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Everything posted by mitsumune

  1. Hello, it's been almost two weeks since i finished with achievement "Chapter I: Call of the Archmage" on both characters Iressa (Alliance) and Zaera (Horde). I obtained 640 rings Solium Band of Wisdom and Solium Band of Dexterity after finished with Skyreach and continued to do this questline until finished with quests in Nagrand and got new ones for obtaining stones from Highmaul. These rings supposed to be changed to 680 Timeless Solium Band of the Archmage and Timeless Solium Band of the Assassin but it didn't happen because of a bug. My friends who did them with me got the same issue and reported about this, one of them got his ring for agility but me and others still stay with 640 ones. I also made a ticket on bugtracker, wrote an ingame ticket and spoke to Russian support that promised my request will be fixed but it's been two days since i had that talk and my situation didn't change. I hope you will be able to change them in the game like you helped my friend, please do this. I will add both screenshots confirming my progress and current rings i have. Thank you.
  2. Thank you, my problem was solved by Russian Firestorm support today and i got my both rings