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Conquest Gained In PvP

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Whats up with Conquest gain in pvp? i go 6-0 in shuffle i get +59 conquest, i go 1-5 in solo shuffle, i get +59, we're supposed to get like 400 conquest if we go 6-0 it will take months to gear up? even in 2v2 1 win is +59

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Conquest gain is fine.


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No it is not are u okay? +59 conquest for a 6-0 shuffle? xD even in 2s it should be higher than +59. and solo shuffle / 3v3's aswell. If we're basing it off of retail.


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Getting 50 conquest for 4:2, 5:1 or 6:0 lobbies is not correct. Let me mention that healers should get more conquest which they don't on Firestorm. For 6:0 you should get 354 conquest because it adds up every round won, 5:1 should give you 295. Please fix this it's actually so bugged.

Edited by Trymepls
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this is a retail example of a 4-2 solo shuffle win. +169 conquest points. on firestorm that wouldbe +59.

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28 minutes ago, Theisemma1234 said:

of a 4-2 solo shuffle win. +169 conquest points.

Firestorm | Tracker
This is an example of a place where u post bugs

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