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Everything posted by andyblast

  1. The ability to make >1 DH per acc has been blocked on bfa. 1st DH can be made if u get a 70 on that acc.
  2. To a certain Owlkin i know, who shall remain nameless: Sinister means Left. Another example that right is RIGHT Nice guide..
  3. Thanks a bunch alt. Now here is my grief: " You will find a portal to Arathi Highlands in your main BfA city. ".... What business do you have helping the horde, traitor JK always super helpful guides.
  4. Also, a Hoplon (from which is derived Hoplites) is an oval shield, which is interlockable to the next man's. This is a round buckler.
  5. that stupid movie made it look legit but that is a crested corinthian helm (modified, since helms were not bucket style/spangenhelm), a spartan helm is non-crested bronze casted, only upper face.
  6. bug

    Ore Prospecting (JC) is bugged in the same exact way.
  7. SO >> Gear on Shop Mounts on shop Level boost on shop Artifact boost on shop Pets on shop Tabards & Mogs on shop Titles on shop Professions on shop & now u want endgame rep on shop? What i wonder is this> why are you playing?? or is what you doing called something other than gameplay? cuz all leetness i see is that of mommy's credit card.
  8. +1
  9. Make Nelf DH, buy whatever crap u want, use the mogs, logout & log belf. U can delete nelf afterwards.
  10. Nothing in WoD Collections (mounts, pets, looms) tab transfers to ANY other realm. As an added fun, If u buy heirlooms within WoD, they wont even go into collections. So if u want to use looms ON WOD itself on an alt, u have to manually send them (old school type, not through collections tab). Its a known collections tab issue that admins are aware of since a few months at least but since nothing is moving, im guessing, its not on fix-it-soon radar.
  11. Its a dying/Dead realm with low pop (getting lower by the minute). If u r good, they will take u to antorus. Almost every raid pugs for a long time for even DPS (VERY long time for tank/heal). Unless ofc u r dead-set on chatting in green text...
  12. TLDR. MoP is the second most populated realm after BFA (sometimes double that of next one, legion). Something must be right for all those people, find a new challenge to do.
  13. Bump
  14. LOL if u think posting a large WALL of TEXT from a datamining site is how development/QA works, u my friend are in for a rude shock (here & rest of ur adult life too, since everything touches IT, but anyhow..) The data u posted is so fairly immense & the code that is needed from last update of core DB is so much that there WILL be errors, dev teams arent full of chuck norris's
  15. Same, cant make any DH.
  16. It would be only yet another way to ask for any service (carry/items/levelling boost etc) & paying with this.
  17. His mom would be so proud. Bet hes having a screenshot framed for hanging in the basement.
  18. TLDR: AH is wiped on every major expansion update, even sometimes on major content patch push. u will have full lvl 110 monkeys with profs, learn to remake the gold, its not a economy simulation game.