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    • Asmondya

      Sécurisez votre compte Firestorm   04/03/2023

        Sécurisez votre compte Firestorm   Dans ce post, nous allons vous donner quelques bonnes pratiques afin de renforcer la sécurité de votre compte Firestorm.
      Pour rappel, votre compte est sous votre responsabilité, et vous êtes en mesure de le protéger sans que cela vous prenne plus que quelques minutes: pas cher payé pour se protéger des "hackeurs" et autres arnaques, non ?       Étape 1: Ajoutez un Authenticator (Authentificateur) La vérification en 2 étapes (ou 2FA) est extrêmement importante, et nous ne pouvons que vous conseiller de l'activer: C'est la meilleure des protections, et également un bon réflexe à prendre pour protéger vos autres données: chaque nouvelle connexion sur votre compte depuis un nouvel emplacement nécessitera un code que seul vous aurez. Comment l'activer: Ouvrez votre page de gestion d'authenticator sur le site. Cliquez sur "Activer mon authenticator". Téléchargez l'application Authy (meilleur que Google Authenticator). Vous pouvez en apprendre plus ici. Une fois l'application téléchargée, scannez le QR code ou rentrez le code généré par l'application manuellement. Votre Authenticator est activé! Vous devrez donc renseigner le code fourni par l'application à chaque connexion depuis un nouvel emplacement. Téléchargez les codes de récupération: Ça peut toujours servir!     Note: Une fois votre compte créé, n'oubliez pas de vérifier votre adresse mail. Sans ça, n'importe qui ayant accès à votre compte pourra en modifier l'adresse mail, et même le mot de passe.   Étape 2: Utilisez un mot de passe fort / complexe N'utilisez pas de mots du dictionnaire, mais de préférence une suite de caractères (lettres, chiffres, symboles) que vous seul connaissez. Une autre alternative consiste à choisir une phrase entière que seul vous connaissez, puis remplacez certaines lettres par des symboles (E -> 3, A -> 4, a -> @, etc) plus le mot de passe est long, plus il est difficile à trouver. N'utilisez ce mot de passe que sur Firestorm. De manière générale, essayez de ne jamais utiliser le même mot de passe sur différents sites. Des solutions, telles que KeePass existent, et peuvent s'avérer un excellent choix si vous avez du mal à retenir plusieurs mots de passe. Il s'agit d'un gestionnaire de mots de passes. Ne notez votre mot de passe nulle part ! Pas sur votre téléphone, pas sur votre ordinateur, ni au dos de votre liste de courses !       Étape 3: Sécurisez votre ordinateur Scannez votre ordinateur fréquement afin d'éliminer les malware, keyloggers et autres virus. Faites les mise à jour système lorsqu'elles sont disponible: n'attendez pas plusieurs semaines, car elles contiennent souvent d'importantes amélioration de sécurité. Si possible, faites en sorte d'être le seul à vous servir de votre ordinateur.       Étape 4: Amis & Famille ? Partager votre compte Firestorm avec vos amis, ou votre famille est fortement déconseillé: moins il y a de personnes qui connaissent vos identifiants, mieux c'est pour la sécurité de votre compte. Essayez d'adopter ces bonnes pratiques: Fermez votre session / déconnectez vous de Firestorm lorsque vous vous éloignez de votre ordinateur Ne divulguez pas vos mots de passe à vos amis / famille, et ne les laissez pas acceder à votre téléphone qui contient votre application Authy.       Récapitulons: Choisissez un mot de passe fort, unique, que seul vous connaissez. Vérifiez votre adresse mail, et installez un authenticator (de préférence Authy). Ne cliquez sur aucun lien douteux, et gardez votre ordinateur en "bonne santé" en le scannant régulièrement pour le protéger contre les virus & malwares. Aucun membre du staff ne vous demandera votre mot de passe. Ne le divulguez JAMAIS. Ne partagez votre compte avec personne, pas même des amis ou de la famille. Tous ces conseils sont dans votre intérêt, afin que personne ne vous vole quoi que ce soit, et que votre compte reste le votre !       FAQ: Question: J'ai perdu l'accès à mon authenticator, et je n'ai pas mes codes de récupération, que faire ? Réponse: Vous pouvez faire un ticket sur le support en fournissant le plus de preuves possibles que le compte vous appartient. Question: Quelqu'un m'a "hack" et a supprimé mes personnages et items. Réponse: Pour ce qui concerne les personnages, vous pouvez les restaurer sur la boutique, mais on ne pourra rien faire de plus: votre compte est sous votre responsabilité, c'est pour cela qu'il vous faut le protéger ! Question: Quelqu'un m'a volé mon compte, que faire ? Réponse: Techniquement, nous ne pouvons rien faire pour vous, comme expliqué dans cet article. Vous pouvez toujours faire un ticket sur le support en fournissant le plus de preuves possibles que le compte vous appartient.  
      L'Équipe Firestorm France
    • Asmondya

      L'équipe Firestorm France   04/03/2023

          Voici les membres des différents pôles de l'équipe Firestorm France    Veuillez noter qu'aucun membre du staff ne vous demandera votre mot de passe !    
    • Asmondya

      Liste des instances disponibles sur Oribos   05/03/2023

      Voici la liste des instances disponibles sur le royaume Oribos (Shadowlands) Nous savons que beaucoup d'entre vous aiment passer du temps sur les anciens contenus. Nous les avons donc tous testés et avons établi une liste avec l'état de chaque instance (fonctionne entièrement, partiellement, pas du tout). Cependant, a chaque patch, mise à jour ou correctif, il se peut qu'une d'entre elles soit affectée. Nous vous invitons donc à répondre à ce post si vous jugez qu'une des instances a changé. Par exemple : Suite à un patch, une instance qui fonctionnait entièrement a changé et un boss n'est plus faisable. Il vous suffit dans ce cas de nous le notifier en réponse au post et nous irons faire de nouveaux tests sur l'instance, puis en fonction de nos résultats nous vous répondrons et mettrons la liste à jour.  


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Tout ce qui a été posté par hangover

  1. Dude i know you are raging coz you're supposed to be a respected gladiator, but here is the screen where we won you easy dude. So get a life and mind your own business Mr.firecrown. try to up your your rate instead of trying to get rid of people who own you in arena.
  2. Name : Xsunde Date : 5/25/2016 Description : lots of mistakes and misunderstanding have been done. I talked with my mates and they said maybe they can't give us back our rate after the reset, So i thought maybe that's the reason why we couldn't fix this matter. I'll tell you what ; we'll settle with the debann no need for the rate as we can reup that once again and no harm feelings. Just one thing people like this kid who posted at the first place must be punished pointing fingers and accusing people for things they didn't do. Thanks
  3. Nom du joueur: Xsunde Joueur accusé : NàN date : 22/5/2016 Description du problème : Dear Subriana: Now we all know we didn't fake our matches as we were accused. we are now accused that we didn't report players who left against us in v3 as almost all the other players didn't do. We found their names after a long search on the website history... So you're telling me that everybody has to stop playing quit the game and go to the website just to look for the player who left the arena against him and go post it every single time. Do you really think banning our accounts for 15 days and reset our rating is the suitable punishment for not reporting other players ?. Also as i showed almost all high rated players had people leave against them, but did not report anything. Are you gonna ban them and reset their ratings as well ? It doesn't matter if its 2 games or 3 games or 6 games if there is a rule telling us to report a player it must be applied even for 1 game. The 6 games they left on gave us +12 rating which is nothing, its not my job to go look for whoever did it. I am gonna pull out screens from the website showing people having +12 or more and didn't report nor post anything about it, so its only fair to either ban them all or deban us. In my opinion you need to deban us take that 12 out of our rating i'll be happy with my 2325-12 = 2313 that i have earned you can't just take it away because i didnt report somebody and reduce the 15 days to 3 or even just a warning. Here is an example of the guy reported "Firecrown" us having a blank game of +20, And "osefdetoi" with 6 blank matches (like us) of +40. You know what to do i guess. Looking forward to hearing from you. Chat Conversation End
  4. [Traitée] proof#2 (Xsunde)

    Nom du joueur: Xsunde Joueur accusé : NàN date : 22/5/2016 Description du problème : there we go again. Attached you will find screens from the top 2 players in v2 and the new top2 in v3 (after our removal from the pvp list). Having blank matches which is the same thing that happened to us and am sure every other rated player. people sometimes leave in arena after they see their opponents or whatever, i have no clue its not our problem. As you can see in the sreens they also have matches with blank opponents with 0 dmg during the match. So if you gonna keep us banned you might wanna ban almost every rated player in the server... Chat Conversation End
  5. Nom du joueur: Xsunde Joueur accusé : NàN date : 22/5/2016 Description du problème : Well my french isn't that good, so I am going to allow my self to speak in English. I came to know that my account along with my mates (Destrukt and Xiyadmska) got banned for 15days and our rating got reset accusing us with fake matches to get rated Attached with this post you will find all the screens from our match history showing all games we played to get from 2000 to 2325 in exactly 149 match (135 win:14 loss) the screens will be detailed showing every single game as we took out lots of high rated players in v3 to get where we are and thank god the last day we were up against a team from tournament ( Dirtysprite, Fluxiate, Talksickbtw) who were streaming so you will also have a twitch video on top of the screens. I mean how on earth did you get that idea ? because some jealous kid went and made a plainte, that's a reason to ban players ? you really want people to quit playing on your servers ? We spent so many hours playing and making strats to get to rank 1 in 3v3 then this happens ? are kiddin me ? please take a moment and look at this as it is very important for our sake and this servers sake.. Before that i want to express my self a bit coz this matter got to my nerves.I have to say I am very disappointed and displeased with what happened, I was starting to like this server very much and started to tell my friends how the Pvp level is quite nice but then this.... What is so sad is that the MJ who took action didn't even bother one bit to go and take one look at our history and see for him self if the accusation was in place or not. Mr/Mrs Subriana please take a look at all the attachment i will post and see for yourself. You should know better that when people leave in arena it'll show a blank in match history. Last day we played there was a team out of 2 hunts and a warrior, they were so bad that they didn't feel like confronting us they just left, this happens to every rated person in wow. You cant ban people for thing we have no control off as a wow MJ you should know these things. it is absolutely wrong. our record show all the games we played and how we progressed to where we got today at 2325 rating( off course before you reseted it ....) So am asking you to deban us and give us our rating back. Here is the screens and twitch video. I'll be following this post, so don't hesitate to ask for any further information. Here is that mage (Talksickbtw) twitch link with the minutes they played against us. we played 14 games : 12 wins - 2 losses i got my rate up from 2268 to almost 2300. https://www.twitch.tv/skoolboyx/v/67630209 22:00min 28:40 min 45:00 min 54:00 min 1:15:00 min 1:22:00 min 1:26:00 min .One last funny thing i had to add. According to you and to this guy who posted. The first match our opponents left ( the 1st blank game) I already had 2297 rating. So you really think i managed to up this high then decided to fake my matchs to get that extra +12 (+2*6) according to the last screen or what ? and then decided to stop faking and went back to playing normal as the last two games show. This is really ridiculous i have to say. Chat Conversation End
  6. linking games at 1400 rating lol we weren't even trying back then kiddo. Good thing i know now for sure that's u're the one who started all this. wait till we get debaned you're one pathetic little nerd who has nothing better to do with his life other than false accusations. After the MJ's look at all the proofs everyone will know that you're that jealous little kid who's trying to get players who has more rating banned. And yeah instead of wasting you're time posting crap harassing others, try going to school because your English suck. But again you're probably like 12 years old or something.
  7. yeah and ps : we play our tournament charachters first to warm up kid, not the way you do your thing, but clearly since you think this way it means that you're the one who has fake matching attitude.
  8. usebugg double buff in arena
  9. [Traitée] reponse a pulsar

    accusing : lock called pulsar name : veevnhigh Topic : responding to pulsar The thing is you're pathetic going thru all this to just get me banned. I won the match not even getting less than 60% health me and my mate. It was an easy match up, even if i didnt have no buffs at all i would have beaten you over and over. Dude you suck and this is your only way to get back at me. I really hope that the admin who banned me whoulda used his time to fix the bug instead. because wars must change their shouts during the game and when i do want to switch from dps shout to the def shout it stacks (which is not my fault). Going back to my point mr pulsar i will get back and i will win you in arena with no shouts at all and hopefully i will have that posted here. cheers
  10. [Traitée] counter acussation

    accusing : lock called pulsar name : veevnhigh Topic : i just got banned for no actual reason. Hello i go by the game name of veevnhigh i just got banned for 5 days and am here to counter that. This pulsar guy is raging because i beat him hard in arena and his screens prove nothing. I am playing with a dicipline priest as a war so that Hit point buff doesn't change any thing as i can get the same buff from the priest. i did not mean to UB and i would still win if i didnt have it because we could have the same buff. please consider banning players like this kid for harrasing any1 who would get the best out of him instead of baanning people on such short notice.