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Everything posted by Tableattack

  1. Hello, today i got frustrated enough to go on forum so I could ask everyone .. is there a way to combat BG afkers? To be honest I dont mind people afking in Epic BGs, there is a lot of people, sometimes it lags so i understand if someone uses it only as a way to earn some easy honor points but what can you do in normal BGs ? Today I was playing Arathi Basin, 10 people joined, one logged out even before it started so we had 1 offline whole time, second one stood on spawn whole BG and had 0 dmg in the end, how am I supposed to win BG when 2 out of 10 people dont play? Report button seems to do absolutely nothing, is there a way to get those people punished or ATLEAST kicked ? It is really ruining pvp experience... Why not just make it that if u get reported and not move for a whole minute then 1 minute cooldown starts tick and if you still dont move you get kicked?
  2. Thank you, will do