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Everything posted by Tavari

  1. Hey, I saw your query and update it a bit to fit our db. DELETE FROM `achievement_reward` WHERE `entry`='5363'; INSERT INTO `achievement_reward` (`entry`,`title_A`,`title_H`) VALUES ('5363','225','225'); the table achievement_reward contains: entry, title_A, title_H, item_A, item_H, rewardPackId, sender, subject, text, mailTemplate and not: ID, Title, TitleH, ItemID, Sender, Subject, Body, MailTemplateID
  2. Greetings, to make it more understandable. Chromie is disabled to force the Players to do the BFA content. As Ech0 wrote it's the smoothest leveling experience and we always try to fix the upcoming bugs. Our main dev focus on the end content and externals are mainly focusing on old zones. There aren't that many externals and that's why old content isn't that well scripted. (also takes longer for us) Whenever we think that the old content works fine we will make sure to implement Chromie. Best Regards, QA Tawi
  3. Greetings, everything you did in the Beta was resetted, since it was a test phasen. Also I should mention that OBTR and Oribos aren't the same realm. The Characters from BfA got copied to SL - 10/12/2021. Best Regards, QA Tawi
  4. Hey, es ist vom OBTR und Ally funz noch nicht. Habe es vor einer Woche getestet und ein ticket für unsere Devs erstellt. VG QA Tawi
  5. Um dies zu machen gibt es mehrere Faktoren die richtig sein müssen. Dungeon Class bugs Class balance legos müssen richtig funktionieren + durch 9.1.X spells werden andere legos benutzt + andere covanents etwas um es zu vergleiche, da es 9.0 Content mit 9.1.X spell changes ist und es sowas nicht auf Retail gab Es gibt nicht wirklich eine Option es richtig zu vergleichen. @2ice0 könnte wenn überhaupt einen nur einen sehr groben vergleich zeigen... Etwas was viel sinnvoller ist, ist es ausführlich zu dokumentieren und zu erklären, was nun anders ist.
  6. Hey, ich finde es eine schöne Idee von dir, wenn du bugs findest kannst du sie mir gerne persönlich senden. Eure Reports würde ich so früh wie möglich bearbeiten. Discord: Tawi#6987 Gruß, QA Tawi
  7. Greetings, we're doing invite waves to test the stability of the server. When the Server is not stable then no one can test or do stuff on it, also we would have to limit the amout of players which can play on the server. Which mean there would be a que-timer. I hope I could help you out. Best Regards, QA Tawi
  8. Greetings, to be able to play Shadowlands you would need a beta key. To get a beta key you should register on your profile. After you have done it, you will get a notification via email, when you got accepted to play the beta (which is random) The email will have a beta key in in which you need to past into the same spot where you registered. I hope I could help you. Best Regards, QA Tawi
  9. Greetings, the server was offline for quiet a time. Right now the Server should be online. Consider, that SL is atm in beta mode and crashes/restart will happen a lot. Best Regards, QA Tawi
  10. Greetings, the sever might go offline sometimes to push some updates, but it won't be forever. (Sometimes it also just crashes because of bugs) The only reason for the realm to be shutdown forever would be to release Shadowlands. I hope I could help you understanding why the server goes off sometimes. Best Regards, QA Tawi
  11. Neo hat sich Furchtlos aufgelöst oder hattest du nur einfach Lust auf etwas neues? Das letzte mal wo ich etwas von dir hörte warst du Lead oder sowas in Furchtlos...
  12. Hey, please don't change the quest_template. If it's disabled use the disables table. DELETE FROM `disables` WHERE `sourceType`=1 AND `entry` IN (9419, 9422); INSERT INTO `disables` (`sourceType`, `entry`, `flags`, `comment`) VALUES (1, 9419, 0, 'Deprecated quest: Scouring the Desert'), (1, 9422, 0, 'Deprecated quest: Scouring the Desert');
  13. Hey, wir wissen selber noch nicht ob wir es einbringen oder nicht. Es wir wahrscheinlich erstmal geschaut wie wichtig es ist, aber weiteres kann und darf ich dir nicht preisgeben. Gruß, QA Tawi
  14. guild

  15. guild

    Hey, bitte vermeide Upload Seiten hier. Wir können nicht sicherstellen, dass sich hinter diesem Bild-link ein legitimer link ist oder ein Scam verbirgt. Sie können versuchen die Bilder hier hochzuladen. (In PM) Zwei vertrauenswürdige Seiten die ich ihn anvertrauen kann sind Imgur oder Gyazo. Viel Erfolg in der Zukunft, QA Tawi
  16. Greetings, I removed "Reference", "QuestRequired" and "Comment". Also renamed "MinCount" to "minccountOrRef" and "Chance" to "ChanceOrQuestChance". This item is only avalible for the players which have the quest for it. Therefore we need to set ChanceOrQuestChance = -100. DELETE FROM `gameobject_loot_template` WHERE `entry`='245368'; INSERT INTO `gameobject_loot_template` (`entry`, `item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `lootmode`, `groupid`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`) VALUES (245368, 130891, -100, 1, 0, 10, 10); Best Regards, QA Tawi
  17. Greetings, because of invalid columns I had to update your Query. DELETE FROM `fishing_loot_template` WHERE `entry`='10052'; INSERT INTO `fishing_loot_template` (`Entry`, `Item`, `ChanceOrQuestChance`, `lootMode`, `groupId`, `mincountOrRef`, `maxcount`) VALUES ('10052', '168302', '49', '1', '1', '1', '3'), -- 'Viper Fish' ('10052', '168646', '48', '1', '1', '1', '3'), -- 'Mauve Stinger' ('10052', '162515', '3', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Midnight Salmon' ('10052', '160930', '0.3', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Barnacled Greateaxe' ('10052', '154796', '0.3', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Crumbling Chain Sabatons' ('10052', '154779', '0.3', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Raptured Plate Stompers' ('10052', '154787', '0.3', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Unraveling Cloth Shirt' ('10052', '160927', '0.2', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Chipped Stone Hatchet' ('10052', '154770', '0.2', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Cracked Hide Belt' ('10052', '154771', '0.2', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Cracked Hide Boots' ('10052', '154801', '0.2', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Crumbling Chain Belt' ('10052', '160925', '0.2', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Crusty Cutlass' ('10052', '160934', '0.2', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Mud-Soaked Crossbow' ('10052', '154785', '0.2', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Raptured Plate Belt' ('10052', '154792', '0.2', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Unraveling Cloth Cord' ('10052', '154788', '0.2', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Unraveling Cloth Sandals' ('10052', '167059', '0.11', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- 'Chum' ('10052', '168155', '0.01', '1', '1', '1', '1'); -- 'Chum-Quest Item' Best Regards, QA Tawi
  18. In general it's not allowed. Kind Regards, QA Tawi
  19. Greetings, please report bugs on our bugtracker. Keep in mind to give certain information: Which Server you play on and the characters/fraction Describe as much as you can about your issue Post links of the NPC/Gameobject/Quest or spell Give us a screenshot or a video where we can see the issue These information are helping us to find and fix the problem. Best Regards, QA Tawi
  20. Greetings, First, thank you guys for your effort. This list may help us in the future to improve our old content. One little thing I noticed that you wrote it’s 8.2.5 but right now we’re running on 8.2.0. Would it be possible to include Bugtracker reports into it instead of a little sentence in the end? It’s not needed but there you could do a better description about what the issues are and include links of bosses/spells or screenshots to make our work easier. Best Regards, QA Tawi
  21. Greetings @2ice0, We like to see that you're hyped for Shadowlands, but be considered that it will take a while until we can release it. Best Regards, QA Tawi
  22. Greetings @Alexiuly, on the WoD server are more then 20 players. It just depends on the time you're checking the activity. From what I have noticed they have 50+ players. Kind Regards, QA Tawi
  23. Greetings @anton brun ytterhaug, I just checked our Database to see if you're right and I noticed that the item has a really low drop chance. You need to farm mobs which have a high drop chance. Kind Regards, QA Tawi
  24. Greetings, please report bugs on the Bugtracker. Best Regards, QA Tawi