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About Røzàlià

Firestorm User

  • Name Snéàky
  • Guild Disconnected
  • Class Rogue
  • Level 110
  • Realm Sylvanas
  • Race Undead

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  1. Dear Firestorm Devs and managers . we obviously did not ask for cross faction and we obviously don't need it . this will make our Word Of Warcraft experience basically dead , the game is about war between 2 faction and its fun since we have enemy to fight .
  2. Title: ingame items that should be able to have it ? Type: In-game Description:  Hello iv been playing on the server since it was name pandashan , we had cool staff to buy with vote points , yep if u didn't know we were voting to get shop points , and when the game kept improving , fixing majority of the scripts / raids / items was getting harder i know i know ... but selling items that should be free in game and Not fixing it + selling it for real money currency is really upsetting , is there any chance to change it at least to in-game points . its really sad to have that much number of bugged raids . i hope any manager could do something about it
  3. Title: cross realm Type: In-game Description:  we didn't ask to play with a pvp tournament ' greymane ' with us in sylvanas ... i wish that they can play with them selfs cuz some of them unskilled and it's not fun to play with them ... this player in screenshot is trying to revive from his corpse in Bg ... you know what i mean ? please do somthing about this we don't want this players with us ... they are not skilled enough ... afks ... and even not fair i suggest a vote if you don't mind it but ... every one gone vote be sure to delete all his greymane players cuz they wont mind to stay ' i wish so bad to remove cross realm
  4. thanks ^^ <3
  5. hu hu hu ! calm down dude !
  6. great hh somone agree with me ^^
  7. stop thinking about pve when we are talking about a duel ! its just a cooldown rest not flying hack ... Dude what happend here ???
  8. we are playing ! not waiting for cooldown to rest ! Btw ! this system are still working on bigest servers ! and all about saving time ! nothing els !
  9. its good idia to save time !
  10. you prefer wait till the cooldown and doing nothing ?
  11. i played in some servers before and they have a cool trick that before the duel starts all the cooldown rest like in arena ! its good trick and if the developers add it that should be fantastic ^^