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About tridoxx

  1. This tutorial is in Spanish, but it is made to follow the step by step and it will work correctly Hello everyone, a launcher has been created to be able to install firestorm in linux, the following video explains step by step how, this has already been approved by the server administrators, so I post it, so that anyone who wants to play it can enter. the requirements for its use are to have lutris, wine, dxvk and graphics card drivers installed. debian-based systems such as ubuntu are recommended, I RECOMMEND USING POP_OS! Since it has many packages pre-installed and pre-compiled, remember that almost the entire process will depend on your Internet download speed, in the description of the video there are the links to the system and more. Thank you very much to the server admins, for allowing me to make an official post, since the idea of this is to make the firestorm community grow, and gaming on linux.