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Everything posted by CookieMonster666

  1. if it whould be names like "saggytits,Dickdweller,Inbredator,Suzidebomba or something similar i whould understand it, even i reported some People for their names but imo even we Derpstorm SJW´s can stop to Report everybody like come on you dont Need to be overly strict with shit, let em have fun as Long as it´s mildly offensive like calling someone "fucking unsocial scum" or "pve scum" we can look away. Have Fun though Git Gud Rek em All duh Skulldancer the Report Machine
  2. affliction

    well i cant talk here from the viewpoint of a lock but from a fury warrior,the aoe dmg is kinda okay if you take in the overall bugs of the fury spec, i can keep up my 400k+ aoe 3+targets with ease, only single target sucks hard i drop there too down to round 100k, due to the fact i see only destro locks in pvp since a few weeks there needs to be something wrong with the affli spec, affli is not even a threat in pvp like it was a few updates before.
  3. Title: Missing Heirlooms Type: Shop Description:  Hi, i whould like to suggest the addition of the missing heirlooms which are unobtainable atm due to the fact required steps are missing, the heirlooms missing are; Eagletalon Spear Admiral Taylor´s Loyalty Ring Captain Sander´s Returned Band Defending Champion Returning Champion Signet of the Third Fleet Touch of the Void those are all missing heirlooms the rest of the heirlooms is obtainable via the shop, a normal heirloom price of 120LP can be deemed okay. if there are any question feel free to pm me
  4. same what Whispy said.
  5. Skulldancer - An outcast Orc abandoned after saving an innocent Nightelf Child which was attacked by a Troll Hunting party near the Moonglades,badly wounded he fell into some kind of Bloodlust induced trance, killing the hunting party while weaving his Swords; Agony And Despair(Skyhold Claymore´s) like a dancer in the Spotlight, falling into a coma after the battle. As he awoke he was interrogated by the Darnassian Guards due to the fact an Orc nearly never showed up in most northern Alliance Territory. Due to his wounds the Guards gave him back his heirlooms and the Nightelf Child known as Mireilly survived without any harm......besides the mental anguish she encountered by witnessing the massacre the Orc induced under the Troll Party. Due to his Battle Style he is no longer known as Begrhon Goresword......his nickname from now on was Skulldancer. (for real i am getting kinda rusty the last time i did RP was at wow vanilla, i really tried XD)