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Found 1 result

  1. Wrath of The Lich King Hello, Team Tuxedo wants to introduce a new style of making our tables. We hope that you like the new colorful style. This list of dungeons and raids is for expansion Wrath of The Lich King (WoTLK) Every Raid/Dungeon name works as a link that transfers you to WoWHead Quick guide on how this list works: Works properly on both difficulties -> Works on Normal / Heroic without difficulties. Works Properly -> Works correctly on the only difficulty there is. Works with difficulties (read below) -> Something doesn’t work / one of the difficulties isn’t scripted. Not working -> This Boss, Dungeon or Raid doesn’t work. Raids Vault of Archavon: Archavon the stone Watcher -> Works properly on both difficulties Emalon the Storm Watcher -> Works properly on both difficulties Koralon the Flame Watcher -> Works properly on both difficulties Toravon the Ice Watcher -> Works properly on both difficulties This raid works properly with no problems in it. You can start any boss you want and it will work. Naxxramas: Anub’Rekhan -> Works properly on both difficulties Grand Widow Faerlina -> Works properly on both difficulties Maexxna -> Works properly on both difficulties Noth the Plaguebringer -> Works properly on both difficulties Heigan the Unclean -> Works properly on both difficulties Loatheb -> Works properly on both difficulties Instructor Razuvious -> Works properly on both difficulties Gothik the Harvester -> Works properly on both difficulties The Four Horsemen -> Works properly on both difficulties Patchwerk -> Works properly on both difficulties Grobbulus -> Works properly on both difficulties Gluth -> Works properly on both difficulties Thaddius -> Works properly on both difficulties Sapphiron -> Works properly on both difficulties Kel’Thuzad -> Works properly on both difficulties This raid works properly with no problems with it. The only tricky thing inside this dungeon is boss Sapphiron you have to clear whole raid and wait till he spawn. The Obsidian Sanctum: Sartharion -> Works properly on both difficulties This raid works properly with no problems with it. The Eye of Eternity: Malygos -> Not Working on both difficulties This raid works but after killing Malygos you can’t leave the instance because the portal doesn’t work. Since you drop from the dragon you will fall in an endless death loop, You can’t use (Portal, Teleport, or Heartstone). Ulduar: Flame Leviathan -> Works with difficulties (read below) Ignis the Frunace Master -> Works properly Razorscale -> Works properly XT-002 Deconstructor -> Works properly The Assembly of Iron -> Works properly Kologarn -> Works properly Auriaya -> Works properly Hodir -> Works with difficulties (read below) Thorim -> Not Working Freya -> Works with difficulties (read below) Mimiron -> Not Working General Vezax -> Works properly Yogg-Saron -> Not Working Algalon the Observer -> Not Working This raid works with some specific difficulties. Boss Flame Leviathan will despawn when you don’t start him in the vehicle. After attacking him few times you can get out and finish him as your 120 character. Doing it in the vehicle is not good because the vehicle is locked on the level of a raid. Boss Hodir is working properly with loot but after killing him he will not spawn in the main hall as he should. Boss Thorim will instakill you all the time. The strategy doesn’t work. Boss Freya is working properly with loot but after killing her she will not spawn in the main hall as she should. Boss Mimiron you are not able to get to him because the “TRAIN” doesn’t work. Boss Yogg-Saron and Algalon the Observer we can’t say 100% that they don’t work because we weren’t able to get them after killing boss General Vezax doors behind him don’t open. Trial of the Crusader: The Northrend Beasts -> Works properly on all difficulties Lord Jaraxxus -> Works properly on all difficulties Champions of the Alliance -> Works properly on all difficulties Twin Val’kyr -> Works properly on all difficulties Anub’arak -> Works properly on all difficulties This raid works properly with no problems with it. Onyxia’s Lair: Onyxia -> Works properly on all difficulties This raid works properly with no problems with it. Icecrown Citadele: Lord Marrowgar -> Works properly on all difficulties Lady Deathwhisper -> Works properly on all difficulties Icecrown Gunship Battle -> Not Working Deathbringer Saurfang -> Works properly on all difficulties Festergut -> Works properly on all difficulties Rotface -> Works properly on all difficulties Professor Putricide -> Works with difficulties (read below) Blood Prince Council -> Works properly on all difficulties Blood-Queen Lana’thel -> Works properly on all difficulties Valithria Dreamwalker -> Not Working Sindragosa -> Works properly on all difficulties The Lich King -> Works with difficulties (read below) This raid works with some specific difficulties. Boss Icecrown Gunship Battle doesn’t work (you can’t start this fight) Boss Professor Putricide works only on N10, N25, and HC10. We advise you to start with Festergut and then go to Rotface. Boss Valithria Dreamwalker you can’t heal her up after reaching a specific amount of health she will disappear and you are not able to continue the boss fight. Boss The Lich King because of Professor Putricide on HC25 you are not able to start him (ONLY HC25). The Ruby Sanctum: Halion -> Works properly on all difficulties This raid works properly with no problems in it. Dungeons Utgarde Keep: Prince Keleseth -> Works properly on both difficulties Skarvald the Constructor -> Works properly on both difficulties Dalronn the Controller -> Works properly on both difficulties Ingvar the Plunderer -> Works with difficulties (read below) This dungeon works with some specific difficulties. Boss Ingvar the Plunderer is not working on HC only on Normal. The Nexus: Commander Stoutbeard (HC) -> Works properly Grand Magus Telestra -> Works properly on both difficulties Anomalus -> Works properly on both difficulties Ormorok the Tree-Shaper -> Works properly on both difficulties Keristrasza -> Works properly on both difficulties This dungeon works properly with no problems in it. Azjol-Nerub: Krik’thir the Gatewatcher -> Works properly on both difficulties Hadronox -> Not Working Anub’arak -> Works properly on both difficulties This dungeon works with some specific difficulties. Boss Hadronox is not present in a dungeon on both difficulties Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom: Elder Nadox -> Works properly on both difficulties Prince Taldaram -> Works properly on both difficulties Jedoga Shadowseeker -> Works properly on both difficulties Herald Volazj -> Works properly on both difficulties Amanitar (HC) -> Works properly This dungeon works properly with no problems in it. Drak’Tharon Keep: Trollgore -> Works properly on both difficulties Novos the Summoner -> Works properly on both difficulties King Dred -> Works properly on both difficulties The Prophet Tharon’ja -> Works properly on both difficulties This dungeon works properly with no problems in it. The Violet Hold: Erekem -> Not Working Moragg -> Not Working Ichoron -> Not Working Xevozz -> Not Working Lavanthor -> Not Working Zuramat the Obliterator -> Not Working Cyanigosa -> Not Working This dungeon doesn’t work. There seems to be no way of starting the encounter. Gundrak: Sald’ran -> Works properly on both difficulties Drakkari Colossus -> Works properly on both difficulties Moorabi -> Works properly on both difficulties Gal’darah -> Works with difficulties (read below) Eck the Ferocious (HC) -> Works properly This dungeon works with some specific difficulties. Boss Gal’darah the bridge from Drakkari Colossus to him is not solid. Doable through heroic leap. Halls of Stone: Maiden of Grief -> Works properly on both difficulties Krystallus -> Works properly on both difficulties Tribunal of Ages -> Not Working Sjonnir The Ironshaper -> Works properly on both difficulties This dungeon works with some specific difficulties. Boss Tribunal of Ages isn’t working Player will get insta-killed. Halls of Lightning: General Bjarngrim -> Works properly on both difficulties Volkhan -> Works properly on both difficulties Ionar -> Works properly on both difficulties Loken -> Works properly on both difficulties This dungeon works properly with no problems in it. Utgarde Pinnacle: Svala Sorrowgrave -> Not Working Gortok Palehoof -> Works properly on both difficulties Skadi the Ruthless -> Works properly on both difficulties King Ymiron -> Works properly on both difficulties This dungeon works with some specific difficulties. Boss Svala Sorrowgrave isn’t working you are not able to start encounter/ attack target. The Culling of Stratholme: Meathook -> Not Working Salramm the Fleshcrafter -> Not Working Chrono-Lord Epoch -> Not Working Mal’Ganis -> Not Working Infinite Corruptor (HC) -> Not Working This dungeon doesn’t work. After the first dialog, Arthas enters, however, does not continue. Trial of the Champion: Ambrose Boltspark -> Works properly on both difficulties Colosos -> Works properly on both difficulties Jacob Alerius -> Works properly on both difficulties Jaelyne Evensong -> Works properly on both difficulties Lana stouthammer -> Works properly on both difficulties Argent Confessor -> Works properly on both difficulties The Black Knight -> Works properly on both difficulties This dungeon works properly with no problems in it. Halls of Reflection: Falric -> Not Working Marwyn -> Not Working The Lich King -> Not Working This dungeon doesn’t work. Not able to enter, quest required, unable to obtain the quest. Pit of Saron: Forgemaster Garfrost -> Not Working Krick & Ick -> Not Working Scourgelord Tyrannus -> Not Working This dungeon doesn’t work. Not able to enter, quest required, unable to obtain the quest. The Forge of Souls: Bronjahm -> Works properly on both difficulties Devourer of Souls -> Works properly on both difficulties This dungeon works properly with no problems in it. The Oculus: Drakos the Interrogator -> Works properly on both difficulties Varos Cloudstrider -> Works properly on both difficulties Mage-Lord Urom -> Works properly on both difficulties Ley-Guardian Eregos -> Works properly on both difficulties This dungeon works properly with no problems in it. That's it, for this week. Our team is working on another expansion already. If there are any questions feel free to ask. Team Tuxedo