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About Hypnos

Firestorm User

  • Name Hîpnos
  • Class Rogue
  • Level 110
  • Realm Sylvanas
  • Race Blood elf

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  1. Use the unstuck of website or you teleport out of tanaan jungle. Rejoin tanaan jungle, if you cant, you create a ticket so a gm help you. And you retake te quest,dont log out while you are doing tanaan or you can get stuck there.. Regards.
  2. Speak with the mage Khadgar npc in Blaste Lands and he will complete the quest and he will teleport you to tanaan jungle.
  3. Dunno why i havet "like" button here, so Thanks you ^^ .
  4. Awesone intro, if its ok for you i will use it in my next videos.
  5. [Guide 1] Software for creating Patches Hello, in this topic you will find the software need for creating patches/fixes for a wow server and for learning to config it and for learning to use it. Beside, whatever dude that you have, you can ask it here and it will be resolved. Basicatly it can be done with notepad but we will do everything more comfortable and reliable. 1- REQUERIMENTS: 1.1. SqlYog : Its a manager of database (DB). We will use it for applycating-introducting patches in our DB. If you have knowledge about sql you can use directly mysqld but its easier for using SqlYog or Heidi (similar sotfware to SqlYog) because the interface is very intuitive and it has a lot of tools which will do very much easy our job. 1.2. Mysqld : Its the server which allow us that the BD is in communication with our DB''s Manager. The middlie man. It has to be installed and opened if we want to use SqlYog or Heidi. 1.3. DataBase: Its where we can consult every table of dates which have our wow server and its where every one of our patches will be saved so the game can execute them. Wow has 4 DB: . auth : save our account dates. . characters: save our characters dates. . hotfixes: save the last and urgents patches added after of a expansion was introduced. . world: save every thing in game, include criatures,quests,flypaths,achievements.... We will use only World and maybe sometimes Hotfixes. 1.4. Notepad++ : Its a manager of text for differents languages of programs what do more easy our job. It does that every variable, of your core, have a different color, so if you do a mistake its faster to locate it. His interface is very easy and intuitive,really easy to use. 2- DOWNLOADS: 2.1. notepad++ (download the last release): https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ 2.2. SqlYog (Its a trial version, but you can use it even when the trial periode is finished.): https://www.webyog.com/product/sqlyog 2.3. mysqld: http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.26-win32.zip (32 bits) http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.6/mysql-5.6.26-winx64.zip (64 bits) 2.4. Database (For downloading it you have to registre before in trinity core forum.): https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/releases 3- INSTALATION,CONFIGURATION AND USE: 3.1. mysqld: * When you are instaling this, you save/remember the password which you use. You will need it for connecting with SqlYog to your DB. For installing it, double click. When it asks which type of DB we want, we will mark "developers". User = root and pass = ascent. Dont change the rest of options and click accept until the end. It doesnt need configuration. For using it, go to C:/Program Files/Mysql and create a direct access to your deskopt or in the place that you want. For executing it, double click in the direct access and a console will appear which has to stay opened while we use Sqlyog. For closing it, Control + C in the same time and then Yes. 3.2. SqlYog: For instaling it, double click and accept until the end. In the end the program will be opened. For configurating it,we will be asked for a conection name (you use the name that you want,example Wowlocal). Then a window will be showed,up where it says "saved connections" we will select the name which we used before, "Wowlocal". In MySQL host address writte "localhost" (withouth "") because our server will be local. Username = root password= ascent or the password which you used to install mysqld. Now you save the configuration. For using it, the first is execute mysqld if not sqlyog will give error.Now we execute SqlYog and if you configured it good,it should to connect to our DB directly (which will be empty because we didnt import the downloaded DB of trinity). I will explain a little the interface of SqlYog using the next screenshot: "root@" its our connection to the mysql server. "mysql","sakila" ,"test","world" all that names in grey are DataBases. If you pay attention in "sakila",clicking in the icon "+" it deploy the folders in. If we click in the icon "+" of the folder tables again, it will show the tables which are in that database (tables = blue icons like "actor","address",etc.). If we click in the table "city" (like in the screenshot), it will show all his content in the window below. In the window below we can see all the content of a table and beside we will can see,when we apply a patch, if it had any error or if it was applyed good. If we do a query of sql (a select to search anything,for example)the result will be showed in this window below. The upper part ,in which show 3 numbered files, is the place where we will copy our patches so it is applyed. Or whatever query for doing a consulte. The upper menu and the icons. For the moment we will explain only the basic and important icons. When you have wrotten a patch with only one query and you want to apply it, you have to click the "blue play icon",the first one down of "Favorites" option. If the patch has more than 1 query so you have to use the blue icon with 2 blank arros in. For the moment, its sufficient with this ticks. You can ask if you didn''t understand anything. Maybe others options and tools will be explain later. Note: Patch can be applyed in that window or patch can be imported to apply it as we will do for installing the datebases in the next steps. 3.3. Database: Unzip thefile downloaded. It has 2 files TDB_full_world_6.02 y TDB_full_hotfixes_6.02. Open mysqld y SqlYog,and then we connect to our database. Rigth click in root@ (or whatever is our usser named,first line left,up of the databases) and we choose the option "create database". We will name our database hotfixes. We will repeat the same proccess and we name the new database world. You can see now that below of root@ we have our databases created (hotfixes and world). If you dont see it, click f5 for updating the interface. Then we click in the hotfixes DB so the DB is marked and we choose the option up database or db (depend of the SqlYog version), import/execute sql script. Now we search the Hotfixes DB which we downloaded before (TDB_full_hotfixes_6.02),we select it and click execute. We have imported the hotfixes DB in our databse already. We mark now,below of root@ the db "world" clicking 1 time in it and we repeat the same procces again but this time we choose the world DB named TDB_full_world_6.02_2015_07_14. We have imported the DB hotfixes and world in our SqlYog now. 3.4. Notepad++ : For installing it,double click in the file and accept everything until the end. Dont need configuration. For using it,double click. In the first use you search the option File/New. Then File/Save as...,you choose the name and below in the place where it says type, we will choose "structured Query Language file (*sql)". We choose the place to save it and we save it. Doing this our patch will have .sql extension (the extension need to import patches in SqlYog). Beside, doing this when we writtre our patch in notepad++ it will show with the sql structure with differents colors so we can identify mistakes while we writte it.
  6. Thanks you for the feedback, i added a patch the monday. I guess that is why you did can finally ^^ . Grats btw.
  7. That in my country is insulting. And Im sorry to tell you but this isnt retail.You are blaming people who get full geared in low rates but you want the retail system which allows you to get full gereaded in 1 week if the season has started 2 months ago... /clap And your cap increment if you get higher than 1500. Retail reset 3 times per week?....... PS: funny that someone who play tournament server says it.....
  8. You are the second person who says that today...maybe it got buggued...i will check it but for the moment, the respawn time should to be 10-15 mins, so you wait there that time. Maybe others hunters killed them and they have to respawn,dunno really why this is happening. Please, you dont forget to give me a feedback if you get it done. Regards.
  9. You have to use the linter so you get the buff and then you can click the dagger.
  10. You tell me what you have done for the moment and where you are stuck exactly please.You tell me every step which you did.
  11. The items are for creating the sffige which you use in the disturbed grave,then you need the linter buff for dagger works. Check a guide for doing the questline.
  12. It isnt only Sombraluna players. You try to dont insult and you have any respect to others players. With that actitude you wont get what you want. Maybe you need do more bgs before you join arenas, gear isnt everything there. If you know your class and you know the way to play it you havent to care about gear in that low rate.
  13. The guide wasnt created by me. But maybe it doesnt work the same way than in the official,dunno really.
  14. You allow the other player to hit first the boss, then you take the agroo.
  15. I have full geared 3 alts in wod with the last pvp gear and i almost dont play since long time ago,beside im really noob(1.8 k rate the higher). Gearing up is really easy, and it wouldnt have to be a excuse for this sugestion. Crossrealms= more honor,win or lose you get honor faster. Even when i dont like the system, if its blizzlike I would like to they add it too.