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About classicwolf

  1. Sorry for my bad English in advance. DEVELOPERS AND GAME MODERATORS/ADMINISTRATORS OF FIRESTORM!!! i play on the BFA server and i experiance so many bugs that i cant count anymore i played this game on Mis of Pandaria same stuff pls fix it. IMPORTANT READ IT! Blizzard rules state that if a exspansion is not new like right now shadowlands and BFA being a old expension now you can legally ask them for the game script of BFA yes it will cost you money but there is more ways to make money than just extorting your player base please fix it i love this private server and i cant even play it others wont join me because of how buggy the game is if you could put it on the forums i PROMISE you people will provide the money if you do buy the games original script for BFA and then you can use that script as a referance and use it to fix the other expensions so pls do this. now you must be wondering well how are we suppose to profit then ? simple set up a support for that people can support you make it so if people dont want to wait in que's to play the game they can pay a fee for that every week/month setup shops so that people can buy gear cause people who play on private servers dont have that much time or are impatient to wait so they buy it. this is how they have make money and they make ALOT OF IT!!! so pls FireStorm fix it and thank you for reading this. also if you did please respond you would give the community some hope. and for random people reading this tell me bellow do you agree to this ?