends with mail.ru. hmpf..
  3. Teleport You will receive a bonus ability that can be used to teleport your character to your recruit. Seems like i havn't received the extra teleport.
  4. Hab leider WotLK nicht mehr auf der platte.. gabs da schon den WTF ordner mit der datei wo die settings drin sind? Falls ja: SET textLocale "deDE" SET audioLocale "deDE"
  5. Werd' paar dinge aufjedenfall abchecken die eventuell mit 7.3.5 gefixt wurden.
  6. The beauty of Aszuna
  7. There will be a size increase soon.
  8. You're to lazy to use always wowhead.com to find out a ID of a NPC? no problem, here is a macro that shows you the ID of all NPCs. How to use it? Just target the NPC and use the Macro and you will get the NPC ID in the Chat. /run local guid, name = UnitGUID("target"), UnitName("target"); print(name .. "'s NPC id is " .. tonumber(guid:sub(6,10), 16))
  9. Hi, the old forums are now offline, what will happend with the patches by users in pandashan and ashran forum? My suggestion is to add them here.
  10. Germany here
  11. Maybe the 1st char will be free, like it was on WoD.
  12. Roth UI + Sexy Map. But now im using only Mistra's Diablo Orbs. And yes, the chat script is only working on MoP, You can use the addon IDTip for WoD, it shows the IDs from NPCs, Quests, Spells, Achievements, ect.
  13. Its more like:
  14. Not bad but an custom pause button to stop the messeges would be good
  15. Deal with it.
  16. Added some locales on the PTR for this questline.
  17. http://z0r.de/5368
  18. Only Alliance Players can see it correctly. Topic: Just me and a good old friend :c she quit 2014 QQ
  19. Ofcourse! A tool will be created soon to fix alot of locales for Quests, Objects and NPCs.
  20. If you're talking about the MoP (on MoP expansion) or the WoD (on WoD expansion) then i have to tell you, you cant change that in any settings, it need to get fixed by an Developer. All Old content Quests (Vanilla~Cataclysm) should be in the correct locales.
  21. Moved to Suggestions.
  22. R.I.P. Michael Koiter Topic: Nothing Special, just testing Timeless Isle loot