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Everything posted by Damzad

  1. I don't know why but somehow there are now 2 rank 1 gladiator titles for sale on the shop...The Sinister Gladiator and Dread gladiator. This is a terrible idea, I know the firestorm staff wants to make quick money but this is really the best thing to do if yo want to kill competitve arena. Whats the point and motivation to queu up in 2s or 3s if the rewards you get at the end of the season are for sale on the shop ? The best would be to remove it quickly and repay the people who bought them
  2. Are you sure about that ? I can still the titles on the shop tho
  3. I haven't queud on that server in over a year but sure
  4. Who really cares about those titles, you can now purchase them on the shop "Sinister gladiator" and Dreadful gladiator", this server is a joke..
  5. Same issue here, I quit wow for a while and decided to re-download the game. I am a Mac Osx player and never had any issues with the game. Now I get the same message as you.
  6. Just look at the 3v3 bracket and pick each class from there, world pvp is as idiotic as pve