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About Focuslow

Firestorm User

  • Name Focuslow
  • Class Hunter
  • Level 110
  • Realm Sylvanas
  • Race Orc

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  1. There are still issues with normal/heroic mode you should focus on those first...
  2. I'm not asking for free AK, I'm giving you suggestion because from my point of view I cant move to better content because every guild (which raids) I saw so far accept players only with this some absurd amount of traits and ilvl which I can't get also pvp feels kinda weird since you still miss so much in comparison to other people, also 3rd relic only after 25 traits is bit overkill with this slow progression. So no I'm not asking for free AK, I'm telling you that it feels frustrating because I'm not in shape to compete against players who just were longer on the server eventhough I might be actually better at the game - that's why there should be catch up mechanism (not to skip the grind, but to have a chace against other players). I know it would take a new player almost half a year just to get to that spot where 25ak players are now and by that time they will be even further then because after half a year there might be other raid and people will do older raids less often and new players still won't be the guys that guilds( if you even get to a one since you are lacking behind) would take to the new raid. New players will just stay behind forever.We are trying to help you here not get "free AK".
  3. Yes some catch up mechanic is really needed, I joined this server 12 days ago and got 110 few days back, yesterday I got my first atrifact knowledge note and I can tell you from my new player experience that the feeling of everyone selling chars with almost all artifact traits for all their specs and full knowledge like its nothing is really bad. While getting lvl 25 knowledge with 5days research and shop takes way too long I can only see this unavoidable time grind( or its not really a grind since you could grind more this is just the 5 days and thats it) . I will be missing so many important spells for a really long time if it continues like this. 1 knowledge note from shop will take about 2months for me with speed with which I get LP. So all in all you get lvl 25 with help of using shop (which will shorter the time by about something like 10 days which is kinda nothing- not even 10% faster)in something like almost half a year. Even on retail you get shorter research and also knowledge is power quest. Please make this happen - the price has to be reduced to about 50 LP to be worth it or add "knowledge is power" quest or shorthen research times. This is my experience as newcomer to the community.