Cpt. Shampooing

Blackrock Foundry: Iron Maidens

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Hi everyone,

We will release the Iron Maidens encounter this 11th of July on live realms, without any loots, PvE ranking and achievement. We can't tell you when the boss will be really relased with its loots, ranking and achievement yet, it'll depend on the reported bugs, if there is any. This encounter is also available on the PTR realm.

We want you to give us feedbacks if you ever experienced any issue or something wrong during this fight. Please, use the following format:

- Raid difficulty.

- Steps for reproducing the issue.

- If possible, any image or video related to this issue.

All of these returns will help us to fix the boss faster and easier, so we can offer you a content of the best possible quality.

Thanks for your support, and enjoy your fight against the Iron Horde!

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The bosses are doable at normal at least.

There's one issue where I reported the bug but the bugtracker DEVs didn't agree on it. On a video guide it was stated that if bosses reach 100 energy before all 3 ship boards happen, meaning at least one of them is dropped bellow 20% HP before enough time passes for the 2nd or the 3rd board, maidens of course get bonus abilities, but they should also abort any future ship boards.

The last issue is with Admiral's Penetrating shot which just becomes instant at 100 energy, which akes it hard to group up and share the shot damage on time.

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1 hour ago, Tentch said:

The bosses are doable at normal at least.

There's one issue where I reported the bug but the bugtracker DEVs didn't agree on it. On a video guide it was stated that if bosses reach 100 energy before all 3 ship boards happen, meaning at least one of them is dropped bellow 20% HP before enough time passes for the 2nd or the 3rd board, maidens of course get bonus abilities, but they should also abort any future ship boards.

The last issue is with Admiral's Penetrating shot which just becomes instant at 100 energy, which akes it hard to group up and share the shot damage on time.

I will tell you for the last time. I have already confirmed everything that has been on the Report of yours. It was agnoleged, and will be worked on.

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Ill just post all the Bugs here.

-Admiral Garnars Penetrating Shot should not become Instant when one of the bosses reaches 20%.

-Enforcer Sorka. After Blade Dance. She buggs out. Only her Weapons are visible. After that. she does nothing. No Melee Attacks for several seconds untill the next abillity Occurs..

-While Morak is on Ship. The add Spawns the Pools too fast. And it targets only 1 person. It should target everyone on the Ship

-People that were on the Ship. Do not get Teleported back on the main land. Once the fight is over/wiped

-Once one of the Bosses reaches 20% All Boarding Phases should not happen anymore. Untill end of the fight

-When Sorak  is on the ship. The adds Debuff http://www.wowhead.com/spell=158686/expose-armor is suppose to be Stackable And Most Importantly. Its a suppose to be a Debuff not a Buff. So people can just Right Click it and get rid of it right now.Additional Adds are not spawning. The Main add dosent use the spell http://www.wowhead.com/spell=158692/deadly-throw

-The fight resets it self, Coz of Admiral. She is shooting at People that are on the boat. Therefore slowly moving twoards the gate. Once she goes too far. She resets the fight.  This can happen with any boss.

-Make Players on the Dreadnought Not targetable by any spells of the 3 Bosses.

-People on Dreadnought should bot get affected/targeted by Spells of Bosses.

-Sometimes. The Hooks cannot be Used. Few of them can be. Some of them cant. Its random amount


If you find any more bugs or any of these bugs that were listed working. Please, feel free to correct me :3

Edited by Sketter

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On 8/21/2016 at 0:41 AM, Sketter said:

-Admiral Garnars Penetrating Shot should not become Instant when one of the bosses reaches 20%.

It should be after 6 sec on targeted player at 30% ,100% energy


On 8/21/2016 at 0:41 AM, Sketter said:

-While Morak is on Ship. The add Spawns the Pools too fast. And it targets only 1 person. It should target everyone on the Ship

3 sec Corrupted blood pool before moving on every player on ship

The bombs should do initial landing damage (in the red/pink circle), the damage radius of bombs blast should be 7 yards not more.The damage seems a bit off on NM 

Edited by yunusmujawar

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Bosses should gain 1 energy every 6 sec or so

At 20% HP on any maiden should start Iron Will should gain 5% additional damage buff every 10 sec or so

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At 20% HP on any maiden should start Iron Will should gain 5% additional damage buff every 20 sec or so

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All reported bugs should be fixed at next realm restart, except for hooks, I still need to investigate.

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12 hours ago, Cpt. Shampooing said:


All reported bugs should be fixed at next realm restart, except for hooks, I still need to investigate.

Come on we need it fast :) don't want to go both Maidens and Black hand in back to back weeks lel :)

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At the next realm restart, the Loading Chains bug should be fixed.

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That's reassuring Ty Captain :)

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Well the listed bugs seem to have been fixed, the coding however, created some new bugs

  1.  Admiral is spawning the turrets way too frequently at 100 energy. 
  2. If the last phase starts by getting 1 boss below 20% when the other one is on the ship, the maidens will completelly bug out, disappear and reappear numourous times and pulling the raid wherever in the instance they are.

That's all for now, I might return later with some more info....

Edited by Tentch

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On 02/09/2016 at 7:13 PM, Tentch said:
  1.  Admiral is spawning the turrets way too frequently at 100 energy. 

I used the cooldown from Deadly Boss Mod AddOn, which is ~21.5 seconds.

On 02/09/2016 at 7:13 PM, Tentch said:
  1. If the last phase starts by getting 1 boss below 20% when the other one is on the ship, the maidens will completelly bug out, disappear and reappear numourous times and pulling the raid wherever in the instance they are.

I didn't changed anything about that, is that possible that this bug is existing since the beginning of the tests?

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1.After killing Admiral,Marak and Sorka are standing in one place and doing nothing...Good job with hooks,finally 6 work fine...
2.In last phase Penetration shot is instant(no red line and no casting)

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23 hours ago, Silvi said:

In last phase Penetration shot is instant(no red line and no casting)

This should be fixed at next restart.

I'll do some investigations for the other bug.

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On 5. 9. 2016 at 10:08 AM, Cpt. Shampooing said:

I used the cooldown from Deadly Boss Mod AddOn, which is ~21.5 seconds.

I didn't changed anything about that, is that possible that this bug is existing since the beginning of the tests?


After watching some more videos, the Turret frequency might be completelly correct after all. The bug with getting to the last phase when one Maiden is on the ship is probably connected to fixing the issue where ship boards were occurring even during the last phase, which is fixed now. I'm just assuming here...

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1.Admiral focus random guy
2.0 hooks work,after clear 8/10

We cannot say more,cause cannot pass first ship xD

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